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Read about a man who was kidnapped by a group of men, these men had him strapped down to a table. They made small holes in his arms and belly using an awl, and they sucked the wounds continuously. Eventually the victim 'turned blue' and died. Found it really strange how it actually killed him. It was just a bit of suction.



What a horrible story! I wonder at the mental health of people who make and repeat these stories, and am skeptical that they’re sourced from any real news or criminal records. What’s your source for this, Lisa? I suspect it’s not a credible one.


Found it really strange how it actually killed him. It was just a bit of suction.

No, it was “made small holes in his arms and belly”, “small” in this context being made “using a awl”, which makes a much larger hole than a hypodermic needle, which the penetrated tissues can safely seal. Stabbing an animal enough times with such a large weapon will result in enough bleeding that death results even without suctioning the wounds.


Rephrasing the story “a man had holes stuck in him, his bodily fluids sucked out, and died”, it should sound inevitably sensible, regardless of the reader’s knowledge of biology.

  • 2 weeks later...

...and here is the identical topic, on the other forum, posted by Stevennewt (a.k.s. Ladygaia, Gaiagirl95, Frank Baker, Gabbysheller etc etc):


"LisaL" my arse.

Yeah, he or she (or I guess I could just use an invented pronoun like “zhe”) does seem focused on a theme.


Zhe’s been polite about it here at hypography, usually avoiding running afoul our “don’t make unsupported claims” by posting in the form of a question rather than a claim. Debunking these stories can be fun, though the fun does tend to wear out with repetition.


We try to extent our “science for everyone” motto to include folk of an other than conventionally scientific bent, perhaps naively. I take some inspiration from the title of Carl Sagan’s old book “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark”. The world in the view of people who believe in spontaneous human combustion and murderous man-pigs isn’t quite supernatural, but it’s surely dark and frightful, and in need of some scientific illumination.


OK fair enough. On other forums the use of multiple identities (LisaL , Corvidus) is treated as sockpuppetry and prohibited, while sending identical topics to multiple sites can be treated as spamming, but I realise the policy here may be more relaxed. 

  • 5 weeks later...

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