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If people don't share my beliefs why sould I feel threatened? I spent 11 months in mental hospitals and have been labled a psycopathic personality, schizoaffective disorder. After many years of finding myself reacting in unreasonable manners and wrecking relationships I began to see my capacity for delusion. "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest" Paul Simon. What does the evidence say? Is the experiment repetable? Is the main reason people seek an explaination for undirected evolution to explain away god? Why is Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore right, if you disagree with them they lable you as stupid. Fundamentalists scream on one side and athiest scream on the other with most people in between trying to make sense of it all. Archeolgists find an arrowhead and don't imagine it evolved by chance. DNA makes a Rolex seem like an arrowhead compared to it. Did something this complex occure by accident? In laymans terms the 2nd law of thermodynamics says "everything goes to #%!*" Nothing improves on its own, it falls apart. The Titanic is no longer on the ocean floor, its in outerspace, it became a starship and Elvis is at the helm. Excuse me, I realize I'm nuts. The church felt threatened when science started to prove the earth was round, the bible does not say its flat, but they persecuted anyone who disagreed. Many scientists tried to disprove the bible but none were successful. Polarization never solved any problem, but open minded discussion can yield great fruit. Love is better than hate, kindness is better than meaness, healing is better than hurting. If man is evolving, why don't we learn these simple truths?

The DSM is the psyciatrists bible and it has all the lables to stick on crazy people. Crazy is someone out of step with society. I read about grandious delusions and they think its grandious to think God would speak to you. The bible says God wants to speak to us but we don't want to listen. Christian fundamentalists like to condemn others because the bible says they're sinners without realizing they are sinners themselves. Homosexuals aren't going to a deeper hell than greedy evangilists. Going to church doesn't mean you know God. As I read the bible and apply it to my life instead of my neighbor I begin to hear God's voice. My proof is a heart that is changing after medication and behavior modification have failed. Me, a paranoid psyco, am learning to open my heart to others and not fear rejection. I'm willing to bear anything but hearing Jesus say "depart I never knew you". That's the only thing I'll be fanatical about. Show me any proof of evolution without a designer and I'll gladly hear it.

In laymans terms the 2nd law of thermodynamics says "everything goes to #%!*"
Not quite correct. In layman's terms, the 2nd law of themodynamics says "everything goes to #%! eventually." Between the beginning and the heat death of the universe, a lot can, has, and will happen.


You sure write like someone with schizoaffective disorder, but not much like someone with psychopathic personality disorder. I'm happy that the Bible is helping you open your heart, because, as Leonard Cohen says, “love's the only engine of survival.”

If people don't share my beliefs why sould I feel threatened?


Indeed. Why?


With a topic labeled "Everyone's entitled to my opinion, creation" I would say everyone is also entitled *not* to hear your opinion. Your maniac bible talk is plain stupid, major - it makes no sense and is impossible to discuss. To stick a one-liner ignorant question at the end of it really doesn't help much.


Pleace clean up your behavior in our forums.

Show me any proof of evolution without a designer and I'll gladly hear it.
Simple to do.


Many years ago, there was a man who looked at the two sides of a fence, in a place where the wind almost always blew from one side of that fence. He noticed the plants on the side with shelter were taller than the plants on the other side. He needed to know if somehow, the plants knew to grow to a certain size before hand (they had evolved to fit the niche) or if they grew, then stopped once they got to the height that was best for the wind conditions.


So he planted some of the plants on the other side of the fence. The short plants grew short, despite the shelter from the wind, while the taller plants grew too tall, and were felled by the wind. This proved that there was something inside the seeds that told the plant how tall to grow.


Hence, evolution continues all around us, with no need to invoke God.


(I recall this study from biology lessons years ago, but can't find a reference online - can anyone help?)


It's all a bit incoherent, Major. :sad: Never underestimate the power of a logical argument, sentences that actually make sense, and daring to divide your writing into paragraphs.


What medication were you using? Are you sure it's wise to rely only on God/the Bible if you have been diagnosed with some serious mental disorders? :hihi:


I wouldn't want you to go around harming yourself or others. I find your writing a bit disturbing and I am deeply concerned about you. Take care.

I spent 11 months in mental hospitals and have been labled a psycopathic personality, schizoaffective disorder.

Psychopathic. Go into personal hygiene advertising..


The Titanic is no longer on the ocean floor, its in outerspace, it became a starship and Elvis is at the helm.

If that is the best you can do, you deserve to be institutionalized. Here, try this: Gay intercourse communicates with Outworlders via the piezoelectric response of anal dilation. Now you know all about Catholic priests, little boys' bungs, and the vast intergalactic journeyman proctologist conspiracy.


Uncle Al sent a psychologist into rehab, but it wasn't a fair fight. There were only three of them.

Psychopathic. Go into personal hygiene advertising..



If that is the best you can do, you deserve to be institutionalized. Here, try this: Gay intercourse communicates with Outworlders via the piezoelectric response of anal dilation. Now you know all about Catholic priests, little boys' bungs, and the vast intergalactic journeyman proctologist conspiracy.


Uncle Al sent a psychologist into rehab, but it wasn't a fair fight. There were only three of them.


Locked Up On The Observation Ward (to the tune, Winter Wonderland)

In my head I'm hearing voices urging me to make some choices

but for 72 hours the voice lost its power

cause I'm locked up on the observation ward


Now its clear I'm unstable but they must find a lable

let the DSM name what's wrong with my brain

while I'm on the observation ward


For many days I skipped my medication

until I started acting like a fool

authorities aggreed on on intervention

so they doped me til I only sit and drool


The police called 5150 to the PHF unit they send me

where my ego they shred crawling into my head

while I'm on the observation ward


Now the preacher's getting nervous that I may disrupt the service

but Jesus was glad embracing the mad

he didn't need an observation ward.


maybe a little late for Christmas


Cool! We've got Eminem in Hypography, able to speak only in rhyme whilst pondering Uncle Al's insight into Roman Catholic sexual practices. Fuuuuunnnnyyyy!!!


But seriously, dude: A guy called me a paranoid freak the other day in town. He told me so in Morse code, which he was rapping with his knuckles on his car roof waiting for the green light.

Cool! We've got Eminem in Hypography, able to speak only in rhyme whilst pondering Uncle Al's insight into Roman Catholic sexual practices. Fuuuuunnnnyyyy!!!


But seriously, dude: A guy called me a paranoid freak the other day in town. He told me so in Morse code, which he was rapping with his knuckles on his car roof waiting for the green light.


I'm well aquainted with paranoia as I have imbraced it on many occations. Catholic priests approach sex as dirty and try to suppress it in themselves. they apply a verse from 1 Corinthians 7 where Paul seems to elude to celibacy as a means to be closer to God. Like slapping a lid on a boiling pot of water, suppressing our urges doesn't make them go away and they will show up with uncontrolled pressure. I'm learning how to let God take my pot off the burner and deal with the root issues.

But seriously, dude: A guy called me a paranoid freak the other day in town. He told me so in Morse code, which he was rapping with his knuckles on his car roof waiting for the green light.

Hey, B... did that sound anything like :

di-dah-dah-dit di-dah di-dah-dit di-dah dah-dit dah-dah-dah di-dit dah-di-dit di-di-dah-dit di-dah-dit dit di-dah dah-di-dah


Sorry, I was a signals analyst and Morse Op for 10 years. I still dream in code sometimes. Honestly, it's a beautiful language that usually sounds like song, if you can just get your mind around the rythym. Of course, getting your mind around ANYTHING in this thread seems to be a little difficult for some, eh?

Indeed. Why?


With a topic labeled "Everyone's entitled to my opinion, creation" I would say everyone is also entitled *not* to hear your opinion. Your maniac bible talk is plain stupid, major - it makes no sense and is impossible to discuss. To stick a one-liner ignorant question at the end of it really doesn't help much.


Pleace clean up your behavior in our forums.


I wasn't aware I had forced you to read my "stupid" coments. I have a delete button on my computer and when I see something I don't want to read I use it. I don't feel the urge to say derogatory things to someone holding other opinions. If someone reacts to what someone else says I believe it means that it touched a nerve. Like a Dr. pressing the abdomen and noting the patients reaction. If you hate what I'm saying the best way to offend me is ignore me. I'm like a car alarm in Macy's parking lot. After 6 years in the USMC I'm really immune to insults.

Hey, B... did that sound anything like :

di-dah-dah-dit di-dah di-dah-dit di-dah dah-dit dah-dah-dah di-dit dah-di-dit di-di-dah-dit di-dah-dit dit di-dah dah-di-dah


Sorry, I was a signals analyst and Morse Op for 10 years. I still dream in code sometimes. Honestly, it's a beautiful language that usually sounds like song, if you can just get your mind around the rythym. Of course, getting your mind around ANYTHING in this thread seems to be a little difficult for some, eh?


I didn't claim to be rational, I'm trying to know what is true and what is delusional. I'm a poet in search of answers and I am not afraid to look at the bible without trying to figure it out. I'm not afraid to read "Naked Lunch" for fear it will rot my soul. Stupid questions are the ones we are afraid to hear the answers to. Anyone responds to me and I'll respond back. I only attack the closed mind, its up to God to change the closed heart.

Not quite correct. In layman's terms, the 2nd law of themodynamics says "everything goes to #%! eventually." Between the beginning and the heat death of the universe, a lot can, has, and will happen.


You sure write like someone with schizoaffective disorder, but not much like someone with psychopathic personality disorder. I'm happy that the Bible is helping you open your heart, because, as Leonard Cohen says, “love's the only engine of survival.”


He also said "I have torn everyone who reached out to me" Bird on a Wire.

Take a look at the most brilliant people in the world and you'll see some very dysfunctional lives. Most of the children of MENSA members are a mess. I'm tired of hurting the people who care about me because I'm afraid they might hurt me. Loving is not a mathamatical equasion, its a risk that must be taken by faith. Proof comes when you see its results.

Simple to do.


Many years ago, there was a man who looked at the two sides of a fence, in a place where the wind almost always blew from one side of that fence. He noticed the plants on the side with shelter were taller than the plants on the other side. He needed to know if somehow, the plants knew to grow to a certain size before hand (they had evolved to fit the niche) or if they grew, then stopped once they got to the height that was best for the wind conditions.


So he planted some of the plants on the other side of the fence. The short plants grew short, despite the shelter from the wind, while the taller plants grew too tall, and were felled by the wind. This proved that there was something inside the seeds that told the plant how tall to grow.


Hence, evolution continues all around us, with no need to invoke God.


(I recall this study from biology lessons years ago, but can't find a reference online - can anyone help?)


Jerry Falwell thinks AIDS is proof God is judging homosexuals but ignores the fact that it also kills children and hemophiliacs. If you think evolution can disprove the existence of God you are ignoring evidence. I posted this thread to talk to people willing to look at all the evidence without fear something might change their mind. Science is seeing a repeatable result without prejudice or fear of being wrong.

It's all a bit incoherent, Major. :) Never underestimate the power of a logical argument, sentences that actually make sense, and daring to divide your writing into paragraphs.


What medication were you using? Are you sure it's wise to rely only on God/the Bible if you have been diagnosed with some serious mental disorders? :xx:


I wouldn't want you to go around harming yourself or others. I find your writing a bit disturbing and I am deeply concerned about you. Take care.


I do hope my writing is disturbing. A farmer disturbs the field so seeds will grow. In the past, my anger at the world made me fantasize about violent measures but I know it only polarizes people more. The pen is my weapon and delusion is my enemy. The worst delusion is the one I refuse to look at. AA showed me my capacity for denial back in 1977, but without self medication my psycotic side started showing up. As a nut case I'm quite willing look at myself and ask painful questions. Modern phsyciatatry likes to lable me and set limits, the world wants to fear me and thinks "crazy" means I own the Bate's motel. Share your deepest secrets with a head shrinker and you will be labled crazy. I'm in good company, Churchill, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Van Gogh. The list is very long. Please note I don't own any fire arms or explosives. I do own a Ford F 350 diesel male inhancement product and when I see my nuckles turn white while I drive in traffic I recognize its time to deal with my anger and not pretend its not there.

Indeed. Why?


With a topic labeled "Everyone's entitled to my opinion, creation" I would say everyone is also entitled *not* to hear your opinion. Your maniac bible talk is plain stupid, major - it makes no sense and is impossible to discuss. To stick a one-liner ignorant question at the end of it really doesn't help much.


Pleace clean up your behavior in our forums.


Why is the mention of God or the bible in a science forum recieved with the same warmth as a burning cross at a NAACP meeting? Why do christian fundamentalists feel the need to rail at ideas or words that appear to contratict their holy convictions. I doubt God is insecure or threatened by the worlds madness. As Rodney King said "can't we just get along"

Sorry I'm a poet not an intelectual

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