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Could this lead to a WW3, especially Trump got elected and he declared that he will bomb all Muslims and will Iran take his statement seriously to attack first???

There are signs that Iran may be working toward an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike on the United States.
“Once Iran has a nuclear weapon, they are ready to launch an EMP attack against us,” former CIA director James Woolsey told For the Record. "I think they have conducted launches of satellites of the type that you, and in the direction you would want for an EMP attack."
In addition to those tests, Woolsey says the Iranian military has laid the groundwork for a religious justification for an Electromagnetic Pulse strike. In 2010 a military textbook called “Passive Defense” was published. A section of that book outlines how an EMP strike would be compliant with Islamic law.
“The deaths from electromagnetic pulse are all indirect,” said Woolsey. “They come from destroying the electricity grid, and thereby not being able to operate the other 17 infrastructures in the United States - food, water, finance. Everything else operates off electricity. And by not being able to operate those, you will have lots of people die of thirst, die of starvations, die of social disruption."
“The idea, as I understand it was that since one is not directly attacking or killing humans, it doesn’t come under the stricture of some other ruling, or idea that one should not use nuclear weapons against people."
The Congressional EMP Commission spent nearly a decade studying the issue and concluded that as many as 90% of all Americans could die in the first year after an EMP strike.
Posted (edited)


Could this lead to a WW3, especially Trump got elected and he declared that he will bomb all Muslims and will Iran take his statement seriously to attack first???




There are signs that Iran may be working toward an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike on the United States.
“Once Iran has a nuclear weapon, they are ready to launch an EMP attack against us,” former CIA director James Woolsey told For the Record. "I think they have conducted launches of satellites of the type that you, and in the direction you would want for an EMP attack."
In addition to those tests, Woolsey says the Iranian military has laid the groundwork for a religious justification for an Electromagnetic Pulse strike. In 2010 a military textbook called “Passive Defense” was published. A section of that book outlines how an EMP strike would be compliant with Islamic law.
“The deaths from electromagnetic pulse are all indirect,” said Woolsey. “They come from destroying the electricity grid, and thereby not being able to operate the other 17 infrastructures in the United States - food, water, finance. Everything else operates off electricity. And by not being able to operate those, you will have lots of people die of thirst, die of starvations, die of social disruption."
“The idea, as I understand it was that since one is not directly attacking or killing humans, it doesn’t come under the stricture of some other ruling, or idea that one should not use nuclear weapons against people."
The Congressional EMP Commission spent nearly a decade studying the issue and concluded that as many as 90% of all Americans could die in the first year after an EMP strike.


James Woolsey is an ageing nutter who works closely with the Israeli Lobby, to stir up alarmism in the USA about the Middle East and thereby keep it focused on helping Israel. I would not take his statements at face value. I'd want to see them corroborated. 


Personally, I think the west ought to work hard at rapprochement with Iran and dump Saudi Arabia. It is the latter that has been exporting the perniciously fanatical strain of Wahhabi-inspired Islam around the world, for decades. It was Saudi Arabia that bred the 9/11 killers and al Qa'ida.

The country is little more than a bunch of Bedouin tribesmen stuck in the Middle Ages, with a hypocritical absolute ruler living in fear of a theocratic mob. And we don't need their oil any more, or their influence on OPEC, which is virtually a dead duck nowadays.


Iran, by contrast is  a serious, modern industrial state with an educated middle class. This feature gives great hope that they will eventually demand a more moderate form of government, which we can encourage by openness to towards them. They may well aspire to serious defensive weapons: not surprising when they are surrounded by nuclear states (India, Pakistan, China, Russia and Israel). If I were them I'd certainly want a nuke or something equivalent: it is about the only thing that guarantees no invasion by the USA. Just look at Afghanistan and Iraq, and then look at N Korea. I see no reason to think it would be a problem if they had one, any more than it is in respect of India, Pakistan or Israel.  


Things such as nukes or EMP weapons are great for defence, but utterly unusable for first strike attack, because of the response they would provoke. That is the principle of MAD. There is no reason whatsoever to think that Iran, uniquely of all nations on Earth, is not susceptible to the logic of MAD. 

Edited by exchemist
Posted (edited)

If there's one country in the middle east that should get bombed it's Israel! I can't believe they get away with what they do. Israel isn't even rightly theirs and they're still expanding their borders! Arsehole of a not even real country.


I've heard Iran is a beautiful place from the two people I know who've been there.

Edited by A-wal

Could this [an attack on the USA by Iran using an EMP weapon] lead to a WW3, especially Trump got elected and he declared that he will bomb all Muslims and will Iran take his statement seriously to attack first???

I don’t think it likely that Iran will directly attack the USA other than attacks on small US Army or Navy units in the Middle East, because Iranian leaders correctly fear that such an attack would lead to a massive retaliatory attack by the US, concluding in an overwhelming military defeat of Iran by the US and her allies, and the replacement of its government with a US-friendly one like the government created in Iraq after the 2003 US invasion and defeat or Iraq.


The EMP attack describe in the 2015 Washington Times opinion article “A Shariah-approved nuclear attack:An EMP would accomplish ‘death to America’” by former CIA director James Woolsey and former Congression staff member Peter Pry would be intended to disrupt US civilian infrastructure, especially electric power and computers, leading to a massive failure of basic services such as food and water distribution, and catastrophic (60%+) death due to starvation and disease. It would not directly target the US government or military, so would not prevent US and allied military retaliation.


The thrust of Woolsey and Pry’s article was to discourage political support for the JCPOA, a 2015 agreement between China, France, Russia, the UK, the US, the EU, and Iran, allowing Iran to enrich uranium to levels sufficient for atomic fission power generation, but not atomic fission weapons, in exchange for reduction in trade sanctions imposed on Iran by the UN in 2006. I don’t believe they seriously believe Iran will attack the US with an EMP weapon, but rather, that by raising alarm over its possibility, they can weaken US support for the JCPOA.


This is not to say I don’t worry about the possibility of an attack such as the one Woolsey and Pry describe. An EMP attack like they describe that provokes the US into a retaliatory attack on Iran. Unlike Iraq, Iran is nearly an ally of Russia, so I fear a large-scale US attack on Iran would provoke an all-out nuclear attack on the US by Russia, and a true WW III.


I believe that the likelihood of such a terrible scenario is reduced by improved international relations between the US, Iran, Russia, and all of the world’s nations, and the the JCPOA helps with this improvement. Woolsey and Pry, I think, disagree, and believe that the US should not improve relations with Iran and Russia, but maintain and improve on its position of military strength.


In addition to mistrusting Woolsey and Pry’s motives in raising alarm about an EMP attack on US civilian infrastructure, I believe that they exaggerate the affect such an attack would have. Their Washington Time article suggest that disruption of the US’s electric power and computer systems would cause failure resulting in 66 to 90% of our population dieing. I believe we could respond to such an emergency effectively enough that, while the death rate would increase, the population would not be decreased.

  • 3 weeks later...

If there's one country in the middle east that should get bombed it's Israel! I can't believe they get away with what they do. Israel isn't even rightly theirs and they're still expanding their borders! Arsehole of a not even real country.


I've heard Iran is a beautiful place from the two people I know who've been there.


The western powers established Israel after WWII in Palestine, presumably out of guilt for turning a blind eye on the Holocaust.  I personally think we should move the nation of Israel to the state of Nevada, 90% of which is owned by the Federal government.  They would be surrounded and defended by the US instead of being surrounded by enemies who want them dead.  Obviously most of them would not want to leave because of the biblical historic significance, but what price do you place on peace and security? 


I need to be very careful how I word this.


Israel is responsible for invading other countries and stealing land and resources from the Palestinians who they consider to be an inferior race, and they're allowed to get away with it because their sponsored by the US!

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