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     Hello, my name is BlackFlameAssassin13, or just BFA13, for short. For me, science has always fascinated me in almost every way. There has been almost no time in my life where I didn't want to be some sort of scientist At first, I believe I want to be a botanist, then a geologist, then an Egyptologist, an currently I want to go into FDVR studies.This meaning I'll have to study brain functions, the way the brain reacts to certain substances, etc.

     Personally, I just cannot be satisfied with the current technology that we have. I look around us everyday, thinking how much more we could improve if people would stop being lazy and put some effort into it. I'm not saying that all people are lazy, just so much potential is wasted. I am currently doing research with a couple friends on FDVR, and we hope to get started on the actual project (at least by my standards) by 2025-ish.

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