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I Am Standing Where The Sun Was Eight Minutes Ago

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Light is the past itself. I see the sun as it was eight minutes ago because I am standing where the sun was eight minutes ago. The space formerly occupied by the sun has expanded to intersect my position. Time is a measure of spatial expansion- a second is 300,000 km of spatial expansion. The Hubble parameter measures a time dilation that is intrinsic to a constant expansion universe, which can be thought of a phonograph record that plays by stretching. This dilation is transformable into spatial coordinates to yield the co-moving coordinates. Because light's propagation and the expansion of space are synonymous, the overall density of universe and corresponding non-flat topologies are not relevant. General Relativity is a local solution, only applicable in asymmetrical gravitational systems. Dark energy or a cosmological constant are not required to yield the observed evolution of redshift. 




[math]X= ct_o(1+\frac{\int_{0}^{t}(z)dt}{t})[/math]



Ho=Hubble parameter, [math]\tau[/math]= proper time, t= lookback time in natural units = 
(the coordinate time of the observer (to)-coordinate time of the emitter (te))/
coordinate time of the observer (to) z=Cosmological redshift, 
X=Coordinate distance c=Speed of light, r=Radius of the universe
Given a hubble parameter of 72 km/sec/Mpc, and an average density of of 7.13E-27 kg/m^3 (.28 [math]\Omega[/math]), 
the universe is now 13.59 billion years old. 
It has a radius of 53.28 billion lightyears, 
and a volume of 5.37E80 cubic meters, 
the total mass of the universe is 3.83E54 kg.


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A comparison table of redshift (z) versus lookback time (t) values can be found at this link, comparing values between this Stationary light model and parameterized [math]\Lambda[/math]CDM generated by online cosmology calculators, namely Ned Wrights and the Light Cone Calculator.


Anybody willing to evaluate some math, regardless of how strange my idea might seem? This equation is the crux of the theory. I would love to show the derivation to anyone who's interested, but first just try using it:


[math] z=\frac{-ln(1-t)}{\sqrt{1-t^2}}[/math]


thanks for your valuable time!

Edited by substitutematerials
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