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Hypothetically speaking what would happen if we removed time from every equation in physics,

in fact what would happen if we would remove all of the main basic dimensions that are used in EVERY physics equation?


Well the answer simply becomes (1), 

that's all......there is nothing else to consider, nothing else to worry about, everything becomes solved.


Now lets add a human imposed experiment, or just begin the scientific process.

Before anything, we accept that there is only 1 dimension, or as I like to call it, " The Gaiven Dimension. "


We then might just account for Classical Physics Sized objects© and quantum sized object(Q).


Finally we choose a field of study like say quantum mechanics


the result comes back saying quantum mechanics should not exist inside of the field of physics because it has no bottem line dimension, and every problem attached to its therefor become infinitely impossible to solve.


So every equation that you even began to develop involving quantum mechanics breaks and becomes nothing more than art.


if you have any questions on specifics please message directly by means given,


Thank You





Hypothetically speaking what would happen if we removed time from every equation in physics,



Hypothetically speaking what would happen if we removed words from every sentence in English?


If you have any questions, please keep them to yourself because you would not be able to message me.


But that is the point, at its basis form what defines physics to be physics except meer abstractions of thought and definition. What makes humans different from analysis if they do not attach the words onto themselves. The fear and emotional negations you are utilizing as an evolved format of the mammal tree are simply evolved tactics in order to prevent defined understanding of an open and new topic. Or I could be wrong and if so I would like to apologies, however the website says "Science for EVERYONE" not just for "ONE." 


Now, what I know it means is that quantum mechanics cannot be applied toward any field except its own, which can be seen as a sort of art form. So that mean our total model of chemistry is incorrect as well. Evidence of this can be shown with how any attempted view of the quantum realm produces unknown results and the showing of perfect randomness. This perfection however should not exist on the account that how can something be perfect, however be imperfect at the same time? The answer becomes simple.


P = Perfection

NP = Non-Perfection


P != Non-Perfection


But that is the point, at its basis form what defines physics to be physics except meer abstractions of thought and definition. 


It differs from pointless abstraction in that it attempts to model the physical world. This model will always be an approximation and will never be perfection. But that is not reason for not pursuing physics and continuing to improve on the model we have. I think you are saying that it is not perfection and therefore we might as well not even bother starting. I hope you do not mean that, because it is profoundly stupid.


Origin Starting Conditions Before Before Big Bang Event 

(Gaiven Conditions)


a = 1

b = 1

c = 1




Before Event (bE)



Distance = x

x = 0


Time = y

y = 0


Mass = z

z = 0



a^x + b^y = c^z

a^0 + b ^0 = c^0

1 + 1 != 1;


ERROR 2 != 1



After Event (aE)



Distance = x

x = 1


Time = y

y = 1


Mass = z

z = 1



a^x + b^y = c^z

a^1 + b^1= c^1

1 + 1 != 1



2 != 1



Therefore NP == NP & P == P, NP Cannot Equal P in any case unless imposed to do so.


bE => All values are static, cannot change a,b,c variables

aE => Can change a,b,c variables, this is where the issues arises, this is where NP can equal P and vise versa


That could work! Maybe I am misjudging this new poster but I do know that P != NP is actually a very hard topic and it seems to me this is not a serious attempt at explaining it.


But, I could be wrong and hopefully he has something more lucid to offer.


What other forum is he posting on? Is there anything there that makes sense?




The best way I can currently think of explaining it is by looking at a single atom. 

And to further this analysis think about what make an atom an atom, 

If energy can not be created nor destroyed then that would mean that the atoms properties can not be created nor destroyed,

Because this is true then that would mean that the element of a proton ( the quarks ) have to be conserved,


Lets for the moment create a universe which exists only hydrogen atoms,

what would this universe look like?

Well if we zoom onto a single hydrogen atom you would have,

1 electron and 1 proton or 1 electron 2 up quarks and 1 down quark and empty space separation,


Now let us assume, based on what we have said before,

that there exists a point in time where the hydrogen atom did not exist, 

where nothing existed, 

then after some magical event the along with cooling the hydrogen atom exists,


Based upon the laws set by thermodynamics,

can there exist a state in which you have a transition from having no energy to having energy?

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