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It's always been my belief that the wealthiest 10% would prevent collapse from happening.That's not to say they won't keep twisting the towel of the 90% for every drop they can squeeze out of them.
Although the gap between the rich and poor widens every year I refuse to believe the wealthy would let it get to that point. I'm not saying they are geniuses, but unless you were born into wealth you usually have to know a little something to get into the 10%.
The one thing they would never want to do is give up the status and fortunes they are accustomed to. Knowing this and thinking it through would lead them to the resulting consequences should they take too much from the common person.
However, I'd have to check, but I'm fairly certain the gap between the two is as wide or wider than it has always been. Which makes me think the wealthy think a little more could be had from the 90%. The problem is if they miscalculate it could get real ugly. Thoughts? comments?



However, I'd have to check, but I'm fairly certain the gap between the two is as wide or wider than it has always been. Which makes me think the wealthy think a little more could be had from the 90%. The problem is if they miscalculate it could get real ugly. Thoughts? comments?

What is more different today than ever before in history is our access to the information of our "poverty".  


We have so much material stuff in our lives at many lower income levels that didn't even exist in my Grandparent's lifetimes, and too many people are focused on what they can't have, feeling envious because of it.


I see some absurdly lavish housing going up in what used to be hay fields, and I doubt even those people are even in the top 10 % in income.


It is the greed and not the wealth distribution that will bring down civilization.


I agree FG, the wealth distribution is a consequence of the greed. I also have a huge number of Mc-Mansions going up in the hay fields around me. many of these new homes are priced at $600,000 for a baseline model. Of course the people buying these homes are not the elite I think were referring to, Still that's a lot of money to put down on, and pay on, every month.


The material things we have today and the ease of acquiring them would stun our ancestors. Though in my opinion we finance shopping spree's to buy mostly worthless junk and keep up with our neighbors to make us feel good. If the neighbors bought their son a new hover board or gaming system people feel they are doing their children wrong by not providing their kids the same.


If we see our neighbors with a new cell phone or car we feel compelled to upgrade ourselves. As if we are somehow shorting ourselves if we don't.


Moreover sometimes it drills down even further with some people. "Oh you bought those plastic Martini glasses from Walmart? I love it. I'll get some for our house." The people in the lower side of the income scale are so disillusioned by this faux junk so it makes them feel good to purchase it.  


I agree FG, the wealth distribution is a consequence of the greed.


Moreover sometimes it drills down even further with some people. "Oh you bought those plastic Martini glasses from Walmart? I love it. I'll get some for our house." The people in the lower side of the income scale are so disillusioned by this faux junk so it makes them feel good to purchase it.  

Yes, one need not be wealthy to exhibit the symptoms of greed.


I know a truck driver who bought himself a new, expensive snowmobile a few years ago, and discovered that he had to work so much extra to make the payments that he didn't have time to go snowmobiling.

  • 2 years later...

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