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ok a really stupid question that wouldnt really be answerable but how many stars in the sky? if space goes on foreva - that does mean that matter and hence galaxies go on forever so there would be a finite amount... right?


how bout an easier question - how many stars are in our galaxy?

how many stars are in our galaxy?
I would reckon something in the order of 10^12, maybe a few more orders of magnitude but I wouldn't think much more than around 10^15.


Does "in the sky" mean in the universe or how many could ever be distinguished? In the latter case the answer would be less than there are in this galaxy. In the former, It depends on what the overall universe is like and we don't know for sure.


yeah in the sky was a stupid thing to say, and in the universe is an impossible question... so 10^15, 1,000,000,000,000,000 :) thats a few and we dont even have a particularly large galaxy...

ok a really stupid question that wouldnt really be answerable but how many stars in the sky? if space goes on foreva - that does mean that matter and hence galaxies go on forever so there would be a finite amount... right?


how bout an easier question - how many stars are in our galaxy?


It is not a stupid question, Jay-qu, but I think we'd have to limit the estimates to the observable universe.


I have heard all kinds of estimates, usually very round and nice. For example, 200 billion galaxies with 200 billion stars in each...or half that, or double that.


Any which way the number is propably around 4x10^23 or something in that area. :)


wow, thats crazy... 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 still thats less atoms than is in 1 mole of substance, haha! and half that or double that - that quite a large error range... +100% - 50% but i forgive them it would be hard to calculate...


You can eyeball about 5000 stars in clear desert sky when Sagittarius is overhead. For the total number of stars, first - how much matter must be apportioned?





WMAP + Sloane Digital Sky Survey


Dark matter candidates


Carroll on what it all means.


Second - how is the distribution weighted into stars?



"Hertzsprung-Russell diagram" 36,000 hits

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"Hertzsprung-Russell diagram" 329 hits


Third - do the math. Can you handle arithmetic? Interstellar dust, gas, planetary systems, small debris... is small stuff to your desired degree of accuracy. That calculates the number of stars in your light cone. If you want to know the number of stars in a given galaxy, google it.

  • 2 weeks later...
i only repeated what others said in this forum, but from what i gather there is a large margin of error - what makes u think little bang is so accurate






WMAP + Sloane Digital Sky Survey



Dark matter candidates



Carroll on what it all means.

Pull your thumb out of your butt, screw your butt into a chair, and read. Do you enjoy being a public embarassment? (Learn how to write literate English, too.)

Carroll on what it all means.


:) Wow, I usually have no idea what Unc just said once I read it, but I understood that one! :)


Uncle Al, as an older member of the forum, you should be showing more respect towards other members. I edited your post; I got rid of the unnecessary comments.

  • 9 months later...

I was thinking of this same question here late this eveneing and early morning; I couldn't sleep just wondering. :)


How many stars are there??

I'm glad I searched thoroughly through this forum before I decided to start another thread. :hihi:



It boggles my mind. :cup:

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