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Posted (edited)

I don't know if you'll can comprehend this but let me post this too. This is about Foreign Language Syndrome, now according to scientists, brain damages can make you speak in different languages, so what would be your view on this? Please show your intelligence by making some intelligent replies, if you have that kind of a mind set. This comment is for those who made Junk replies, who didn't even had a capability to rationally argue and showing their view on a logical manner to my earlier post which can be found here,

http://http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/30551-these-artificial-personalities-are-being-mapped-to-human-beings/ ( TRUTH BEHIND MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER)


This is actually not a mental disorder but a strange ability that a person gets normally after a stroke or some sort of a brain injury. People started seeing this condition in the beginning of 19th century only. 

When scientists and doctors see such cases, they lose their common sense as well and start making completely false claims regarding the cause of such cases. Here, they believe that brain damages could make people learn languages. Following are two incidents:


Case 1: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/amnesiac-man-wakes-from-coma-speaking-only-ancient-hebrew/

“The man was found unconscious in a California motel on August 9. He had with him a duffel bag of exercise clothes, a backpack and tennis rackets. He carried a California identification card and a Social Security card, both identifying him as Jamal Miller. When he woke up in the Cedars-Sinai hospital days later, he had no memory of his past and could only speak in an unknown language. For three days, the puzzle remained complete until a rabbi visiting a friend in a nearby room, identified the tongue as ancient Hebrew and was able to communicate with the poor man.”

Case 2: http://www.ukiahdailyjournal.com/opinion/20150606/a-word-in-edgewise

“In April 2012, a 17-year-old Malaysian student involved in a motorbike accident emerged from unconsciousness speaking four new languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indonesian. In what was considered to be an extreme form of this syndrome, the language changed on a daily basis, lasting for several hours at a time.”

In both cases, though scientists are meant to believe that these cases are due to brain injuries, this is a completely false understanding. These people are victims of this hidden technology. Brain injuries will never help people to learn languages rather it destroys our memories or certain brain functions. However, due to the way these cases are coming to surface, scientists and doctors are ending up in false beliefs by contradicting their current understanding of how our brain works. Assume, that you start to learn a new language today, assume that this is French and you continuously learn French without stopping for few weeks until you have a considerable understanding of how to speak in French fluently, in this process by listening, you stimulate your brain continuously to create certain unique neural networks in your brain and by seeing, you stimulate your brain continuously again to create certain unique neural network in your brain. Now at the end of this process assume that you built a neural network in your brain which you can represent by letter X. Now you are able to speak in French just because of this neural network. How can an accident or a brain damage create this unique neural network enabling you to speak French? What happens in these cases is that instead of using your eyes and ear to stimulate your brain and create this network represented by X, they do a direct brain stimulation via these sophisticated satellites to create this same neural network which we presented by X earlier. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether we use our eyes or ears to stimulate our brain, as long as the correct stimulation is taking place, we are able to upload information to our brain by creating these unique neural networks. So in the case of the Malaysian student, they have done a continues stimulation until information related to all these 4 languages are being uploaded by creating neural networks in the victims brain. In the case of Jamal Miller, they have erased and/or suppressed neural networks, which correspond to his mother language, stimulated and uploaded information related to ancient Hebrew. This is the only reason why these people are speaking in these languages after waking up from an unconscious state of mind. Since these people are in coma or unconscious mind state, they will not have any perceptions when these stimulations are taking place. Therefore, victims will not aware of anything. This is why they specifically target people who face with certain injuries, so while they in this unconscious state their brains could be stimulated to upload information. If this process takes place while a person in a conscious mind state, he or she will aware of this and they will have abnormal perceptions when these stimulations are taking place. Therefore, without knowing this scientists are ending up in making false claims due to their observations. 

Edited by raleigh

Since these people are in coma or unconscious mind state, they will not have any perceptions when these stimulations are taking place. Therefore, victims will not aware of anything.  


This is factually incorrect. You should look it up. It's quite interesting.


But because of that, your entire argument is, shall we say, specious.





Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance, :phones:


Posted (edited)

"This is factually incorrect. You should look it up. It's quite interesting." 

Bluffy, you mentioned only a word saying "factually incorrectly", so what are your facts to say that it is factually incorrect?

Edited by raleigh

"This is factually incorrect. You should look it up. It's quite interesting." 


Bluffy, you mentioned only a word saying "factually incorrectly", so what are your facts to say that it is factually incorrect?


Educate thyself: Google "perceptions during unconsciousness."



We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light, :phones:


Posted (edited)

Why don't you bring your facts straight rather me googling and trying to assume your facts? It will help me to figure out your crazy claims.

Edited by raleigh

Why don't you bring your facts straight rather me googling and trying to assume your facts? It will help me to figure out your crazy claims.


If you pay me you're welcome to. The other people who've read this thread and have Googled what I suggested are all giggling right now.


Willful ignorance is pretty ugly.



Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored, :phones:



I hope you will let people to express their view to my post rather moving here. I'm curious to know why you taking effort to move my post to this section even though I'm just trying to see others view?


It is called cross-posting and it is against our rules.


Annoying our members is also against our rules and the surest way to annoy our members is to post incoherent, unsupported theories which is also against our rules.


You're guilty of all of these offenses. Stay in your thread unless you have a substantially different topic to discuss, and when you're asked to respond to objections to your theories, defend them.



The more you know, the less you understand, :phones:


Posted (edited)

Buffy, you have found a completely false reason to remove my post again. Voice hearing and Foreign language disorder are two different things. You are not letting others to express their view even and you don't have slightest idea to bring some logical arguments against my view. It wasn't cross-posting at all. Why are you actively trying to hide my post again and again?

I asked a general question from others by showing some abnormal voice hearing and asked their view only? What it has to do with Foreign Language Disorder and to copy it here?



Why can't I ask this question in a psychology forum? How come it's a strange claim?

"Do you agree with the claims of Scientists that the chemical imbalance is the reason for the voice hearing" ?


“My voice gathers information from around the globe and gives me heads up months in advance for important events. Sometimes, it can be wrong in its deductions, but most of the time, my voice is right in its look-ahead exercises. I think my voice is telepathic across the collective voice. Family members, my husband, does not hear voices, he says, but they gave him schizo pills, cause he has a bit of paranoia. He saw the Japanese tsunami of 2011 in his dream, 5 months in advance. He reassured me that we were not in it. Thank God, it was true. I usually see the earthquakes and volcano eruptions

Edited by raleigh

Okay, I've unhidden your post on voice hearing, although your insistence on it being a different topic is arguable. We'll leave it in Psychology for now, but your OP in this thread was put here for a reason: it made easily refutable claims and there were complaints. You should heed the warnings: we're happy to talk about unpopular topics, but if you don't support them, they get put on display in Strange Claims or worse.


Thank you for your cooperation.



It is very strange that the years teach us patience - that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting, :phones:



Appreciate it Buffy. The reasoning for my claim on Foreign Language Disorder is not refutable. I challenge anyone on this topic, I don't have slightest doubt on my claims, cause I have researched into this to that deep. Scientists or doctors don't have a slightest idea on that, so how can you really say that?  By the way, thank you for keeping my voice hearing post on the psychology forum.

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