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Here is a very brief. argument that space is composed of trifold properties of:


Ether (stable reflective space)

Apeirion (fluxing relational space)

Axioms (neutral centers of measurement from which consciousness begins and end)


These trifold properties composed all reality from the physical atom to the abstract thought.


The "ether" in order to maintain itself as stable, or "deficient in flux", manifests itself through a continual self-reflection, with this reflection being synonymous to stability (think of any geometry form being stable through the reflection of "points"). This self reflection in turn not just maintains itself but manifests further structures as extensions or "approximates" of itself.

However these approximates, by their very nature as being deficient in original unity, contain an element of deficiency which is synonymous to "randomness" or "chaos". In this respect, through the self-reflection of the ether, and approximate dimension of the "apeiron" (which seems closer to what you are describing) came into being. "Came into being" is a poor word as technically it always existed as the "limit" of "limitless" ether .

(this would imply the ether by definition being best describe as a 1 dimensional point from which the 2 dimensional "circle" as "apeiron" would extend. This circle, as a sign of constant flux, evidence by the metaphor of the self- eating snake Ourboroshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros)

The "apeiron", as a dual dimension to the "ether", would be one of continual flux which this flux manifested as the continual relation of "particulate" as grades of "unity" or "fractals". These particulate in turn would exist through actual relations, as a "part" cannot exist unless it moves towards "unity". defined in turned by their potential relations. In this respect we observe the nature of "time" as an extension of the "apieron" through "actual" and "potential" particulate.

This "apieron" taking on the form and function of the particles which composed it, has infinite potential (which is equivalent to "non-being", in the respect that the "time" it produces fluxes and comes to an end before another one "pops up". Time in this respect can be viewed as a particle in that it is both actual and potential and "fluxes" or is metaphorically the "beating heart of the ether".

In this respect the "apieron" fluxes in order to "relate" or "move/flux towards" the ether as an act of continual relation.

In these respects, one could argue that the "ether" is a dimension of "stable reflection" as the universal mind or Logos. The "apieron" (which is what I believe you are closer to describing, and it is easy to confused since both are highly "symmetrical") one could argue is a dimension of "fluxing relations" or "relativity" as the universal "body" as matter.

One could extend the nature of Descartes mind/body dualism to the "macro" as an example of this.

However the dualism fails as all polarities result in and "either/or" flux. The question of what happens when an "immovable object/ether" faces and "unstoppable force/apeiron" comes to mind.

The only logical result of this dualism would be "synthesis" resulting in "being" which consciousness or "axioms" as the middle points. This is an important point to observe because the processes you are observing are what inevitably resulted in the consciousness allowing our "discussion". So in many respect that nature of "space" behaving in the manner we are observing are the fundamental building blocks of not only the empirical universe but the "axioms" we develop.

This synthesis, in turn as the manifestation of axioms (or human consciousness), is simply the manifestation of both "dimensional limits" (from which order as "space" begins and ends) and "possible dimensional limits" (possible non-existing order from which "space" begins and "ends"). It is from the nature of the axiom, or "axil" of measurement/being, that we come to the understanding of the center as a "third" dimension through the "sphere" as a synthesis of the 1 dimensional reflective ethereal point and the 2 dimensional relational apeironic circle (or Ouroboros).

The nature of the ether being observed as a universal "point" (which we observe everywhere), the apeiron as a fluxing or rotating circle (which is further argued as necessary due to the spin cycles found within quantum mechanics and the cyclical nature of all "movement"), and the median point as 3 dimensional existence embodied fully through the "sphere", observes the necessity of observe all reality through the nature of the point/circle/sphere as three in 1 and one in three. These 3 in 1 and 1 in 3 "spaces" are all Universal in both form and function and show an unavoidability in observing basic geometry as the foundations for "being" itself.


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