houseknight Posted November 2, 2017 Report Posted November 2, 2017 (edited) PEACE NOW(Taken from «United with Israel» mail):“Palestinian leader Abbas did not demand that Hamas cease to seek Israel’s destruction, as a previous report had claimed.The Palestinian Authority (PA) has refuted a report citing an alleged demand by PA head Mahmoud Abbas that members of the Hamas terror group must recognize Israel if they want to be included in the cabinet of a unity government.Haaretz reported Monday that Abbas made the statement during a meeting with 12 former Israeli lawmakers at the PA headquarters in Ramallah.In response to the report, Abbas’s office said, “The presidency denies the remarks attributed to the president by Haaretz.’”Both the US and Israel stated in October that they would not negotiate with any Palestinian unity government that includes Hamas as long as the terror group refuses to recognize Israel, among other conditions.”…“Yet Yahya Sinwar, the political chief of Hamas in Gaza, said in response that “gone is the time in which Hamas discussed recognition of Israel. The discussion now is about when we will wipe out Israel.”Hamas and Abbas’s Fatah party recently signed a reconciliation agreement that would end PA sanctions on Gaza and restore a PA-controlled government in the coastal territory by December 1.Israel announced that it will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with the PA after it signed a reconciliation deal with the Hamas terror group.” Therefore I insist, that Israel must temporary resolve the problem of the Palestinian independence by the one-sided recognizing of the existing twofold Palestine state. Let Palestine turn full member of anti-Semitic UN. In any case they belong to anti-Semites.In another hand, we must announce war on this aggressive, islamist state, which seeks annihilation of Israel by the means of a war, terror and anti-Semitic propaganda. It means, Israel must continue all existing security measures, that is we must prolong the existing occupation of the West Bank and (partial) blockade of Gaza. Both measures are legal under International law.In addition, Israel must perform the one-sided implementation of Oslo accords, that is formal annexation of the “C” zone, where seat all Jews of the West Bank. This Oslo border may be changed in the way, which fits the international law, that is only through a new peace agreement between Israel and Palestine, for example, on the basis of land and population “swaps”. Naturally, HAMAS must sign such agreement, along with FATAH government. Edited November 2, 2017 by houseknight Quote
sanctus Posted November 3, 2017 Report Posted November 3, 2017 I'll never get this: Israel takes away more and more land from the Palestinians and then is surprised that they are pissed and come with annihilation threats and terror attacks. And please do not come with the argument that historically it was Israeli's land so they have a right to take it back. Because then you should also support e.g. all native people throughout the americas kicking out all whites.In both Israel and Palestine it is no ones fault to have been born into this conflict, but to keep the conflict alive is everyone's fault. And the first step is easier for Israel, it should just stop grabbing more and more land and treating palestinians. as third class (or lower) human beings. Israel likes to portray itself as victim, but fails to see that it is a consequence of their actions.The west is crying more more about islamist terrorism, but don't you all get that the situation in Palestine is one of the key things used to radicalise and brainwash people into islamic terrorism. Solving this conflict would quickly lead to more of the "Peace Now" of your title.I assume the stuff in bold at the bottom is your opinion.Tell me how can ANY occupation be legal under international law? By definition occupation means taking and keeping by force.And stop this bullshit about equating critics to Israel with anti-semitism. The UN has it flaws (a lot) but it surely isn't anti-semitic, even when giving observator status to palestinians. Remember criticising Israeli government's actions is just that, i.e.: criticising a government (nothing to do with religion). Just like when Russia annexed Crimea, it was criticised but no one label the critics as anti-orthodox, because religion just does not matter it is the actions which matter. exchemist, LaurieAG and Buffy 3 Quote
exchemist Posted November 3, 2017 Report Posted November 3, 2017 I'll never get this: Israel takes away more and more land from the Palestinians and then is surprised that they are pissed and come with annihilation threats and terror attacks. And please do not come with the argument that historically it was Israeli's land so they have a right to take it back. Because then you should also support e.g. all native people throughout the americas kicking out all whites. In both Israel and Palestine it is no ones fault to have been born into this conflict, but to keep the conflict alive is everyone's fault. And the first step is easier for Israel, it should just stop grabbing more and more land and treating palestinians. as third class (or lower) human beings. Israel likes to portray itself as victim, but fails to see that it is a consequence of their actions. The west is crying more more about islamist terrorism, but don't you all get that the situation in Palestine is one of the key things used to radicalise and brainwash people into islamic terrorism. Solving this conflict would quickly lead to more of the "Peace Now" of your title. I assume the stuff in bold at the bottom is your opinion. Tell me how can ANY occupation be legal under international law? By definition occupation means taking and keeping by force. And stop this bullshit about equating critics to Israel with anti-semitism. The UN has it flaws (a lot) but it surely isn't anti-semitic, even when giving observator status to palestinians. Remember criticising Israeli government's actions is just that, i.e.: criticising a government (nothing to do with religion). Just like when Russia annexed Crimea, it was criticised but no one label the critics as anti-orthodox, because religion just does not matter it is the actions which matter. I could not have put it better myself. Quote
houseknight Posted November 3, 2017 Author Report Posted November 3, 2017 (edited) I'll never get this: Israel takes away more and more land from the Palestinians and then is surprised that they are pissed and come with annihilation threats and terror attacks. And please do not come with the argument that historically it was Israeli's land so they have a right to take it back. Because then you should also support e.g. all native people throughout the americas kicking out all whites. In both Israel and Palestine it is no ones fault to have been born into this conflict, but to keep the conflict alive is everyone's fault. And the first step is easier for Israel, it should just stop grabbing more and more land and treating palestinians. as third class (or lower) human beings. Israel likes to portray itself as victim, but fails to see that it is a consequence of their actions. The west is crying more more about islamist terrorism, but don't you all get that the situation in Palestine is one of the key things used to radicalise and brainwash people into islamic terrorism. Solving this conflict would quickly lead to more of the "Peace Now" of your title. I assume the stuff in bold at the bottom is your opinion. Tell me how can ANY occupation be legal under international law? By definition occupation means taking and keeping by force. And stop this bullshit about equating critics to Israel with anti-semitism. The UN has it flaws (a lot) but it surely isn't anti-semitic, even when giving observator status to palestinians. Remember criticising Israeli government's actions is just that, i.e.: criticising a government (nothing to do with religion). Just like when Russia annexed Crimea, it was criticised but no one label the critics as anti-orthodox, because religion just does not matter it is the actions which matter. Palestinians, not Israel, have overturned Oslo process. Palestinians have rejected all far-reaching Israel's proposals and concessions, made after Oslo (this includes Obama/John Kerry plan). The Palestinian people voted for HAMAS, islamist party, which proclaims genocide of the Jews and makes practical preparations for implementation of this program. This very topic deals, inter alia, with HAMAS-Hezbollah-Syria-Iran preparations for "final solution" of Middle East Jewish question. In such situation the People of Israel have legal right to defend themselves. Not Netanyahu, but prevailing majority of israelis came to the conclusion, that Palestinians don't want peace in exchange for any Israel's concessions.Regarding occupation, so, according to the international law, occupation is one of legal means to prevent aggression. Therefore, Israeli occupation of the West Bank is legal and just. The essence of my proposal is to make this occupation yet more legal and more grounded from moral point of view.Regarding "critics" of Israel, in existing circumstances this "critics" demands, at the bottom line, self-annihilation of the Jewish state. It justifies Iranian-led preparations for the genocide of the Jews. Undoubtedly, this "critics" is anti-Semitic in the worst sense, it is genocidal. Edited November 3, 2017 by houseknight Quote
sanctus Posted November 3, 2017 Report Posted November 3, 2017 So you are telling me I am an anti-semite...because I criticize actions of a government....just note that I criticize the ayatollah equally much or Trump, as said the actions count not which religion...Don't come with saying Israel was the saint. This article seems in quick-read a good resumee: completely agree than any and all conflicts need at least 2 players, but also any failure to resolve one needs 2 parties... Buffy 1 Quote
houseknight Posted November 3, 2017 Author Report Posted November 3, 2017 So you are telling me I am an anti-semite...because I criticize actions of a government....just note that I criticize the ayatollah equally much or Trump, as said the actions count not which religion... Don't come with saying Israel was the saint. This article seems in quick-read a good resumee: I completely agree than any and all conflicts need at least 2 players, but also any failure to resolve one needs 2 parties...Unfortunately, an anti-Semitic assault participate much more than 2 parties. For centuries, we are target of numerous anti-Semitic powers. Currently, built-in islamic anti-Semitism, together with worldwide "New" anti-Zionist anti-semitism, have replaced old bankrupted forms of anti-Semitism like Christian, Nazi and Bolshevik form. This conflict between Jews and anti-Semites is extrimely unbalanced, and Palestinian people take this opportunity to annihilate Israel. Worldwide anti-Semitism is the main obstacle to peace between Israel and Palestine. Quote
houseknight Posted November 3, 2017 Author Report Posted November 3, 2017 Unfortunately, an anti-Semitic assault participate much more than 2 parties. For centuries, we are target of numerous anti-Semitic powers. Currently, built-in islamic anti-Semitism, together with worldwide "New" anti-Zionist anti-semitism, have replaced old bankrupted forms of anti-Semitism like Christian, Nazi and Bolshevik form. This conflict between Jews and anti-Semites is extrimely unbalanced, and Palestinian people take this opportunity to annihilate Israel. Worldwide anti-Semitism is the main obstacle to peace between Israel and Palestine. And here's how this works:Christians, Muslims, & More AGAINST Evil Zionism :mam7jmmNibiru/Aliens/ETVs … This community is «Christians, Muslims & More AGAINST evil zionists.» THE ONLY GROUP THAT IS THE ENEMY OF HUMANITY ON EARTH IS THE zionists THAT COME IN MANY DECEPTIVE FORMS; they are THE ONLY TARGET HERE.The zionists are anti-islam. Christians are not anti-islam. The zionists are anti-christian. Muslims are not anti-christian. STAY FOCUSED AND RECOGNIZE «satan» WHEN it REARS its COWARDLY MOST UNCLEAN HEAD. Take care and GOD bless! We must go. Yet in 2014, Pope Francis demonstrated his support to Palestine Cause by performing prayer under Defensive fence between Israel and Palestine. Then in 2017 he declared, that Islam has no connection with islamist terror. At the bottom line, Pope tries to pacify Muslim extremists on the basis of anti-Semitism, which is common value for Islam and Christianity. Just along the line, specified by above islamist anti-Semitic ideolog. Quote
Buffy Posted November 4, 2017 Report Posted November 4, 2017 Unfortunately, an anti-Semitic assault participate much more than 2 parties. For centuries, we are target of numerous anti-Semitic powers. Currently, built-in islamic anti-Semitism, together with worldwide "New" anti-Zionist anti-semitism, have replaced old bankrupted forms of anti-Semitism like Christian, Nazi and Bolshevik form. This conflict between Jews and anti-Semites is extrimely unbalanced, and Palestinian people take this opportunity to annihilate Israel. Worldwide anti-Semitism is the main obstacle to peace between Israel and Palestine. ...and half of Israelis and most of their American Jewish brethren consider such views to be every bit as dangerous as the Jihadi terrorists, precisely because it ensures that the conflict continues without abatement. But you call us all "self-hating Jews." You have said this only by implication, but it's the obvious conclusion here. Many of us think that expelling both you and Hamas from the Middle East would bring peace, but you're so wrapped up in your hate that you can't see it. You don't want peace, you want to be right. What you're spouting here is despicable. Hate, intransigence, and racist plastering of "all Muslims" as being anti-Semitic, is the best way to ensure there is no peace. Yet you persist. That says a lot about you. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that, :phones:Buffy Quote
houseknight Posted November 4, 2017 Author Report Posted November 4, 2017 (edited) ...and half of Israelis and most of their American Jewish brethren consider such views to be every bit as dangerous as the Jihadi terrorists, precisely because it ensures that the conflict continues without abatement. But you call us all "self-hating Jews." You have said this only by implication, but it's the obvious conclusion here. Many of us think that expelling both you and Hamas from the Middle East would bring peace, but you're so wrapped up in your hate that you can't see it. You don't want peace, you want to be right. What you're spouting here is despicable. Hate, intransigence, and racist plastering of "all Muslims" as being anti-Semitic, is the best way to ensure there is no peace. Yet you persist. That says a lot about you. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that, :phones:BuffyAll attempts to pacify Palestinians due to far-reaching concessions (Oslo etc) have failed, such is our collective experience. In their attempts to annihilate Jews, the Palestinians continue to relay on all possible anti-Semitic powers. Here's the historic line of Palestine Patrons: Turkish Empire (Turkish sultans were Caliphs of islamic Ummah), then (after Britons violated their promises to create whole-Arab State), the Palestinians turned to Hitler's help (Rommel, obviously, headed to Palestine). Then Britons together with de Gaulle released Hitler's pupil Al Husseini and brought him to Palestine (1946). Out of 5 Arab states, which participated this attempt to annihilate Jews, 3 were British allies (Egypt, Jordan and Palestine), while 2 were French allies (Syria and Lebanon). Then came Nasser, USSR, Saddam Hussein, Arab League, Iran's Ayatollahs. Currently we face Iran-led coalition, which includes HAMAS, Hizbullah and Syria. Abu Mazen is joining this coalition, due to reconciliation with HAMAS. Probably, Putin will give assistance to this additional attempt to annihilate Israel.At the bottom line, the main obstacle to peace is just Palestinian reliance on anti-Semites, who promise to annihilate Israel. Currently, such "benevolent friends" play Iran and Hizbullah, together with Western anti-Semites like BDS. Edited November 4, 2017 by houseknight Quote
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