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I've been aware of the airliner vs automobile ratio for some time and I would guess that it is commonly known by many people. I still have a fear flying over every other means of transportation knowing this. Even so I feel travel by car has never been riskier due to texting while driving, I still fear the plane over the car. My best guess is that in the car I'm in control of the vehicle, in a plane I'm surrendering that control to a stranger.


Some of these took me by surprise and some left me, a little disturbed. The "falling out of bed" scenario was unexpected for sure. I assume this primarily consist of the elderly.


I have three big dogs, 2 are brother and sister yellow Lab/Golden Retriever mixes. The female (Lily) is amazing, smart, obedient. and has a great personality. The male (Dante) not so much, he has a nice personality, but that's pretty much where his good points end.


He is not to bright always sleeping, whenever there is trouble he's in the middle of it. when I take them out and hit tennis balls, he'll do one or two retrievals then he says the hell with all that. let Lily get the rest,  chewing stuff up, stealing the other dogs food, he does it all. Many times while pulling off his stunts he gets into situations he can't get out of and if there is trouble in the house you can bet your *** it's stuck to the bottom of his paw somehow.


I usually go to bed every night at the same time. Dante usually walks into my bedroom about 20 minutes early so he can get his best spot in the bed. Every night when I get in bed I must push him to one side because he is sprawled out side-ways on it, it causes him to toss and turn to try and get to a position that's comfortable for him. One night doing this dingbat rolled off the bed while asleep. It was loud enough to wake me up out of a deep sleep. It sounded like a ton of bricks hitting the floor. So I guess I can believe some people fall out of bed and do real damage if it happens the right way.


The hiring friends to attend the funeral of someone who didn't have many is ridiculous in my eyes. Just like many other things people care about in life,  it would have no meaning after death so why would anyone care who does or doesn't show up? The things people worry about for their legacy can get insane and inane.


The preventable medical mistakes I can swallow. We're humans and we make mistakes, no technology that can resolve that for now. The death's due to lazy or poor handwriting perturbs me. especially in this age of computers where there are other ways to communicate important medical information to ensure patient safety.


In any case, I thought it was a interesting piece on the odd relationships and situations humans come across at the intersection of life and the end of it.        













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