Super Polymath Posted December 11, 2017 Report Posted December 11, 2017 (edited) The right theory of everything may lead us to stable fusion, which can cheaply turn small amounts of lead into smaller amounts of gold, which can then be . Who said money doesn't grow on trees? This theory could help bring us to by understanding the nature of the electromagnetic interaction as it pertains to a relativity drive. Such a theory would as much lead to a technological Utopia as Einstein's theory of General Relativity led to the atom bomb that ended all of the catastrophes of global scale warfare many decades ago. I wouldn't be surprised if such a theory were used to support the theory of intelligent design. Ether theories continue to have significant proponents, people who've even won nobel prizes (which should hold more weight than anyone objecting them here), finding evidence in support of loopholes in the supposed violation in Bell's inequality that would discredit said Ether theories. Key TermsLocal realismTeleparallel quantum gravity Quantum observer/entanglement/eraser/ Quantum cellular automaton interpretationanti/de sitter space/ADS/CFT dualityfractal geometry/scale relativity/special relativity beyond the speed of lightWhite holeHiggs field/dark matter/gravity wavesThe cosmological constant/dynamic dark energy/Hawking radiationFRBs & the OMG particleThe transplanckian problemDark Flow/Cosmic Bruising/CMB PrimerLet's start with the most significant original proponents of aether theories from the wikipedia article: "We may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an Aether. According to the general theory of relativity space without Aether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this Aether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it." -Einstein circa 1920 Of course many here would probably quick to point out that Einstein's previous paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies." which first introduced SR that predated this 1920 post-GR quote of Einstein's doubted the Ether, GR literally predicted it in distorting light waves around the sun that acted like an ether pushing out the stars around the horizon of the sun generating an optical illusion that warped their positions officially confirmed by astronomers in 1919 & then in gravitational waves with v=c measured twice by LIGO (once in a neutron star collision & once in BH collision where the velocity of gravitation was truly confirmed by the fact that GW waves frame dragging means gravity is not even a field) in 2017. The thing that the ether theory states, is local realism in deterministic, infinitely reducible beneath the planck length, spacetime: In the Bohmian view, nonlocality is even more conspicuous. The trajectory of any one particle depends on what all the other particles described by the same wave function are doing. And, critically, the wave function has no geographic limits; it might, in principle, span the entire universe. Which means that the universe is weirdly interdependent, even across vast stretches of space. This pilot wave could literally be the propagating Euclid-esque spatial-temporal curves (GW waves in microcausal systems) of sub-Planck scale (C can go back & forth once over a distance of 1/40 planck lengths in 1/40 planck times in the form of a gravity wave & that's a superluminal interaction that doesn't violate the cosmic speed limit) structures that we cannot observe. This is supported in this article: The situation is somewhat different when we consider gravity and promote the Lorentz violating tensors to dynamical objects. For example in an aether theory, where Lorentz violation is described by a timelike four vector, the four vector can twist in such a way that local superluminal propagation can lead to energy-momentum flowing around closed paths [206]. However, even classical general relativity admits solutions with closed time like curves, so it is not clear that the situation is any worse with Lorentz violation. Furthermore, note that in models where Lorentz violation is given by coupling matter fields to a non-zero, timelike gradient of a scalar field, the scalar field also acts as a time function on the spacetime. In such a case, the spacetime must be stably causal (c.f. [272]) and there are no closed timelike curves. This property also holds in Lorentz violating models with vectors if the vector in a particular solution can be written as a non-vanishing gradient of a scalar. Finally, we mention that in fact many approaches to quantum gravity actually predict a failure of causality based on a background metric [121] as in quantum gravity the notion of a spacetime event is not necessarily well-defined [239]. A concrete realization of this possibility is provided in Bose-Einstein condensate analogs of black holes [40]. Here the low energy phonon excitations obey Lorentz invariance and microcausality [270]. However, as one approaches a certain length scale (the healing length of the condensate) the background metric description breaks down and the low energy notion of microcausality no longer holds. I quote Gerard t'Hooft, another proponent of ether theory: "Einstein had difficulties with the relativistic invariance of quantum mechanics (“doesthe spooky information transmitted by these particles go faster than light?”). These,however, are now seen as technical difficulties that have been resolved. It may be consid-ered part of Copenhagen’s Doctrine, that the transmission of information over a distancecan only take place, if we can identify operators A at space-time point x1 and operatorsB at space-time point x2 that do not commute: [A, B] 6= 0 . We now understand that, inelementary particle theory, all space-like separated observables mutually commute, whichprecludes any signalling faster than light. It is a built-in feature of the Standard Model,to which it actually owes much of its success.So, with the technical difficulties out of the way, we are left with the more essentialEinsteinian objections against the Copenhagen doctrine for quantum mechanics: it is aprobabilistic theory that does not tell us what actually is going on. It is sometimes evensuggested that we have to put our “classical” sense of logic on hold. Others deny that:“Keep remembering what you should never ask, while reshaping your sense of logic, andeverything will be fine.” According to the present author, the Einstein-Bohr debate is notover. A theory must be found that does not force us to redefine any aspect of classical,logical reasoning.What Einstein and Bohr did seem to agree about is the importance of the role of anobserver. Indeed, this was the important lesson learned in the 20th century: if somethingcannot be observed, it may not be a well-defined concept – it may even not exist at all. Wehave to limit ourselves to observable features of a theory. It is an important ingredientof our present work that we propose to part from this doctrine, at least to some extent:Things that are not directly observable may still exist and as such play a decisive rolein the observable properties of an object. They may also help us to construct realisticmodels of the world.Indeed, there are big problems with the dictum that everything we talk about must beobservable. While observing microscopic objects, an observer may disturb them, even ina classical theory; moreover, in gravity theories, observers may carry gravitational fieldsthat disturb the system they are looking at, so we cannot afford to make an observerinfinitely heavy (carrying large bags full of “data”, whose sheer weight gravitationallydisturbs the environment), but also not infinitely light (light particles do not transmitlarge amounts of data at all), while, if the mass of an observer would be “somewhere in between”, ." More evidence: The hole is quantum-mechanically unstable: It has no bound states. Wormhole wave functions must eventually leak to large radii. This suggests that stability considerations along these lines may place strong constraints on the nature and even the existence of spacetime foam. ---- In invariant set theory, the form of the Bell Inequality whose violation would be inconsistent with realism and local causality is undefined, and the form of the inequality that it violated experimentally is not even gp-approximately close to the form needed to rule out local realism (54) [21]. A key element in demonstrating this result derives from the fact that experimenters cannot in principle shield their apparatuses from the uncontrollable ubiquitous gravitational waves that fill space-time. ---- A finite non-classical framework for physical theory is described which challenges the conclusion that the Bell Inequality has been shown to have been violated experimentally, even approximately. This framework postulates the universe as a deterministic locally causal system evolving on a measure-zero fractal-like geometry IU in cosmological state space. Consistent with the assumed primacy of IU , and p-adic number theory, a non-Euclidean (and hence non-classical) metric gp is defined on cosmological state space, where p is a large but finite Pythagorean prime. Using numbertheoretic properties of spherical triangles, the inequalities violated experimentally are shown to be gp-distant from the CHSH inequality, whose violation would rule out local realism. This result fails in the singular limit p = ∞, at which gp is Euclidean. Broader implications are discussed. ---- This optical pumping scenario is implicitly based on the erroneous quantum mechanical “myth” that quantum “jumps” are instantaneous. In reality transitions between atomic levels take very, very long times, about 10 million times longer than the oscillating period of the electromagnetic radiation that drives the excitation. A particle of energy is just like an infinite universe of matter with a relatively infinite amount of mass. Everything works the same. Fall anywhere in space, no matter how seemingly void, & you're gonna land on matter if you're small enough. There isn't an empty place anywhere. The idea behind any attempt to build an ether theory is just that empty space ought not be really empty. We have two good reasons to think so: first, electromagnetic signals behave undoubtedly as waves; since they propagate even through intergalactic space, there must be some thing there (everywhere), in which they do wave. Second, quantum theory predicts that vacuum has physical effects, such as the Casimir effect, which is now experimentally confirmed [1]. The Microverse: A microverse is the same principle as a level 1 multiverse, matter can only arrange itself in so many different ways eventually everything takes on the same order again, especially where c covers a distance in less than 1 planck time. Even in quantum theory c does propagate under such extremely short distances in the form of gravity waves: some people claim that a 'Poisson sprinkling' of space-time points is Lorentz invariant. So when measuring the planck scale of a microverse you're literally converting one cosmic unit into one planck length, which is like saying the super cosmos you're measuring is equal to 13billionly/1.6(10^-35m), which is something like 7.71(10^61) meters or 6.22(10^36) light years. For every Lorentz transformation c increases accordingly meaning that the gravity of a microverse would cover a distance of 6.22(10^36) of our light years in 1.3(10^9) years which is about 4.92(10^27) times the speed of light!! This can lead to an equation that tells you what the universe looks like spanning 600 billion light years giving us a picture of the universe that's thirteen times larger than our current observable universe because it gives these microcausal system of superluminal pilot waves from the Bohmian view of locality (aka GW waves) as a tool for calculating how the CMB primer effected matter beyond the observable universe when culminated with dark flow & cosmic bruising. Particle-waves of light in a near-perfect vacuum have micro-structures, even when they're waves, that must behave EXACTLY like our expanding universe at it's largest scale: THIS actually doesn't need rotation (Friedmann cosmology) to be that fast, not any faster than evidence would just suggest for both dark flow as well as for cosmic bruising to occur. Now, the atom: All our observations would offer is virtually no detail, a still frame, not saying what's within or in between them. For that you need a more accurate equipment: Now does that not look like a quasar? But that's a very simple atom with one proton. This is what goes on inside the nucleus of a more complex atom: "You can't consider a proton just as three quarks (called valence quarks, because they determine the quantum numbers) because virtual quarks and antiquarks are constantly being created and anhilated via strong force. So a proton is more like a quark sea. In fact, this process gives most part of the proton's mass (the valence quarks are just the 2% of the mass). " What if I told you that the protons are constantly transferring the material of the accretion disk around that planck particle to-&-fro stripping it of its mass during brief bouts of negative charge & spitting the material stripped of is mass into the neighbor atoms' nuclei in the form of the electron's wave during less brief bouts of positive charge? The big rips in electron microverses get hit with that outward flowing accretion disk & form one solid-state electron very briefly that's bright enough for us to see. We also have this notion of black hole atoms, now suppose that these micro black holes are crucial in the formation of all atoms: This is an atom with an atomic nucleus composed of one proton. However, most atoms have multiple protons with charge as well as a charge-neutral "neutron" which, unlike said protons, flies apart within 10 minutes when freed from the nucleus. Why? Let's break it down: The protons of adjacent atoms feed each other, as the micro black hole is in the process of consuming it's accretion disk; that's negative charge & all material around said nucleus, even the electrons that form, are going inward. Going outward would be positive charge, & that is when the proton has fully consumed it's accretion disk, stripped of it's mass, the matter of the accretion flows back outward in the form of Cherenkov radiation. That is positive charge, & as that proton's BH evaporates, the - proton within the nuclei of adjacent atoms grow. The cycles must be synchronized perfectly or the atoms will annihilate into light. A proton with negative charge will always become positively charged. Now, this is also an example of how quantum entanglement comes about, these atoms are causally linked by micro-gravity. It also solves the anti-matter problem; what annihilation would leave in its wake were rapidly evaporating microversal scale cosmic unit black holes in a pre-CMB, CDM state, just like a big rip. Whatever is pulled back by the expansion generated by BH shrinkage would have to be causally synchronized by gravity, just like all particle pairs. As you can see here, the neutron is a glorified subatomic quark-gluon pulsar, held together by the collective gravity of the protons. The up and down quarks are just where the matter jets at the two poles of the microquasars and micro qg plasma bodies are lighting up material - two ups & 1 down or vice versa being where these matter jets ignite material: The idea is that the two up quarks are matter jets from a theoretical micro black hole, the third down quark is where matter enters or exits the accretion disk depending on whether the proton is in a negatively charged state (black hole is young & the matter isn't flying apart from expansion yet) or positively charged (black hole is middle aged & matter has lost most its mass & is flying apart like our galaxy will one day). These micro black holes evaporate & spawn at a rate of approximately 10 billion times per second, on average, within the general area of the protons & neutrons, right around where the atomic nucleus should be. This illustrates the scattering of virtual particles that are being compiled via electron holography. You just have to dig more into Einstein equations than QM does, classical micro-causal with the principle of locality (speed of information exchange conforming to frame dragging sub-planckian curves) for the atom that doesn't really involve total energy conservation because the cherenkov radiation is used to combine rotation for dynamical DE it's a free space & trapped space dual system. Technically, there's always conservation it's just too infinitesimal when the dynamical DE takes over relating to a black hole's mass consumption or + charge for the atomic nuclei which can be mechanically treated as having micro black holes evaporating & spawning 9 billion times per second for a cesium atom. well, this doesn't model it like that, but here is another version simplified version. Vmedvil, I noticed on .net you posted something that looks like this: -src Also, what do you make of this link? This thread now hyperlinks to four total of these "wacky physicist" or "crackpot" theories. But these physicists are credible I'd imagine. I wonder why my theory looks so much like these "classified physics" esque conspiracy links. Now, let's explain the observer effect, which can also be attributed to the quantum eraser: As you can see (& as explained earlier), it's just the microgravity of the interacting particle beams. This microversal cellular automaton interpretation is much more versatile than QM, it works in explaining virtually anything in QM. For instance, let's use the quantum venn diagram paradox; Between wave functions, the photons adopt new polarities as they expand through space-time. More polarizing filters=greater variety of polarities. Now let's look at the 3rd type of microverse: Quark-gluon plasma is the absolute densest state matter can take. We see it in the cores of neutron stars, discs of quasars as matter is folded upon itself by compressing spacetime (gravity/mass/dark matter) around macro black holes, & in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Any denser, & matter is just a macro black hole as there's no space between micro black holes. It's composed of micro quasars with micro black holes at their cores, barely held apart by micro expansion. Unlike vacuum radiation & the atomic world, these microverses are non-anthropic (no stellar eras) because less entropy equates to less complexity. Quark-gluon plasma is the only state of matter composed entirely of microverses that are exclusively the same as itself. Atoms & vacuum radiation will have microverses with atoms, quark-gluon plasma & vacuum radiation within them, quark-gluon plasma is only composed of microverses that are entirely filled with quark-gluon plasma. The Black Hole. What is it exactly? This may imply that black holes and white holes are the same object. The Hawking radiation from an ordinary black hole is then identified with the white-hole emission. Hawking’s semi-classical argument is reproduced in a quantum mechanical AdS/CFT treatment, where a black hole in anti-de Sitter space is described by a thermal gas in a gauge theory, whose time reversal is the same as itself. The black hole is a white hole in ADS space (with negative three dimensions). Everything that's contracting in desitter space is expanding in ADS space. So black holes are perpendicular universes that have negative dimensions, so when black holes are in a near perfect vacuum the only mass they consume comes from vastly reduced black hole sizes within the microverses of photons which, as a white hole's hot dense center (where parallel universes continuously emerge) shrinks it dissolves near it's horizon, this means that the rate of expansion in the spacetime of that white hole's horizon increases & it's inside out DS counterpart (a black hole) shrinks. That's Hawking radiation for you. Recall, my original idea that spawned this entire line of thinking was that the universe looks practically the same at the planck length (more so than any statistic in QM could ever discern) in a near-perfect vacuum (that has nothing but photons scattered between their respective wavelengths) as it does at 13 billion light years. This is because the cosmic event horizon & planck's constant are related to C, which is the rate at which GW waves (indivisible from the other three fundamental interactions as well as mass, the Higgs field, dark matter, whatever you want to call that which is responsible for gravity, in this case) & it's polar opposite; expansion (caused by dark energy, which is really the non-conservation of energy you get in the photon sphere of a black hole because the Kerr metric is really just a product of this process in which a cosmic macroscopic black hole eats the microcosmic microscopic black holes of the quark gluon plasma at the heart of a quasar) propagate. Dynamical dark energy: This is why matter jets are so powerful around black holes, & the source of FRBs & OMG particles (relativistic protons) - the microverses of these relativistic particles don't have any micro-black holes to delay expansion at first, at least, not until they pick them up as they meet other radiation propagating through space. Stripping microverses of their black holes gives you more energy than matter/anti-matter annihilation. The quasar material loses its mass in the form of micro black holes merging with the central macro black hole, big rip era Monster SMBH rotation helps because the quasar material slides off the surface of the event horizon & if the black hole is even close to a cosmic unit it's rotation will be superluminal due to the addition of velocities. By that reasoning, our cosmos (not just the observable universe, but the 600 billion light years that we know are out there, would be like some infinitesimal microcosm within a point of a wavelength of light in the vacuum of space in the high-low entropy range of some colossal but finite white hole of a gestalt nature which has a size that we may never really be able to fully calculate. The low entropy range being entirely qg plasma, the mid-low entropy range being mostly qg plasma, the high-low range we inhabit having a perfect balance of all three types of microverses (small amount of qg plasma, mid amount of atoms, & high amount vacuum radiation) & is ideally anthropic, & the mid entropy range being vastly vacuum radiation dominant with a few atoms in there & virtually no qg plasma, with the high entropy range being nothing but evaporating black holes with an exponentially smaller set of microverses composing the vacuum radiation within the ever growing space between them, which will eventually be the fate of our cosmos as the white hole we inhabit will evaporate rapidly as an evaporating black hole in ADS. There's no surviving that. Mind you though, in this theory black holes never fully evaporate nor to they ever spontaneously emerge. They're all just sort of "there". The beauty is that you can construct an iterative operation that perpetually calculates the ever-changing approximate of dimensions (3 - ~2.5 = x) of the fractal we inhabit in order to locate where & when these micro black holes that produce the wormhole metric will spawn & evaporate within the microverses of microverses of the subatomic world to varying degrees of precision based on how much processing power you have available to you & through averaging out a combinatoric optimum in the varying results of that iterative dimensional analysis, you will be able to determine the pattern of every force of nature, not just the eigenvalues, not just gravity, not just dark energy, but the total conservation of dynamical dark matter in all possible trapped spaces (frame-dragging killing vector waves) along with the total non-conservation of dark energy in possible freed spaces (dipole moments) beyond the speed of light, which is a theory of everything for all intents & purposes because it gives us the capacity to construct quantum tunneling networks & quantum entanglement gates for superluminal processing power which opens up a new world of possibilities. It is a testable hypothesis, it's based on the thesis that a photon at the brightest parts of the wavelength are around 13 billion light years in microverse adjustments (CMB was brighter than the current universe) & dimmer now that it's material as been spread over 45 times it's original volume. Meaning that, due if you map out what the cosmos will look like during the big rip based on my model & put adjacent expanding CMB's at various stages of stellar evolution around inside & around it you should not only get new CMB's being birthed & killing vector fields along with the dipole moments in that chaos should give you anisotropic black hole size that evolve over time, some of them larger than the CMB's themselves, which should look like protons, & atoms should even form if you place enough expanding universes at different stages of evolution in close proximity during the mathematical simulation. Edited January 9, 2018 by Super Polymath Quote
Vmedvil Posted December 13, 2017 Report Posted December 13, 2017 (edited) As I kindness to Polymath, He can use my model which does equal the Energy-Stress Tensor, In any case, plug into your different ideas and it will generate a universe that obeys it. For Instance, Negative Rest Energy or Negative SNF binding Energy, which I have no idea how you would create in "Real Universe" but in any case, it will polymorph to that universe if used that does, with the same elementary constants as ours which may be useful for "White Holes" Or Negative Relativistic Energy for faster than Light particles. In any case, it doesn't care what you do it, it will figure it out,unless it breaks it in that case it will not create a universe, but null on a part saying impossible or (-1/0 = -∅) "dimension does not exist negative infinity", The Other case, is 1/0 = ∅ "dimension does exist, but too large Infinity" Final, thing this only takes in account one object for the entire universe, if you want multiple add ∑(All Terms) like the Quanta Counter, which is ∑I = I1 + I2 + I3 ... + In What is this you may ask, well this starts at the big bang, you are configuring the big bang. Edited December 31, 2017 by Vmedvil Super Polymath 1 Quote
Vmedvil Posted December 13, 2017 Report Posted December 13, 2017 (edited) You mean gradually converging waves of cherenkov radiation into a singularity from multiple big rips until a qg plasma body that looks like a photon or on a larger scale, the cmb, is constructed? This sphere is then pulled apart by the evaporation of the monster black holes that caused said big rip, forming the first atoms in a new universe. A white hole, the negative energy contained within a black hole, houses these particles. Well, it looks something like this. Then BOOM! as you Laplace prime summation over time. It does assume the Big bang was something like a Black hole blowing up. Edited December 13, 2017 by Vmedvil Quote
Vmedvil Posted December 13, 2017 Report Posted December 13, 2017 (edited) No, the black holes don't explode. It looks more like my illustrations in the OP. Well, it assumes once they get enough mass, they explode as Angular Velocity which is Shear Stress @ C overcomes Gravitational attraction @ C, or is equal to it based on more the massive BH, have faster Angular Velocity in "Real Universe", but it can be anything that goes against gravity. Edited December 13, 2017 by Vmedvil Quote
Vmedvil Posted December 13, 2017 Report Posted December 13, 2017 (edited) No escapes because the quasar material loses its mass in the form of micro black holes merging with the central macro black hole. That doesn't matter, just the fact that it some way, it blows up @ time 0 to 1 or Δt1, I use that method, In reality it could be any of the blue or green parts of Tab that cause it to explode or all of them. Edited December 13, 2017 by Vmedvil Quote
Vmedvil Posted December 27, 2017 Report Posted December 27, 2017 (edited) well, this doesn't model it like that, but here is another version simplified version. Edited December 31, 2017 by Vmedvil Super Polymath 1 Quote
Super Polymath Posted December 28, 2017 Author Report Posted December 28, 2017 well, this doesn't model it like that, but here is another version simplified version. Yea I'll have to take some calculuseseseseses Quote
Super Polymath Posted January 3, 2018 Author Report Posted January 3, 2018 Bump Craig's back, where have you beeen!!!! Quote
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