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Posted (edited)
  On 2/27/2018 at 6:10 PM, Super Polymath said:

 imagine the hottest densest pockets of primordial gas within our universe 13 billion years ago, now make it so an ungodly monster of a pulsar is composed entirely of the hottest regions of the CMB with no gaps in quark gluon plasma throughout it's entire structure & also imagine it being many times the size of our CMB with a supermassive black hole, surrounded by a qg plasma quasar unlike anything you could imagine in power-scale, that's several times larger than the one within the active core of the IC 1101 galaxy (which is the largest SMBH we know about) feeding the Kronos of a pulsar, & you get a superverse neutron, it's up quark where matter from the nearby quasar, aka superverse proton, is feeding it material whereas it's two down quarks are it's polar matter jets. 

Yes I know that normally the pulsar feeds the quasar since the BH possesses a greater density of "mass", but in the case of a positively charged proton as opposed to an anti-proton, the microverse BH has consumed so much "mass" from it's surrounding quasar material. So much so that the quasar material is no long attracted to the proton/micro-BH so much as it is attracted to the neutron/micro-pulsar. Now, however, please note all neutron-proton nuclei begin their life-cycles with the proton actually being a negatively charged anti-proton in this ADS/Conformal GW Theory - but their life cycles end with the it being a normal positively charged proton feeding the neutron with matter emanating from the single down quark of the proton to the single up quark of the neutron before the cycle repeats with the reverse of that: with the neutron feeding the proton. 

Edited by Super Polymath
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Posted (edited)

A better name for this theory is inverse dimensional cannibalism. The 3D branes are structurally inverted, & locked in an endless merger since they are both equitably infinite in area-volume. Either brane only exists purely within the other at points that we call white holes, the larger the white hole the smaller it's inverse (black hole) & vice versa. Between any two points in either brane that isn't within the area of a white hole or a black hole there is an infinite hierarchy of smaller white holes & black holes, Achilles vs tortoise in Zeno's paradox to create a +/- ~2.5 fractal structure for each brane, resembling the mandelbrot set even down to the repeating structure that you'd get in the fractal zoom at high entropy points these repeating structures are more & more complex (even as complex as a Boltzmann brain).


Distance & motion, as well as mass, are illusions that represent thermodynamic & entropic change - the only two relentless constants in this theory. The strength of gravity, the passing of time, & the velocity of bodies in motion are relative values depending on the observer's scalar perspective.


They only technology we can create that's more miniaturised than the nanometer is a self organizing information system based on quantum entanglement utilizing predictive algorithms that are based on the propagation of gravitational microwaves in the virtual photon aether - basically predicting the dominoe effect in entangled wave-particles in order to determine the outcome of any potential quantum observer controlled chain reaction.


This is because the virtual protons & neutrons of atomic nuclei, & smaller points (the microcosmic joints about which wave-particle propagation occurs) in the virtual particles of the vacuum radiation aether - where time goes in reverse - create a larger hologram that we percieve as the solid subatomic particle. But the smaller microcosmic bits that compose these wave-particle projections experience a faster speed of light relative to our cosmic, or a slower speed of light relative to it's own cosmic scale.

Edited by Super Polymath
Posted (edited)

Imagine a boundless 2 dimensional plane (like the result of the collision of 2 3D branes - until they squish each other flat or something - in m-theory), one side with a negative dimensionality & the other side with a positive dimensionality (inversive geometry) with no quantum foam (fractal geometry) as the flat plane expands into a single brane as the two merging branes pass through each other reversing that totally flat state.


Now imagine an infinite number of black marbles surrounded an *infinity^3* number of white marbles (*Cantor's infinity*) surrounded by infinity^3^3 black marbles etc until you get a transient hyperoperator factorial of graham|infinity white marbles about the edge of this superbrane viewing it outside in, & graham|infinity of black marbles viewing the superbrane inside out. These marbles can be viewed as qubits, & in-between these marbles is a space made entirely out of smaller marbles, in-between the smaller marbles is space made of even smaller marbles, you can imagine how the acceptance of Zeno's paradox applies here; there has to be space between the qubits made from smaller qubits because these qubits must be spherical just like black holes seeing as how they're the result of inversive-material spacetime fabrics.


As this inversive-stringlike brane infinitely emerges from a flat plane at a constant rate of C, the marbles go from flat to spherical & curve at the speed of light, this curving action is torsion, it's what bends matter/spacetime in the inversive fractal geometric branes creating the illusion of mass, which we percieve as the four fundamental interactions plus expansion as we observe only one half of a reality with no beginning or end.


This combines elements of Einstein's proposed spacetime aether (which requires scale relativity to account for quantum effects) with William J. Sidis' version of black holes from "On the Animate and The Inanimate".

Edited by Super Polymath
Posted (edited)

This bizarre model would be impervious to scrutiny. It's built off evidence such as every quantum mechanical effect & every astronomical anamoly (cosmic bruising, positive charge dominance, black holes, ultra energetic cosmic rays surpassing the GZK cutoff, the Bootes void, etc.) ever observed.


Anyone with a PhD in particle physics should be made aware of this thread for anyone who's knowledgeable in the subject that knows said professors viewing this. It could lead to superluminal telecumminications because of the other-level determinism (Einstein quote) that the abandoned principle of local realism suggested.

Edited by Super Polymath
Posted (edited)



The black is of an negative plane from our perspective, the white is of a positive plane inverse to the black circles. This is the universe in my theory before an infinite past, meaning it both was & was not actually two dimensional. Now when it goes from 2 to 3 motion is created, because the circles become sphere non-instantaneously, with velocity equal to the speed in which gravity waves propagate. As the circles grow that third dimension to become spheres an infinite number of infinitessimal circles existing between each circle get absorbed by it as they also become spheres.


This generates a thermodynamic increase locally, which tugs on the non-local spheres causing entropy. This happens at infinite points, leading to the universe as we know it.


To us, the quantum foam is the projection of smaller moving parts made from these same qubits. The planck length experiences conformal rescaling, hence scale relativity. The pattern of galaxies repeats on smaller scales, their active galactic cores existing for tenths of a nanosecond, feeding each other material to project what we percieve as protons & antiprotons. Collections of microscopic primordial gas & cosmic dust in a state that our cosmos went through 13 billion years ago for electrons. Etc. But really it's as simple as white hole (desitter space time) and black hole (anti desitter spacetime) qubits (space from quantum bits) moving in torsional chiral patterns at the speed of light.

Edited by Super Polymath

Think of a never-ending, boundless pendulum. Size has no meaning on the grand scale here. We see the same process in star formations, the debris of exploding stars aggregate between them to form new ones that are about the same size. Even galaxies can give birth to dwarf galaxies that collide & form new ones of the same scale as the old ones. Why should atomic nuclei, cosmic rays of all kinds, or even entire universes be any different.

Posted (edited)

Contact between real universe & reverse universe leads to zero, equitable nullification of portions of both realms.


So I'd imagine the replication of hierarchically miniaturizing fractal qubits you get as the black & white qubit circles grow their third dimensions at c as they become spheres the smaller ones between them get erased, since the black hole qubit is surrounded by white holes, decreasing the space between. This is the original pull that begins the infinite torsional pendulum of spacetime & matter-energy, how our cosmos appears to revolve at every level. Also why the white holes wrap around black holes like a hollow sphere, until the black hole dissolves the quasar & vice versa. This process is why local increases in thermal density will eventually increase entropy locally as well.

Edited by Super Polymath

That's how energy conservation is temporarily broken, that's why every antiproton becomes a proton & why there seems to be more matter than antimatter. It takes longer for entropically fleeting energy to aggregate into matter than for matter to break apart into energy

  On 2/27/2018 at 6:22 PM, Super Polymath said:

Yes I know that normally the pulsar feeds the quasar since the BH possesses a greater density of "mass", but in the case of a positively charged proton as opposed to an anti-proton, the microverse BH has consumed so much "mass" from it's surrounding quasar material. So much so that the quasar material is no long attracted to the proton/micro-BH so much as it is attracted to the neutron/micro-pulsar. Now, however, please note all neutron-proton nuclei begin their life-cycles with the proton actually being a negatively charged anti-proton in this ADS/Conformal GW Theory - but their life cycles end with the it being a normal positively charged proton feeding the neutron with matter emanating from the single down quark of the proton to the single up quark of the neutron before the cycle repeats with the reverse of that: with the neutron feeding the proton.

This means that, for a neutron, its down quarks are a compilation of magnetic dipole moments, the up quark is a hologram composed of a collection of briefer magnetic monopole moments - & vice versa for protons.

Posted (edited)

An antiproton/proton is a holographic compilation of evaporating & respawning microcosmic active/inactive galactic cores with a micro black hole in the center. The neutron is a microcosmic magnetic magnetar that won't evaporate unless freed from the atomic nucleus. Mind you that the electron itself is the size of the universe in microversal terms.


Virtual particles aren't really what we think they are.

Edited by Super Polymath
  On 3/14/2018 at 8:28 PM, Super Polymath said:

This bizarre model would be impervious to scrutiny. It's built off evidence such as every quantum mechanical effect & every astronomical anamoly (cosmic bruising, positive charge dominance, black holes, ultra energetic cosmic rays surpassing the GZK cutoff, the Bootes void, etc.) ever observed.


Anyone with a PhD in particle physics should be made aware of this thread for anyone who's knowledgeable in the subject that knows said professors viewing this. It could lead to superluminal telecumminications because of the other-level determinism (Einstein quote) that the abandoned principle of local realism suggested.

A breakthrough like quantum determinism is the next paradigm in science. The resulting communication technology would be to the telegraph as the telegraph was to...the messenger pigeon.

Posted (edited)

In a nutshell, this topic can be reduced to one simple paragraph;


The Inverse Dimensional Cannibal Hypothesis


The quantum eraser is the only fundamental interaction. This interaction being between two boundless branes that are omni-perpendicular to, and that are the corporeal reverse of, one another. All motion therein is the result of torsion. The motion is of a chiral nature, and caused by the beginningless and neverending evolution of these branes, working to achieve one plane-like state via the quantum eraser.

Edited by Super Polymath
Posted (edited)
  On 3/16/2018 at 5:26 PM, Super Polymath said:

There's somewhere between 4 & 6 real physical dimensions, ~|2x|+/-~|2x|=n, 6>n>4, 0<x<1, f(n)=lambda(pi)^2.

plugged into an ADS/pilot wave hybrid theory, could give you the right theory of everything. But it doesn't work with the standard LCDM model because the quantum foam is a holoprojection that is the product of fractal cosmology, where local realism can be applied contrary to bells theorem. We basically embrace zero as a real & yet irrational number. Edited by Super Polymath
  On 3/16/2018 at 5:55 PM, Super Polymath said:

plugged into an ADS/pilot wave hybrid theory, could give you the right theory of everything. But it doesn't work with the standard LCDM model because the quantum foam is a holoprojection that is the product of fractal cosmology, where local realism can be applied contrary to bells theorem. We basically embrace zero as a real & yet irrational number.



& the speed of light in this theory will be relative, not constant, because my f(n) equation will yield a fraction, & that means it will employ fractal geometry. As the addition of luminal velocities can become superluminal only I'm two dimensional space, it can also be Omega superluminal within any dimension that's <3.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/16/2018 at 5:26 PM, Super Polymath said:

There's somewhere between 4 & 6 real physical dimensions, ~|2x|+/-~|2x|=n, 6>n>4, 0<x<1, f(n)=lambda(pi)^2.

Mass is equal to the dividend by which n exceeds 6 per cubic meter. The greater the mass, the slower gravitational interaction. The weaker the mass, the faster the gravitational interaction, the rate of the gravitational interaction exceeds the speed of light by a factor equal to the dividend by which 4 exceeds n.


This is how we quantify our pilot waves in the article above for ToE completeness. Because the point of all this is superluminal communication, we need to be able to determine every possible outcome of a quantum controlled chain reaction between entangled particles in order to send & receive messages this way.

Edited by Super Polymath

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