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Can someone who is familiar with the many science magazines being published please recommend one other than Scientific American?  I'll not go on about the problems I have with SciAm.  I just want a different subscription to a lay-person's science magazine.  Not Nature.  That one is no doubt the best but it is far over my head for understanding.  Too many complicated equations for this math-challenged person.  There is also one I liked but it comes out weekly.  How do we keep up with a weekly magazine? :-)






Can someone who is familiar with the many science magazines being published please recommend one other than Scientific American?  I'll not go on about the problems I have with SciAm.  I just want a different subscription to a lay-person's science magazine.  Not Nature.  That one is no doubt the best but it is far over my head for understanding.  Too many complicated equations for this math-challenged person.  There is also one I liked but it comes out weekly.  How do we keep up with a weekly magazine? :-)



We have one in the UK called New Scientist. Articles tend to be short and not very deep. Also tends to focus on things with a social or political side to them.


We have one in the UK called New Scientist. Articles tend to be short and not very deep. Also tends to focus on things with a social or political side to them.

Barnes & Noble sells New Scientist.  I pick up a copy off and on.  But if it is social and political, it won't have much cosmology (my favorite), biology, hmmmm?  I should maybe analyze it a bit?  Thanks.


Barnes & Noble sells New Scientist.  I pick up a copy off and on.  But if it is social and political, it won't have much cosmology (my favorite), biology, hmmmm?  I should maybe analyze it a bit?  Thanks.

Well it's sort of newsy. It will let you know what's going on, but I find it not terribly good at really teaching you the science.


Well it's sort of newsy. It will let you know what's going on, but I find it not terribly good at really teaching you the science.

And it's the science that I want.  I could go into it subject by subject but that could get quite expensive.  Probably get too deep also as those are geared more to professionals in each field.  Discover was improving for a while but it seems to be drifting back into its old habits. 


Of course, part of the problem is that print issues of anything are going by the wayside.  They want everyone online and that isn't always easy.  Print is easier on my eyes, for one thing.  And seems easier to follow. I'll still look at New Scientist, though.  I don't know why but I find that a lot of my favorites come from UK.  History Today, Apollo, others. 

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