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As the title suggests when a person (particularly a woman) poses in the nude, they can suggest several things -


1. I don't give a damn !

2. I am proud of my body.

3. I am hungry for more likes on any photo blogging network.

4. My body language is all-powerful. (Your body can talk aka the Olivia Newton John effect).

5. I espouse some loyalty to some socially relevant cause.

6. I am not a fashionista and I believe in evolution (Even homo erectus didn't wear a tuxedo !).

7. I am a rebel.

8. I worship Aphrodite (Venus / Ishtar).

9. I am narcisstic.

10. I have enrolled in a nudist club.


OR lastly


* I have some genes derived from Archimedes. (Eureka !)


Which do you endorse ?  :beer-fresh:


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