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Alright, now that DIY Viral Nanobots have been created, I have taken it upon myself to fix all possible malfunctions with Nanorobotics that do not work.



If you input a gene that does not work you must generate a CRISPR which has been previously dicussed in other posts in this subforum. 


You generate a guide RNA that cleaves upon a region that is the length of the cut sequence starting with CCG or GGC "NNNNNNNN"


Then select the product called CRISPR "Silence" Version. It must be sent to a Scientific University type thing.




This Wiki Image is an amazing picture of the Cas9 Gene as a protein and Guide RNA




Which will remove unwanted Viral Genes that you have misplaced, which will remove the protein from being made.


If you accidentally generate a prion 


You need a gene/protein that does protolysis on the protein.



You need to put a Cleave site in the middle of the gene, by a integration protein from a Viral Vector. 


This will cut on this site by the protein that cleaves on it, like HIV-1 Protease cleaving on its respective site. 


being whatever site that HIV-1 Cleaves on which is outlined in several journals.


http://jvi.asm.org/content/75/2/589.full being




Prions need to be had the same process used on them,  if you make a mutated unwanted protein you can absolutely get rid of it.


Alright if you artifically stimulate the immune system, you need to put the protein that signals that you are a T-Cell or NK cell, the immune system will not attack any cell saying it is either of these, even if it says it is virus infected they will not kill a T-cell or Natural Killer White Blood Cell. 






You know the leading cause of scientist dieing is from killing themselves from their own experiments, well besides Naturally, but my point like Madam Curie and Radiation Poisoning she never knew, but here are some things you can input that may save your life.

Edited by Vmedvil

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