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  • 5 months later...

I made a selection of 40 thoughts, which I named "dissonances". Here's the result...


1. Symmetry is reminiscent of the mystery of origins...
2. Everything is the same as the exact interrogation...
3. The community dimension of our existence is paramount...
4. Money is an instrument of work...
5. Generosity is good for the economy and health...
6. Procedures based on universal criteria are fair...
7. Justice is the throne of Kings...
8. Political competence tends towards dialogue...
9. Good policies are big business...
10. Culture is the art of generating trust...
11. War is a dysfunction to be repaired...
12. It's good to have time...
13. It is natural what we are; it's supernatural what we should be...
14. Madness happens when kindness is low in the "terroir"...
15. Patience pays off...
16. We live on blessings...
17. Kindness is the light of our days...
18. The intimate encounter between a man and a woman is more than a mystery of love; it's a "genesis"...
19. Frugality interests us...
20. What we don't know makes us immense...
21. There's no objective proof of the existence of God, but there are personal reasons for believing in God...
22. In God dwells the sense of belonging that envolves everything...
23. The future is cause and motive...
24. Faith is the strength that flows from the meaning and purpose that we want to give to our life...
25. Sympathy's a good reason to believe in human beings...
26. The best boundaries are communication functions...
27. Collegiality's absolutely necessary...
28. In doubts arises the desire for understanding...
29. Forgiving sounds old; negotiating sounds modern...
30. Freedom motivates us; commitments keep us...
31. People who take responsibility for living are admirable...
32. Consciousness happens when we take care of the future...
33. Nature gives us the connection to the origin; the spirit gives us the connection to the omega...
34. We need to intensify partnerships for progress and development...
35. Democracy is directly proportional to Honesty...
36. It will be said that the guilt was extinguished in the intensity of love...
37. The readiness to work is a wonderful gift...
38. Shared bread is tastier...
39. Community life is splendor of resurrection...
40. Eternity is the substance which reality is made of...

  • 6 months later...


I'm actually thinking about frequencies for a musical chord (la~do#~mi#~sol~sib~mi~fa#~). But I'm also wondering if synchronous analogue radio frequencies in the ultra low range would impact our possibilities...

  • 5 months later...

Another example of MULAIR (Music and Light Analogies in Radiofrequencies):

880~1047~1319~1480~1661~1865~1976 .Hz (A~C~E~F#~G#~A#~B)

It would be great if we could get propulsion or healing or changes in atom behaviour using MULAIR...

(frequency relation  B/A#= 1.0594631)

  • 2 months later...
On 12/14/2022 at 2:59 PM, tatiana667 said:

Anger def complicates cant argue with that

Thanks, tatiana667 for your comment.

I see. The idea is that anger makes it difficult the contemplation of the possible solutions for the problems we face...

On 12/17/2022 at 9:26 PM, Crasto said:

Thanks, tatiana667 for your comment.

I see. The idea is that anger makes it difficult the contemplation of the possible solutions for the problems we face...

Anger is desined to do so - its secondery emotion wich is desined to defend us from other emotions - most commonly associated with fear but it can be caused by anxiety envy and even care for someone who is in danger 

  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
An apple a day keeps the doctor away... Is said.
This proverb made me think that, in some situations, 
biochemical health promoters could, by mutual potentiation,
overcome illness factors and make healing possible.
The list of biochemical health promoters may be endless.
Yet I would start with:
1. Omega 3, 6 and 9 for inflamation.
2. Iodine salts plus C vitamin, zinc and echinacea for infection.
3. GinKgo biloba plus a balanced  multivitamin multimineral formula, 
asian centella and lorazepam for cancer.
4. Possibly new molecules synthesized from combined piracetam, 
magnesium, iodine and lorazepam.
a) These settings are a matter of uncertainty.
b) I've no related financial interests in this concept.
c) I'm retired and like cooking.
  • 5 months later...

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