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Everyone has life long goals/dreams, but many of us don’t achieve them (we procrastinate, and follow inefficient routes). One of the sources that block us from reaching our goals is the way we train up our emotional state.


Why do our brains have emotions?


To start explaining from zero… DNA is a molecule which contains the ingredients to manufacture our bodies. The competitiveness of the environment pressured this molecule to evolve in a certain way, so that it could engineer a human. The brain is the organ which coordinates how the other parts of the body behave.


The framework of the brain is designed by information within DNA. This framework allows us to analyze our surroundings, evaluate the state of our bodies, and decide what to do. Emotional state is a “soup” of feelings, which results from this evaluating mechanism, it unconsciously compares the states of the environment and our body to the ideal state. Emotions play a big role in what we do, for example, we tend to choose certain pleasuring things and run away from suffering ones.


Why do we get addicted?


Pleasure is triggered when we receive certain stimulus (from environment, or from our bodies) that match up certain conditions on the brain. These conditions depend on how the brain neurons are wired up. By receiving these stimulus, we believe that the actions we just did are worth it.


So, if we make these pleasuring actions, our neurons that triggered it are reinforced in such a way, so that it’s more likely that the pleasuring actions will repeat themselves again. This systematic reinforcement is from where the addictions come from.


Emotions and the current society


The pleasuring mechanism makes totally sense on primitives states of society, but now society has grown so much, and our DNA couldn’t keep up with it.
Cultures and educational systems have been trying to gives us certain pleasures that are triggered by following certain motives (ex: studying certain disciplines/having morals). They are still really inefficient in educating people to control primitive pleasures that are not useful anymore for the whole society.


Actually, most of our primitive pleasures are hacked by new technology and drugs, and could lead to destructive behavior (just like a virus hacks DNA processes and kills cells).


How to achieve Long term Goals?


long term goal is accomplished by ignoring most of instant gratification pleasures and gaining the ability to enjoy the method that is being used to achieve the goal.
Otherwise, if we do a certain random action and be pleasured by it, we suffer from a snowball effect, what may result in for example, staying locked in our rooms eating chocolates the whole day, or playing addictive games (i was there), or having kids when we don’t want to, or being in a comfortable bath forever and dying by hyper-hydration (ahah joke).


Instant gratification could make us believe that some path is better than the other, making us slow to achieve life long-term ambitions. So, the best way to act is by making commitments to ourselves which follow our values and goals, and accomplish them no matter what it takes, and by avoidingrandom pleasures.
We will gain the power to decide our own destiny.



If you know any methodology/tricks to control emotions and help people guide themselves in a better way (and stop procrastination), let me know!

Edited by CyberGate

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