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Time in this theory isn’t being thought of as a third dimension moving through

. This is classical physics, not quantum mechanics. When I say brane I mean a conceivable geometric structure, three dimensions in the literal sense, not the metaphysics of some incomprehensible angle that forms a tesseract. View time as
. A third dimension has time dilated to a stand still, but this fractal counterpart has time contracted as a dynamical version of that static temporal state.

Regarding an idea by William James Sidis, presented in The Animate and The Inanimate, it predicted the existence of black holes after Einstein. His black hole was different than Einstein’s; it was any region of reverse universe, existing perpendicular to our own.

This negative geometric dimension is a negative density medium. This negative Euclid brane is the same as a positive Euclid brane. It would be values that coincide with increases in mass. If positive & negative areas cancel out, you can imagine why. Constantly remove a distance, & you're constantly accelerating by the length of the distance removed.

Deleterious di-branes, like parallel inversive branes, are perpendicular as opposed to parallel. Perpendicular at every point, there are infinite points in any length (cantor’s infinity):

In the concept of six Euclidean dimensions as three positive euclidean dimensions plus three negative euclidean dimensions (a deleterious di-brane) until actual resulting structures form from the self-automated deletion of the smooth branes, leading to one non-smooth structure that looks like the universe. By dimension I am talking width x height x depth... NOT the vectors used in eigen functions.

The minimum number of dimensions is >2, not greater than or equal to, just greater than. The maximum is <3.
The dimensions constantly vary but stay within 3x where 1>x. This change is time. A negative change contracts, a positive change dilates time.

Now, what did I say about black holes in my prior conjectures? They are what cause the negation of the brane, as components of the reverse brane. Take away an area, & you get an instant acceleration equal to the volume of that area.

These compose the only real interaction which is the infinitely many ripples that become the finitely few crashing waves of the fundamental interactions plus dark energy, plus dark matter, plus spook action, plus gravity/mass, even space-time-matter-energy under a singular continuum viewed as the very fabric of reality itself, as defined by the new eigen functions in this geodesic:

You need to know exactly what I'm trying to plot here, let me make it simple with just the x,y coordinates, for S(0->1) iterations, for circles:

We start with the koch snowflakes. Then we derive the circles for S(0->1):








So the circles' diameters are taken from the width of the triangles at their middles not their bases.


S(0) has 4 circles not 8.




  On 7/20/2018 at 6:54 PM, Super Polymath said:

Regarding the 4 square roots of seven it would require two photon compactments, 4 photons into one with 1/4 the volume (16 times the density of a red shift peak charge photon), to produce the electron in that 7 vector + 1 spherical coordinate system. Of course beginning as an electron upon the very first topographical transformation (difference of geometries) where time t=1. Where total time Tt/2 is the phase space electron neutrino ghost particle, then all other transformations after Tt/2 + 1 is the positron. At 1/(1.8143212e+27 x 45) the volume of a Tt/2+Tt(.1) positron charge you get a rindler effect via entropy where dark flow=unruh gravitation around the parameter of that sphere-volume, a microverse that represents the entropy of the cosmos in it’s current rate of expansion.


You can envision the vacuum radiation of that microcosm in order to redefine what a photon is when referring to the photon sphere of the swarzschild radius of an anti-proton, which is a sub-planck singularity arising at the 33rd photon compactment (8 billion photons into 1/8billnth volume of the photon).


Also, it's 7 vectors, not 9:




But for Area it's 4 square roots of 7 times Area of triangle not 28 times area of triangle...a way of retrofitted the volume of a sphere for graphical charge density.

Then we turn the green and red circles only inside out to get our next plot:





Negative charge






Neutral charge




Positive charge




Finish = Start


Remember, you're going to have spheres outside of the perimeter of the c portion of the triangles within the koch anti-snowflake of S(1) from S(2) because of the nature of the koch snowflake:




You find the iterations with 


7e-7/lp = 1/(2ΔS(x-1))


4.2753e+28 = 2(3^(x-1))


x = 60


The 3^(x-1) comes from the fact that the triangle of each new iteration is 1/3 the size of the triangles of the previous iteration. & the times 2 comes from the fact that 1/2 of the final diameter of those smallest spheres equal the radius of those spheres, which needed to be a Planck length.

The hard part is coding the spherical coordinates for all 60 iterations. But I could do it and show how when you pack 33 of these topological graphs together the inside out tug is going to represent (n)e-54 meters and there's only going to be one centralized tug reduced from some 36(n)e+28 tugs equal to one Planck length. I mean, just imagine doing that for three dimensions; you’d have that for (xy), you have the same coordinates as xy for (xz), but also for (yz) at 90 degree angles from the xy plane & 2 more replicated coordinate planes at 45 degree angles between each of those three. Everything gets copied 9-fold, for S(0->60) iterations of the koch snowflake, for spheres. Instead of 9 transformations, you'll end up with n number of transformations (n number of planck times), the first 1/2(n)-1 of them will plot the negative charge of the photon, the 1/2(n)th iteration will plot the photon in it's neutrally charged state at 3.5e-7 meters in diameter as opposed to 7e-7 meters in diameter (existing for 1 planck time), the final 1/2(n)-1 iterations will plot the positive charge of the photon. Instead of 24 circles at the final iteration, you'll have (36 times n)e+28 spheres upon the final iteration.

Each transformation is equivalent to one Planck time. For the volume of a spherical photon, these transformations serve as your unified field oscillations. At Tt(total time)/2 the photon is in it's particle state as opposed to the phase state, it's at it's smallest volume, where more solid state photons can be placed by it without phasing until more transformations occur. You'll find that doing this will produce inside out spheres that are smaller than a Planck length:


Based off of the midpoint for T(t) in the repeated addition of photon masses in the topological transformations represents 33 compressions of the photon. The time you pause at neutral charge where the photon's length is 3.5e-7, you can fit another neutralized photon in that compacted state, when the two unfold in unison as the clock stars back up again; the photon shrinks to a length of (3.5/2)e-7 meters before T(t) occurs and the photon is positively or negatively charged with a length of 3.5e-7 m and there will be exponentially less sphere inversions, that will cause the length of the topological transformations for each inversion to be reduced to 1/2 of the previous inverse transformation representing t(Planck time) that was one Planck length at a time. The second time, however, well you get the idea. Repeat it 33 times and there's only one sphere that inverts.


Then for 33 compressions of neutral photon states to create heavier particles, you're representing the fusion of 8 billion photons. A process that gives you 33 negatively charged particles, 33 positively charged particles, & 33 neutrally charged particles, the building blocks for a periodic table of elements that's based on a new certainty principle, with non-instantaneous, information transmitting ESPs, bridged by microGWs.

The area belonging to the (7e-7)^3 meter volume of the triangle_S(0) from the S(60) Koch antisnowflake from which the spherical coordinates for graphing the inner structures of a photon are derived.


As for the mass of the photon!? Whaa? We believe it has no mass, but we know it's less than what I'm about to calculate. When we weigh a photon, we assume it's the rest mass, if it's actually positively charged like in this model, it would weigh a LOT less. This is sort of a photon under rainbow gravity. This could also be due to the fact that when we try & weigh a photon we assume it has no charge, in fact it's charge itself would be difficult to detect: it from negative to positive charge MUCH faster than it's heavier particle constructs that transform at reductions of a planck length due to this dual-topographical-negation effect: point A-->Point B<-->Point B2<--point A2...


This works whether you sustain matter formations by surrounding a neutron and a proton with electrons, or for antimatter formations if you surround a neutron and an antiproton with positrons. In the case of antimatter, you nearly immortalize the micro-bh at the sub-planckian center of the antiproton.


Remember there will still be heavier particles than you'd get in the first 33 compressions, it's just that these particles will be fusions of protons/neutrons/antiprotons, that means that after the 33rd compression these heavier particles will all have singularities that double with each fusion. That means only one singular sphere inversion for compressions 33->n & instead of halving in size the singularities double in size once there's just one of them <--B2<--A2A1-->B1-->





  On 6/29/2018 at 2:21 AM, Super Polymath said:

I misspoke I used the planck mass for a planck particle for the anti-proton/neutron/proton's schwarzschild radius of (n)e-54 meters from 1.6e-35 (lp) meters (1/4^33 photon compactments)


when you place two neutral photons next to each other they go positive charge at the same time & this cuts the number of sphere inversions in half as well as halving the size of the sphere inversions that's for the first compactment i really did this in my head & don't know how to code fractal iterations in mathematica & was counting on 006 to actually show these plots and derive the formulae




Regarding the 4 square roots of seven it would require two photon compactments, 4 photons into one with 1/4 the volume (16 times the density of a red shift peak charge photon), to produce the electron in that 7 vector + 1 spherical coordinate system. Of course beginning as an electron upon the very first topographical transformation (difference of geometries) where time t=1. Where total time Tt/2 is the phase space electron neutrino ghost particle, then all other transformations after Tt/2 + 1 is the positron. At 1/(1.8143212e+27 x 45) the volume of a Tt/2+Tt(.1) positron charge you get a rindler effect via entropy where dark flow=unruh gravitation around the parameter of that sphere-volume, a microverse that represents the entropy of the cosmos in it’s current rate of expansion.


You can envision the vacuum radiation of that microcosm in order to redefine what a photon is when referring to the photon sphere of the swarzschild radius of an anti-proton, which is a sub-planck singularity arising at the 33rd photon compactment (8 billion photons into 1/8billnth volume of the photon).

Now what you do here, is you take the CMB data and go from there to the current universe  & place the behavior of expansion exactly where it fits in that positron knowing that the 13.8 billion light year sphere that was the CMB is 1/1.8143212e+27 of the total volume of the neutrino at T(t)/2, 1/(1.8143212e+27 x 45) of the positron at Tt/2+Tt(.1), 1/(1.8143212e+27 x 46) at Tt/2+Tt(.2), 1/(1.8143212e+27 x 47) at Tt/2+Tt(.3), 1/(1.8143212e+27 x 48) at Tt/2+Tt(.4), & 1/(1.8143212e+27 x 49) at Tt/2+Tt(.5). From the behavior of our local region of the electron-neutrino-positron we can fill in the rest of the macro black holes beyond our cosmic event horizon like puzzle pieces because we know the behavior of charge with these graphical sphere inversions.


Now we have a midpoint between the sub planck black hole at the heart of the antiproton-nuetron-proton & the black hole quasars that compose the 8 billion photons that turn into the anti-proton, that mid-point being the black holes creating the gravity dictating the charge of the electron in which our cosmos is one infinitesimal puzzle piece of all possible cosmoses/events.  ADS would represent a reverse of the collapse of the four photons into the electron, which evolves into the positron & expands back into the four original photons as per cyclic cosmology.


A matter dominated universe lies within a superverse positron orbiting around a superverse anti-proton. An antimatter dominated universe made of said aforementioned anti-hydrogen atoms lies within an electron orbiting a proton etc etc ad infinitum.


There's an upward of like a million orders of magnitude difference between photon lengths in defining what the scale for a fractal photon is for the photon sphere of the Schwarzschild metrics involved in plotting to the third cosmic hierarchy microverse -> universe -> uberverse fractal.


Imagine two of these resting side to side, just barely touching but not passing through, in the condensed neutrally charged state.


Creating a new particle with twice the mass within half the volume. The new gauge symmetries will have half as many sphere inversions as the original with half the length dragged per inversion. Take two of the new particles in their neutrally charged states & continue the particle condensation & eventually there's a singular sphere inversion representing a sub-planck particle. This micro black hole in the core of an anti proton has exactly 1600000000000000000 times the charge density of a photon. How do we describe the photon constituents of the photon spheres in this microverse aka the recursive fractization of our universe.


Unlike in String Theory, where there's an infinite number of possible events occurring a finite number of times, here there's only a finite number of possible events that happen to reoccur, simultaneously, an infinite number times.


Blue & Red Epochs


The majorana fermions of the photon aether vacuum is positively charged everywhere in space by all the hydrogen in the entire universe.


This is because a positively charged particle looks negatively charged next to another positively charged particle facing the other way


A subplanck particle suspended in negative charge (ground state bhs) by + positrons actually reverses expansion in the vacuum if it's a lunar, planetary, or stellar body in the vacuum because these types of antihydrogen-based atoms change the charge of the photons that compose the vacuum medium to negative.


So this is sort of like string theory except without non-locality, & as opposed to infinite parallel universes there's just one perpendicular reverse universe no cosmic boundary, that, the perpendicular branes have no edges, similar to the infinite length of a vector.


Imagine a region of the spacetime & the surface of the brane of a reverse universe leading to the most fundamental interaction - a deleterious mechanism in the fine structure constant causing a dislocation i the spacetime at the asymptotic edge of an event horizon that has a non-scalar, imaginary, & metricless thickness:







.....ad infinitum

This deleterious di-brane is like a localized fracture pattern embedded within the interior of the quantum foam, with an infinitely dynamic angular momentum. The smallest deletions are occurring at literally infinite, and yet non-instantaneous, rates of speed...i.e. the "Twilight Zone" of the spacetime continuum.


Let's say you have three dimensions, x,y,z; each with a value of one in a linear time continuum going one, & a negative xyz each with a value of 1 in a negative arrow of time going the other. Now in a lateral dual continuum .3 of each linear continuum going in through each other, canceling out, now xyz have a value of .7 with a total of 2.1 dimensions. Now in our next reel point .2 of each arrow has passed into each other, leaving a value of .8 for xyz, with a total of 2.4 dimensions. From reel one to reel two the dimensions of space time have increased, this is time contraction (fast forward) the reverse of time dilation (slow motion).

You can actually claim 3.5 or 4 dimensions in the sense that we have multiple reels being the third dimension moving through time as a forth dimension, & a fifth being the lateral continuum, in which case if you include the negative 3.5 & 4 dimensions that's between 7 & 8 dimensions. Altogether a potential of between 7 & 9 fractal dimensions, 7 point something to 8 point something possible fractal dimensions.
Yet for the differential geometry of my seven vector plus one spherical coordinate E8 group, has 33 different possible gauge symmetries which can be thought of as 33 dimensions. So a total 231 to 296 point something mathematical dimensions.


This is an E(7,9) with root systems (231,297)


So eventually matter arrangements will repeat within smaller structures. Black hole evaporation will be used to find a higher & lower cosmic scales; the size of an antiproton is 10−15 m and the Schwarzchild radius of its central black hole should equal the rate at which black holes evaporate.

The Schwarzchild radius is 2.484e-54 meters (just type proton into where it says earth). The rate of evaporation is 8.41e-17 seconds (just type proton into where it says earth).

But antiprotons do not have λmax of a vacuum, that’s the problem, so for a proton we must use the original equation f(n)=(λmax)•((4π/3)r^3);c=c•x where f(x)=4/(n/(4π/3)^(1/3)) where 4>n to find the contraction of c with the λmax of a proton ≈ 395 nm. However, in the special case of black holes the equation must be modified.

First of all, it’s 4πr^2 because the quasar within the Schwarzschild radius of the antiproton is a hollow sphere. Secondly, λmax of the antiproton’s quasar is the proton’s normal λmax but to the negative power of the proton’s length divided by twice the Schwarzschild radius


c(f(n))=4/(7.753772e-107/(4π))^(1/2) = 1.610306e+54 m/s

So a black hole with the mass of the sun (1391400000 meters) has a Schwarzschild radius of 2953 meters & will evaporate in 6.61e+74 seconds.

f(n)=(5.04e-7^-1(1.3914e+9/5906)) x ((4π x 2953)^3) = 2.3886249e+25 m/s

c(f(n))=6/(4π(2.3886249e+25^(1/2))=9.7693891e-14 m/s


5.4981971e+58/8.41e-17=6.5376898e+74 seconds


In the microverse, antiproton formations could bind cosmic rays, allowing them to exist in the long treks through the expanding vacuum of space. This also explains dark matter from a microverse's perspective. Exceptionally large SMBHs that were too large to evaporate in the previous cosmic life cycle may be the origin of this primordial SMBH. It could also explain this galaxy, which seems to lack a central black hole as well as dark matter.


As explained earlier, there's somewhere between 2 & 3 real physical dimensions any given point in space and time, so:

~|2x|+/-~|2x|=n; 6>n>4; & 2>x>1


c=c•x where f(x)=6/(n/(4π/3)^(1/3)) where n>6

c=c•x where f(x)=4/(n/(4π/3)^(1/3)) where 4>n

n=the speed of gravitational wave propagation

Let's talk about the oldest observable light:


This was a primordial cloud of gas & cosmic dust. It was heavy in most places, tremendously so. Everything was so compact that it was causing interference patterns in photons, enough so that they travel slower. Hopefully it was the result of Ion interference, because if not that would mean light has mass. ;-)

There's no proof that the universe was ever denser than it was then. There’s no physical proof of zero time, and there’s no physical proof of a big bang. Since the early 1990s it's been well-documented that there exists mass beyond the CMB; dark flow. Now there's more evidence than ever, cosmic bruising, the Bootes Void, etc. The source of these mass disturbances in the cosmos may be more of the universe from beyond the cosmic event horizon emitting Unruh radiation in the form of gravitational waves, that part of the universe would now be over 600 billion light years away.

Gravity is not a static field; Newtonian expansion shows that frame dragging is a constant. GWs propagate at the speed of light (demonstrated by LIGO in 2017), so GW expansion (given it's the same as the current rate of expansion) involves the addition of luminal velocities for scale relativity: there could be superluminal GWs! Consider for a moment that if adjacent bodies are in a later state of expansion than the fully expanded CMB is now, than just as the current speed of light is faster than it was 13 billion years ago, the speed of GWs propagating from those ultra-low density, ludicrously wide bodies could be faster than anything you could imagine due to scale relativity, time becomes triply relative, quadruply relative, ad infinitum, to us.

The fastest GWs have traveled the farthest to get here and have therefore lost the most strength. This gravitation doesn't have to be able to overcome mass to cause the expansion of the universe. This is because of the holographic principle, but we'll get to that later.

Extra-cosmic gravitation would be unobservable, because we're closer to the stronger sources, & further from the weaker sources, yet the thing stretching the vacuum of space out is the amount by which the stronger gravity is winning the tug of war against the weaker gravity. Picturing that is like picturing a frame-dragging observer himself being frame-dragged from a 360 degree angle; it’s like three separate Rindler effects occurring simultaneously.

From this picture we can derive equations in order to define the effects that this extra-cosmic gravitation will have on our cosmos:

The stronger GWs win the tug of war over the weaker GWs, so we can attribute 68% of missing mass to their effects as they travel 27% of the length of total GWs involved in expansion, losing less strength as they get here at the same time as the GWs we attribute to 27% of the missing mass pulling from the opposite direction having traveled 68% of the length of total GWs involved in expansion.

Recall earlier that the velocity of light dilates by 299792458/2.8614552e-13 over 2.5 million light years. Therefore, the speed of light is only viable over a distance of 2500000(9.461e+15)/1.0476923e+21=22.5758078016 meters in a near perfect vacuum (lambda max of the vacuum)

Length of strong GWs (where v(g)=c) = 22.5758078016 x 299792458 = 6768056912.18 meters

Total Length of GWs = length of the strong GWs/.05 = 135361138244 meters

Length of left weak GWs = length of GWs x .27 = 36547507325.9 meters

length of right weak GWs = length of GWs x .68 = 92045574005.9 meters

Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = length of left weak GWs/length of strong GWs times the speed of light = 1618879273.21 m/s

Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = length of right weak GWs/length of strong GWs times the speed of light = 4077177428.81 m/s

Velocity of right weak GWs/velocity of left weak GWs = rate of expansion in a vacuum over total length of GWs = 2.51851851851 m/s

Now the speed of light over the total length of GWs is found in the same way we found the speed of light over the length of 2.5 million light years:

λmax of background radiation is 1.07 mm, the radius for total length of GWs = 135361138244/2 meters





c(f(n))=0.09999714934 meters

Now we can find the velocity increases of c for every 22.5758078016 meter increase in the length of the GW with rate of expansion for total length of GWs = 2.51851851851 / the speed of light over total length of GWs = 0.09999714934 = +25.1859031496 m/s per 22.5758078016 meters.

Let’s see if that checks out, 2500000(9.461e+15) = 2.36525e+22 meters. 2.36525e+22/22.5758078016=1.0476923e+21 m/s. 299,792,458 + 25.1859031496(1.0476923e+21) = 2.6387077e+22 meters s within approximation.

c dilates by 2.8614552e-13 over that same distance relative to time's contraction so that c remains constant, 299,792,458/1.0476923e+21 = 2.8614552e-13


Okay moving on; Black holes form at infinitely small levels; they're even in a single photon of the first topological graph here. Refer to my definition of the endless hierarchy of microverses in the OP (the paradox is that there is no unmoved mover). But we don't need to find those. This spherical coordinate system and its inversive inner to outer tug system for topological transformations are to define finite changes (a geodesic).

The changes are, in reality, infinite between any two points and based on Zeno's paradox and sidis reverse universe as I explained in the very first part of my thread. The inner components of the wave are the microcausal masses all around the sphere inversions at the last iteration, photograph was taken. But being beneath the minimum for a supermassive black hole, we wouldn't have been attempting to spot anything beneath that minimum which would require much more sensitive observations. Plus, SMBHs that were large enough to survive a previous cosmic life cycle heat up when they get blasted at the birth of a new universe (in a cyclic cosmology of course), causing them to shrink even more rapidly in this model because if the EH of the black hole really is the surface of a sphere of three negative euclidean dimensions than the surrounding positive three dimensions represent an anti-BH ether that deletes portions of the horizon upon contact. In black holes absorbing matter and mass to grow despite increased thermal pressure, in this model, that process can be viewed as micro-BH (anti-proton) absorption. Which is why doesn't necessarily occur in enough quantities to sustain or grow the black hole.


Time dilation can be seen as t + n, with f(n)=M (of the photon) - M (of any particles which are heavier than a photon, an atom, a collection of atoms, or even a stellar mass black hole); f(n)=M (of the photon) + M (of any particles which are heavier than a photon, an atom, a collection of atoms, or even a stellar mass black hole) for time contraction.


Assuming that the electron/positron is like an ultra-dense miniature CMB cloud; we use its oscillation frequency to find the moment of the big crunch in our universe (which is basically caused by overlapped radiation from dissolving galaxies being sprayed by the matter jets (the magnetic dipole moments) or the outflows of its accretion disk (magnetic monopole moments) of a superverse proton) by using the dilation of c equation to find the adjustment to our relative time-frame for that frequency:

The electron most likely has a radius of 10^-12 m, & λmax of about 4e-7 m (visible spectrum is where electrons like to hide).


c(f(n))=4/(1.6755161e-42/(12π^(1/3)))=4.1957466e+43 m/s

The CMB had a radius of 6.9 billion light years, or 6.52809e+28 meters, & λmax of about 1,000 nm.


c(f(n))=6/(12π(1.1653249e+81)^(1/3))=1.5124155e-28 m/s

4.1957466e+43/1.5124155e-28=2.7742023e+71 seconds

Or 8.7958221e+60 years, the few SMBHs caught in the big crunch will only be less than half-evaporated, so this can't be right! Grrr!

So, we use the time contraction of c equation to find a much larger planck length to see how many electrons fit into a super electron, this will give us a new size for the CMB, so that this process can be redone for a more accurate date for the big crunch.

Okay, there's 6.52809e+28 meters in the radius of the CMB, using (4π/3(1e-12)^3), you can fit 1.165325e+123 electrons into the electrons of the next cosmic scale. Let's see if my math confirms that number using super lp:

2.7742023e+71/299,792,458/6.58e-15=1.4063439e+77 m/s. Planck length over planck time equals 296846011.132 m/s.

1.4063439e+77/296846011.132=4.737621e+68 m/s as your new planck length over planck time. 296846011.132 x 5.39e-44 equals lp, so super lp equals

1.4063439e+77 x 5.39e-44 = 7.5801936e+33 meters. 7.5801936e+33/4.737621e+68=1.6e-35, which is the planck length (lp). There's 3.125e+22 planck lengths in the length of an electron.

7.5801936e+33 x 3.125e+22 = 2.3688105e+56 meters for the superverse electron. Does not confirm, the CMB should be 2.3688105e+56/2=1.1844052e+56, 1.1844052e+56/6.52809e+28=1.8143212e+27 times larger than what we can see. We can't see so much of the CMB for the same reason we can't see forever into the past, it's from a combination of redshift & the fact that the ion interference makes light fade into oblivion eons before it gets near us. For our next dilation of c equation:

f(n)=(1e-6)(4π/3(1.1844052e+56)^3)=6.959684e+162 cubic meters

c(f(n))=6/(12π(6.959684e+162)^(1/3))=8.3359856e-56 m/s

4.1957466e+43/8.3359856e-56=5.033294e+98 seconds, which is 1.5958446e+88 years. Which fits for the evaporation rate for most supermassive black holes (<100 million solar masses). But the few that are the largest in the universe, such as this one, they may grow to become superverse protons during a second or third cosmic life cycle. In the microverse, proton formation could bind cosmic rays, allowing them to exist in the long treks through the expanding vacuum of space

In this interpretation quarks are the optical illusions of a collection of around a billion microcosm-matter jets/accretion discs (magnetic dipole/monopole moments) of (n)e-54 meter black hole/neutron star-like objects in the interior of the particle's nucleus.

The fact is that we may be able to measure ESP throughout this line of 20 atoms without altering the ESP which had been measured fits with what I said ESP is. Which is the collective gws of of electrons with a perpendicular trajectory (like a cross) passing through that string of 20 atoms with the velocity at which gws propagate (micro c) plus the velocity of an electron (c/600 something) multiplied by distance divided by the dilation of time as space covered by collective gws increases. The actual equation is in my OP and does yield a velocity within 4 orders of magnitude greater than speed of light, which fits with measurement of ESP s velocity:

The electron travels at 2,200 kilometers per second, Since the speed of light for a superversal electron is going to be 136.269299091 times faster than the speed of that electron, all we need is the relative speed of light for that portion of a superverse, which can be found using the length of GWs for the superverse electron (2.3688104e+53 meters) which we find by multiplying the speed of light by the length of c's gws which I actually determined already:

Recall earlier that the velocity of light dilates by 299792458/2.8614552e-13 over 2.5 million light years. Therefore, the speed of light is only viable over a distance of 2500000(9.461e+15)/1.0476923e+21=22.5758078016 meters in a near perfect vacuum (lambda max of the vacuum)

Length of strong GWs (where v(g)=c) = 22.5758078016 x 299792458 = 6768056912.18 meters                                                     


299792458(2.3688104e+53/6768056912.18)=1.0492694e+52 m/s.


Now wait, that's not actually the speed of light in the superverse, but it is the speed of gravity waves for the superverse electron, which will be added to Super C/136.269299091 in order to find the rate at which electrons entangle other particles in the superverse. Earlier we found super tp & super lp, which can be used to find super c:

Okay, there's 6.52809e+28 meters in the radius of the CMB, using (4π/3(1e-12)^3), you can fit 1.165325e+123 electrons into the electrons of the next cosmic scale. Let's see if my math confirms that number using super lp:
2.7742023e+71/299,792,458/6.58e-15=1.4063439e+77 m/s. Planck length over planck time equals 296846011.132 m/s.

1.4063439e+77/296846011.132=4.737621e+68 m/s as your new planck length over planck time. 296846011.132 x 5.39e-44 equals lp, so super lp equals

1.4063439e+77 x 5.39e-44 = 7.5801936e+33 meters. 7.5801936e+33/4.737621e+68=1.6e-35, which is the planck length (lp).

lp: 7.5801936e+33 meters

tp: 7.5801936e+33/296846011.132 = 2.5535777e+25 seconds

To find super c we do (2.5535777e+25/5.39e-44)(7.5801936e+33/1.6e-35)/299792458=7.486864e+128 m/s (which can actually be used to find the size of structures in the super super verse because the length of this GW on the super verse scale equals the 6768056912.18 meters in which luminal GWs begin to propagate on our scale).


Okay so the superverse electron travels at 7.486864e+128/136.269299091=5.494168e+126 m/s, on one side, depending on what direction it's going, the GWs of the forward direction entangles particles directly in front at a velocity of 1.0492694e+52 (velocity of gws for superverse electron) + 5.494168e+126 (the speed of the electron). But remember that as you chain link more particles via entanglement, there's a dilation of entangled velocities just like with the speed of light being dependent on the length of the GWs.

Recall earlier c(f(n)) for an electron was found to be

The electron most likely has a radius of 10^-12 m, & λmax of about 4e-7 m (visible spectrum is where electrons like to hide).


c(f(n))=4/(1.6755161e-42/(12π^(1/3)))=4.1957466e+43 m/s


4.1957466e+43, but remember we'd have to divide this velocity by the length of the electron times the speed of light to account for the dilation of time:


4.1957466e+43/(1e-12 x 299792458)=1.3995504e+47 m/s

The larger the distance being covered, the slower QE's velocity will be relative to the speed of light. Let's measure QE for a 16km copper wire;

V(sa)=299792458 + ((1.3995504e+47 x .136269299091)/(8.5e+28 x 16000))

V(sa)=1.4023517e+13 m/s. Over 46,777 times faster over a 16 kilometer distance according to my approximation, but exactly 13,800 times faster according to the measurements.

Edited by Super Polymath



The minimum number of dimensions is >2, not greater than or equal to, just greater than. The maximum is <3.

The dimensions constantly vary but stay within 2x where 2>x>1.


If x = 1.7 which satisfies 2>x>1, then dimensiosbs 2x=3.4 which does not satisfy the max < 3.  No?



The minimum number of dimensions is >2, not greater than or equal to, just greater than. The maximum is <3.

The dimensions constantly vary but stay within 2x where 1>x.


The first sentence already contains the inequality that specifies the range, it is equivalent of saying 2 < x < 3.  The second sentence invalidate that range by specifying that x < 1.  The range of x is either 2 to 3, or less than 1, unless there is an intentional discontinuity and both must be true, in which case the statement about minimum and maximum is nonsensical.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

You know what Polymath your theory has gotten better since I left and returned you may turn me into a smaller the Planck Length distance believer at this rate, the math is good and seems you are describing a special unitary group with gauges for smaller than Planck lengths, You should write it as a Unitary Matrix your solutions. The iterations and etc, remember when I said to you "Define" smaller than a Planck length you are starting to, keep it up polymath! Also, the Dark flow's cause makes sense now, you are moving from a Hypothesis to a theory slowly.





The Negative mass particles were confirmed to be created after some research on my part predicted by your theory just FYI as Man Made particles.

Edited by VictorMedvil

You still have a long way to go but at least your approaching the hypothesis with math, at this point regardless if the above is right or wrong isn't as important as your trying to learn how to model.


A large part of your hypothesis for example is at odds with mainstream understanding, the CMB for one example and GW waves as well as dark flow. There is numerous others but keep trying.

  • 5 weeks later...

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