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this forum has discussed much about God and religion and the Bible, but i have not seen an accurate description of God in any of the threads. in any discussion it is imperative that

participants are talking about the same thing, so would some of you offer your description of God?

1. where does he live?

2. what does he look like?

3. what are his personality traits? does he interact with people?

4. what are his powers?

5. where is Heaven?

6. does Satan exist?

7. do angels exist?

8. do you have any other important comments on God?


god = dev/nul


Hindus have 36 crores of gods - that's 360 million deities. Please furnish a list of the false ones plus your proof in each case. Cults of Yahweh are particularly egregious and lame.

.. Cults of Yahweh are particularly egregious and lame.
Every time I see UncleAL spout like this, I remember the line form the old Blood Sweat and Tears song:


"I swear there ain't no heaven, but I pray there ain't no hell"


The evidence suggests that UA would not recognize God if He pinched UA on the butt.


But on your topic, there are a lot of VERY different representations of God just from the participants on this site. I don't expect you will get a particularly uniform answer. Many folks here believe in the God of the Bble, but there are certainly other ideas here as well.

i have not seen an accurate description of God in any of the threads.

perhaps you havent checked it out yet, but at least the last 5 pages of the "Theory of the Beginning of life and God" thread have been discussing very much that. Although that is not the main trend (and that would be me trying to show that god can not be of human nature to Tele), that very question is constantly reasked, and things like what he can be show up here and there. read through the thread, find out more :eek:


i am familiar with the Bible and it's a wonderful book. so are the works of Dickens,but they all come from the minds of men. if God really is all powerful, ubiquitous and the creator, he does not have human form. he has to be or control all forces such as gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics and any other fundamental force to be discovered. he has to be older than the universe and light years in size. a force like this would not care about human beings unless we were his only experiment with life. he is physical, not emotional and wastes no time looking after earthlings.


God is an invention of mankind. He is created in the image of man and endowed with all of the powers man thinks God should have. God is man's answer to the questions that man doesn't have an answer for.


God is a subjective and personal thing. For some it may just be a dyslexic form of dog, others a deeply held faith that god's a toaster, that there are 114 sub-dieties all concerned with hair growth, a jewish carpenter, maybe a taoist welder, whatever. It is not my god that matters, it is yours. As long as people would just keep their personal feelings out of the law books it is all good by me.

i am familiar with the Bible and it's a wonderful book. so are the works of Dickens,but they all come from the minds of men. if God really is all powerful, ubiquitous and the creator, he does not have human form. he has to be or control all forces such as gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics and any other fundamental force to be discovered. he has to be older than the universe and light years in size. a force like this would not care about human beings unless we were his only experiment with life. he is physical, not emotional and wastes no time looking after earthlings.


Then knowing the answer to your own question, why did you ask it? :eek:


The Bible is way different than Charles Dicken's works. It contains historical fact. Facts that you cannot dismiss as fiction. Even if you don't believe in God, by dismissing the Bible, you ploclaim your ignorance of history. The more I research into Evolution and Creation, the more fuel is given to my belief in God. Isn't it amazing how Civilization dawns right around the time of the flood? The Bible's accounts are the first written down accounts of man's history.


As for what God looks like.....

Gen 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.


Tell me this.....why does the belief in science have to exclude God?


. . . wanted first to give answers from the Bible, but you can find them yourself. . . Decided to give my own perception


1. where does he live? - wherever he wants. . . among us, in hearts, in minds. . .

2. what does he look like? - . . . like Love

3. what are his personality traits? does he interact with people? - appear when two people start to talk about him. . . Personality Traits? Perfect, Perfect Wisdom deprived of Sin.


4. what are his powers? - . . . enough to create and destroy the Universe. . .

5. where is Heaven? - in the Heavens :eek:))

6. does Satan exist? - . . . and Satan belives in God and shudder. . .

7. do angels exist? - . . . we assumed here that Satan, wingless angel exists, so do the angels. . .

8. do you have any other important comments on God? - he needs no comment


i believe the Bible is a book written by men 2000yrs. ago. it is written about the fables and superstitions extant during those times. BUT... the stories are marvelous and the moral and

social teachings are as relevant as today. But..these primitive people had no knowledge of physics, gravity, GR, or protons and only perceived what they could understand. today we can only understand what we can experimentally test or mathmatically theorize. what is the truth? what is life? what is the underlying force that created what we see and what we know? this force has to be God, because it is obvious that no more powerful force exists.

Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

I would argue that the man of the past is by far smarter than today. I mean they had to figure out how to do things without computers or modern tools. Where would we be now if we did not have history to lean on? But your willing to call a piece of history a fairy tale. On what basis?


Let's turn this around.....I think of a book on Evolution (macro-evolution) as not only fiction but a horror story. A story filled with suffering and death. A story of crimes of nature with speculation of crossbreeding between species. A story where my ancestors swung from a tree. A story where we now eat our own relatives. :eek:


1. where does he live?

He lives in the hearts of all those who believe on Him and let Him into there lives. He is not a human, He is a spirit and not subject to the limitations of time and space, so you can't think to apply questions that would normaly apply to a human being.


2. what does he look like?

He has appeared in visible forms before, but only the pure in heart can see God. As he can appear in any form, this question doesn't really apply either. Also, incase you didn't know, all of the descriptions of Him have meanings, so don't think there there so you can make a statue of what He looks like.


3. what are his personality traits? does he interact with people?

His nature (personality) is perfect, incapable of sinning. And impossible to understand without His revealing it to you.


4. what are his powers?

"To Him has been given all power, and all authority, and dominion in heaven and in earth, now and forever, Amen.


5. where is Heaven?

What? Do you want like map coordinants? It's not on earth, or in outer space.


6. does Satan exist?

In a word: Yes. One of His main goals is to get people to think that He doesn't, because then He can decieve them and they won't even know it.


7. do angels exist?

Seeing as Satan is a fallen angel, this would be the same answer as the above, so it's rather foolish to ask both. (incase you still don't get it, yes angels exist)


8. do you have any other important comments on God?

I believe I've mentioned a few things, yes. :)

I would argue that the man of the past is by far smarter than today. I mean they had to figure out how to do things without computers or modern tools. Where would we be now if we did not have history to lean on? But your willing to call a piece of history a fairy tale. On what basis?


Let's turn this around.....I think of a book on Evolution as not only fiction but a horror story. A story filled with suffering and death. A story of crimes of nature with speculation of crossbreeding between species. A story where my ancestors swung from a tree. A story where we now eat our own relatives. :)


Very good perspective. How can an evolutionist eat an animal without getting sick knowing he eating his great-great-great-great-great... something or other?

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