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Especially when you have marketing wankers writing technical proposals, and making silly stupid promises that can't be kept, simply due to physical impossibilities. But try and tell that to a salesman, though...


I am of the opinion that marketing managers suck.

I am a former marketing manager, worse,

I am a VP of marketing!

I am also a programmer!

I am well aware that that drives other programmers nuts because they can't pull the wool over my eyes on technical proposals or schedules!


I am of the opinion that those who think that marketing managers suck have never met a real one! :P


I like sales, but they often require new features, :lol:


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I am hating the writing of technical proposals. I am proposing that we hate technical writing. I am writing about the technical hatreds we propose.


I am still at the office at 7PM -- hating the writing of technical proposals.


I am wholin' a woolskin writ wit technical writer what wearily withers when wonton whippin' wisps without warriness.:lol:

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I [am] recommend[ing] Strunk & White's Elements of Style to any-and-all technical and/or expository writers. Eschew the passive form.:lol:

I AM that the passive form is eschewed.


You don't have to have dysfunctional marketing managers to make the life of a programmer (such as moi) miserable.


All you have to have is a dysfunctional customer who doesn't know what they really need, and cannot write a decent Request For Proposal.


"And this corner, we have... NASA!" :P

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