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i am a slippery banana peel left over after the eel ate the banana, choked, died, was buried in several feet of fetid pond scum, and then reincarnated as Arnold Schwartenegger, who accidently stepped on me in his attempt to pat some fanny, slipped, fell, hit his head, died and then was reincarnated as the banana tree that gave me birth.


I am needing a nap.

i am sorry, i would love share gigantic bongs ...

I am sorry, my friend Tartan,

I would love to come to Cali,

With a Texas style of banjo on my knee.


But I fear the lack of money,

And the nature of my job here,

Will prevent me from doin'a traveling spree.


I would like to get to know you better,

And we'd do some gnarly rips together,

If only I could make it to the sea.


But for now we must have patience,

Though your offer was so gratious.

I'll just have to relive my Trips of memory. :surprise: :gift: :cup:


I am listening to weird frequencies being put off by this dead-cordless-phone.


I am wondering why it puts off such frequencies.


I am listening to radiohead


I am wondering what instrument they used right there.


I am listening to the heater heat the air.


I am wondering why my stomach is churning.


I am wondering why I woke up so early this morning.


I am wondering why I feel so shitty.


I am hoping I am not sick for the third time in a row.


I am listening to whirling dirvishes.


I never even knew whirling dirvishes existed anywhere else other than my brain.... until orby read about it.


I mean.... errr.... I am.


I am listening, wondering, hoping, and never even knewing.


I am wondering if I make any sense to anyone?:surprise:

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