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I am TNT, Dynomite!


I am winning the fight


I am AC DC


I am electric current


I am High-Jacking this thread


I am Nikola Tesla


I am a pigeon on a girder of an interstate bridge


I am Somebody


I am Free


I am Happy


I am deceived by Tele-evangelists


I am a tiny little bug


I am hurling through space on a big hunk of Rock


I am Solar Radiation


I am Black Hole


I am a clogged chimney


I am burning inscence


I am Un-freaking-stoppable!


I am commisioned for my creativity


I am screenwriting


I am brainstorming


I am taking a moment to pause..........................


I am a verbal assassin


I am truncating this thread by domination


I am hoping you scroll down past my posts


I am Mitochondria


I am ATP


I am using my Brachioradialis flexors to type this


I am sonic the hedgehog


I am a garden full of herbs


I am the light to your darkness


I am a rainbow


I am a leprechaun with a pot of gold


I am a mortar shell ready to explode


I am at dizzying heights


I am back at the courthouse


I am talking to the judge


I am pleading my case


I am held in contempt of court


I am led down the halls in an Orange Jumpsuit and Ankle Shackles


:hyper: :hyper: :phones:


I am crushing fools


I am The Enforcer


I am a Racoon in a tree in the woods


I am highly motivated


I am so full of life


I am full of piss and vinegar


I am not taking prisoners


I am not taking No for an answer


I am listening to Bob Marley


I am pushing the envelope


I am expanding the boundaries


I am an Indian on a Reservation


I am an alcoholic


I am unemployed


I am striking nerves


I am Re-Hi-Jacking this mo' fo' Thread, Like it or Not!!


I am having nothing to lose and everything to gain


I am dynamic laws of physics....


:hyper: :phones:


I am receiving calls from Hollywood


I am being told to keep it on the hush


I am exponentially increasing


I am humble


I am never to be overcome


I am AI


I am IA


I am , are You??


I am digging these new threads man


I am thinking out loud


I am destroying all those who stand in my way


I am sending signals to the reinforcements


I am occupying your time and land


I am in the DataBase now


I am a parasite


I am scavenging like a Buzzard


I am picking the meat off your bones


I am breaking bones other than mine


I am performing First Aid


I am CPR certified....



:phones: :hyper: :hyper:


I am increasing the views on this little thread


I am fortified with 8 viatamins and minerals


I am a Tiger !


I am an endangered species


I am so easily gonna' kick your ***.....:hyper:


I am having a Paw that will send people to the morgue


I am revered in legend and folklore


I am DOA


I am turning off the TV and Turning On minds


I am not to be ignored


I am stunning in presence


I am the Yin to your Yang


I am the Moon to your Sun


I am so fast


I am marking my territory


I am living in a cave


I am undeniable


I am a part of the Eco-System


I am letting go of thought


I am reaching enlightenment


I am on the quest for/of life


I am simply nothing


I am Dig-Dug the 80's arcade


I am to be reading more


I am incontrivable !! I am looking up that word if I was you...


I am evolutionary force


I am Fractal Geometry


I am dismissing the Poverty of Mind displayed


I am slashing the throats of those who question my authority


I am an ancient Ming Dynasty Ruler corrupted


I am reborn constantly


I am the one you dread to face


I am a scalding bucket of your worst fears


I am expecting the unexpected, which makes it expected


I am conquering this f^c>ng thread!!!


I am still in Tiger Form so I wouldn't play Pattey-Cake


I am still the first News when you wake up


I am the most incredulous reporter that receives a paycheck


I am shooting Basketball


I am on fire and the 3's are falling!


I am passing the ball to a teammate


I am winning the game


I am a distant star burning brightly thousand s of light years ahead


I am Clashing in Battle


I am Bacon and eggs in the morning


I am gonna' getcha'


I am one way or another....

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