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I am pondering whether Loren has diarrhea.


no, but he lives with 30 cats AND MULTIPLYING by the moment considering more are pregnant!

his house is insane!

not that it's a bad thing, humans smell. :hihi:


I am illuminating


I am illimitable


I am illustrious


I am polyunsaturated


I am pestilent


I am figurative


I am dehiscent


I am beneficent


I am osculant


I am virulent


I am spiffy


I am mawkish :eek2:


I am awry


I am panchromatic


I am spun :hihi:


I am morganatic


I am unleavened


I am basal


I am chapfallen


I am duodecimal


I am ichorous


I am sonorous


I am trenchant


I am Zoroastrian


I am zonked :hihi:


I am unequivocating in my flatulent opposition to the surreal surmises that are being exfoliated in this corruscating thread, whilst evenso, the pretentious magniloquence of nay-saying partitioners, rollicking in their effulgience and domicile quasimodiousness, transpire only to deformicate the afore-mentioned philatelic transmigration of cerebral countenance, don't you know.


I am slow-roasted


I am mouth-watering


I am individually wrapped for freshness :)


I am New and Improved formula


I am trans fat free


I am pre-cooked for your convenience


I am heavily marketed


I am over-packaged


I am processed with equipment that processes nuts and seeds


I am Organic


I am 95% fat free


I am hydrogenated vegetable oil


I am reduced carbohydrate


I am light


I am ready to go in the microwave


I am a chance to win millions of prizes


:hihi: :hihi:


I am gonna' turn Pyrotex everywhich way but Loose! :hihi:


I am still an Adjective


I am shrill


I am sidereal


I am incontinent


I am episcopal


I am choral


I am hackneyed


I am ostentatious


I am ironclad


I am hieroglyphic


I am not vapid :hihi:


I am strident


I am parlous :)


I am lauditory


I am callow


I am askance


I am askew


I am polyglot


I am neoteric :)


I am vivacious


I am tenebrous :hihi:


I am slambang


I am malleable


I am maloderous


I am gracile


I am betimes


I am newfangled


I am xanthous :hihi:


I am The Spelling Bee Champion of the World!!!!! :hihi: :hihi:

I am unequivocating in my flatulent opposition to the surreal surmises that are being exfoliated in this corruscating thread, whilst evenso, the pretentious magniloquence of nay-saying partitioners, rollicking in their effulgience and domicile quasimodiousness, transpire only to deformicate the afore-mentioned philatelic transmigration of cerebral countenance, don't you know.

I am lookin' for my dic'shnary...


Sooooo, does that mean that the Experiment really is not complete, but that we can be anything as long as we shave?


I am glad to see you're taking the time to see what its like for us girls! Much more surface area to have to deal with! :naughty:


Shaaaaaving cream, be nice and clean,


i am Buffy

Awww....I am thinking how sweet that is! :naughty:


Cheerios, (no, I am going to wait a few hours for that, with strawberries!)


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