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My name is Giacomo I come from Italy and I am a 17 year old high school student. I really like Physic and Science topics! I have a question for you, I already asked it (not on this Forum of course) but I didnt recive a satisfying answer. I know it is not so advanced as other threads in this Forum but I hope you will help me ;)

Here is the question:

What should happen if two non-sinusoidal wave (with one crest but without trough - just like the pulse that travels down a rope resting on the ground) sources interfered each other? I think they should form only constructive interference becouse there are not troughs but only crests. Is it correct?

thank you!!!

PS sorry for my bad english ;) :)


PS sorry for my bad english ;) :)

Don't worry about your English Glacomino, I have frequent problems with it myself. About your questions; I don't have an answer for you but if you'll stick around, I'm sure one of our other members will help you out on it. BTW, Welcome to Hypography, it's really the place to be....................enjoy

My name is Giacomo I come from Italy and I am a 17 year old high school student. I really like Physic and Science topics! I have a question for you, I already asked it (not on this Forum of course) but I didnt recive a satisfying answer. I know it is not so advanced as other threads in this Forum but I hope you will help me ;)

Here is the question:

What should happen if two non-sinusoidal wave (with one crest but without trough - just like the pulse that travels down a rope resting on the ground) sources interfered each other? I think they should form only constructive interference becouse there are not troughs but only crests. Is it correct?

thank you!!!

PS sorry for my bad english ;) :)


Yes, all the interference could be constructive with no troughs, but the interference won't last very long, as the only way for such interference to occur is for the two waves to be traveling in opposite directions. (as all waves on the same string travel the same speed). A good program for playing with waves on string http://www.physics.cornell.edu/sethna/teaching/sss/pythag/pythag.htm Pythag from cornell's SSS project. You can play with sinusoids and pulses. You can even change the rope density to create and watch dispersions.



My name is Giacomo I come from Italy and I am a 17 year old high school student.

Ciao Giacomo, e benvenuto!


What should happen if two non-sinusoidal wave (with one crest but without trough - just like the pulse that travels down a rope resting on the ground) sources interfered each other? I think they should form only constructive interference becouse there are not troughs but only crests. Is it correct?
Interference is quite simply a point by point algebaic sum (points of space and/or time). It's a case of applying the superposition principle. If one wave has a range from 0 to a, the other from 0 to b, then the resulting wave will have a range from 0 to a + b.

Thank you for the answers!

Now I think have understood what would happen if two pulses travelling in opposite directions interfered creating a standing wave .But what would happen if two pulses travelling in the same directions -emitted by two close sources- interfer each other? I think they would create some double amplitude pulses travelling in the same direction but with quadruplicated intensity. Thank you and I hope I didnt bore you :)


PS I tried to open that link but firefox couldn't load it.. I will try later.

But what would happen if two pulses travelling in the same directions -emitted by two close sources- interfer each other?
It depends on the phase difference.

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