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Mass gravitates. If you wish to leave the surface of mass into vacuum without returning you must have an initial speed, called the escape velocity, normal to the surface. The Earth's surface, with one gee of gravity, has an escape velocity of 7 miles/second. The sun with 29 gees has an escape velocity of 384 miles/second. Neutron stars' surface gravitation is 10^11 to 10^13 gees with escape velocities around 35% of lightspeed.


Neutron stars' gravitation is so strong that it crushes Fermi exclusion of electron shells, crushing electron shells into protons to create stable neutronium. They have nuclear density, 2x10^14 g/cm^3, and about 1.4 solar masses of stuff in maybe 12 miles diameter. They are bouyed up by Fermi exclusion of neutron spins. Suppose we add mass to a neutron star. The internal pressure will mount until neutron degeneracy is achieved and the whole thing will collapse... without end, to a point singularity.


As it collapses its surface escape velocity increases dramatically. When escape velocity passes lightspeed nothing can escape, not even light. That is the beginning of a black hole. Now shift your lazy butt and read,






If we assume our visible universe with tree spatial and one temporal dimension is embedded within a higher dimensioned reality it might be possible to get from here to other stars (and presumably back) arbitrarily quickly by taking a shortcut through the higher dimensions. Imagine two dots at opposite end of a piece of 2-D notebook paper. Are they 11 inches apart? How far apart are they if you fold the paper through the third dimension?


Wormholes were invented by Kip Thorne at Caltech at the request of Kurt Vonnegut who needed a science fiction plot device. They looked rather interesting in real physics theory for a decade or so. We now know there is no imaginable way, so far, to make it happen even on paper - and many reasons to expect it cannot be done.

Suppose we add mass to a neutron star. The internal pressure will mount until neutron degeneracy is achieved and the whole thing will collapse... without end, to a point singularity.


A few scientists have proposed a theory, that between neutron degeneracy and collapse there may exist a short time where the so-called Quark star could manifest itself.
A few scientists have proposed a theory, that between neutron degeneracy and collapse there may exist a short time where the so-called Quark star could manifest itself.


Since I'm in "lazy butt" mode and since other's would probably be interested as well, can you further explain the properties of a Quark Star and how it works?

Since I'm in "lazy butt" mode and since other's would probably be interested as well, can you further explain the properties of a Quark Star and how it works?

Did you look here?

Did you look here?


Ha... good one. I did acknowledge the lazy factor already, didn't I? I also thought if it were here in one place that others could read it easily as well without all of us having to Google it. But I guess Google will have to do.

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