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I guess i'm off base on this one. when 10 year old girls throw BJ parties, and condoms can be purchased at the candy counter, and sex can be had between school classes, and the prez gets head in the oval office, and everyone says..so what!--i'm outta the loop. now that we have sex on all the TV shows and there is no more mystery or romance in relationships, where is the improvement in our society? no wonder the educational system is failing, school now is a hangout for making out.

I guess i'm off base on this one. when 10 year old girls throw BJ parties, and condoms can be purchased at the candy counter, and sex can be had between school classes, and the prez gets head in the oval office, and everyone says..so what!--i'm outta the loop. now that we have sex on all the TV shows and there is no more mystery or romance in relationships, where is the improvement in our society? no wonder the educational system is failing, school now is a hangout for making out.
These are valid points... yet they are also hyperbolizations of what we have said. We were not thinking that it would be okay to these extremes. Removing the mystery and mystique of sex was a thing we discussed but "10 year old girls throw[ing] BJ parties" is WAY off base from what we said. The informed mind creates the prepared body is the message I think we're trying to get across :eek_big:.



...School has always been "a hangout for making out" :eek:.

when 10 year old girls throw BJ parties, and condoms can be purchased at the candy counter, and sex can be had between school classes...
Hyperbole can be a good debating tactic, but I do think you're overstating this, and no one here has said 10 year old girls are "responsible" as has been discussed here. Besides, I have a 10 year old daughter and I can assure you she thinks that boys are gross.
the prez gets head in the oval office
It was in the pantry and quite frankly, no I don't care what consenting adults do. Note that no, adultery is not illegal anymore, and quite frankly its because both conservatives as well as liberals get caught doing it.
now that we have sex on all the TV shows
I would much prefer my daughter hear/see sex on televsion than murder and mayhem. It is just plain odd to me that so many people have no problem with endless hours of gun play, hatred and cruelty, but a little sex is all of a sudden horrifying.
there is no more mystery or romance in relationships
All I can say is, speak for yourself... My relationships all seem to have lots of romance and mystery even though there may be lots of sex involved.
where is the improvement in our society? no wonder the educational system is failing, school now is a hangout for making out.
Do you have kids in school? Do have any idea the pressure on your average high schooler to get into a good college or they'll "fail"? Its pretty gruesome compared to when I was a kid. Yes there are slackers, but only where there are no parents, and they're much more likely to be running protection rackets and fencing stolen goods than boinking between classes. I think the near total obsession with sex among social conservatives is quite frankly scary because of the attention it takes away from other much more serious problems in society.




It was in the pantry and quite frankly, no I don't care what consenting adults do. Note that no, adultery is not illegal anymore, and quite frankly its because both conservatives as well as liberals get caught doing it.




WHAT?! :eek_big:


When did this happen?

WHAT?! :eek_big:


When did this happen?

Monica and Bill. Ken Starr went into pornographic detail on their *exact* positions and actions in his lurid book outlining the case for impeachment. If you want to get away with reading pornography at school, this http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/189162024X is the way to go. These people are obsessed. I personally think they just don't get enough at home...




I guess i'm off base on this one. when 10 year old girls throw BJ parties, and condoms can be purchased at the candy counter, and sex can be had between school classes, and the prez gets head in the oval office, and everyone says..so what!--i'm outta the loop. now that we have sex on all the TV shows and there is no more mystery or romance in relationships, where is the improvement in our society? no wonder the educational system is failing, school now is a hangout for making out.


The majority of society is not doing this, the majority is quietly sitting by, and truthfully, trying to get on with their lives, not caring what other people are doing. Most of my friends are still in high school, and the vast majority are not sexually active, the problem is that we don't hear about that, we only hear about the small(er) percentage who are.

Monica and Bill. Ken Starr went into pornographic detail on their *exact* positions and actions in his lurid book outlining the case for impeachment. If you want to get away with reading pornography at school, this is the way to go. These people are obsessed. I personally think they just don't get enough at home...




Guess I didn't post my clarification fast enough :eek_big:. Who didn't know about this :eek: ?
The majority of society is not doing this, the majority is quietly sitting by, and truthfully, trying to get on with their lives, not caring what other people are doing. Most of my friends are still in high school, and the vast majority are not sexually active, the problem is that we don't hear about that, we only hear about the small(er) percentage who are.
Another valid point... No hyperbolization required :eek_big:.
By the above I mean when did adultery become not illegal :eek_big:.
Its still grounds for divorce in many states, but they can't throw you in jail for it. Bigamy *is* a crime, though, and expect jail time for it.




Its still grounds for divorce in many states, but they can't throw you in jail for it. Bigamy *is* a crime, though, and expect jail time for it.




In most states :eek_big:. Seems like states such as Tennessee, Louisiana, Missourri, and Arkansas will just "overlook" bigamy and incest :eek:.



The majority of society is not doing this, the majority is quietly sitting by, and truthfully, trying to get on with their lives, not caring what other people are doing. Most of my friends are still in high school, and the vast majority are not sexually active, the problem is that we don't hear about that, we only hear about the small(er) percentage who are.

Ya, amen. The problem is the commercialism of sex by the big (and small) industry and media pushing it on the public. They will use any thing they can to make a buck. Thank God people still have some respect for themselves and sense to keep the "relationship" in their "relations."


Meanwhile, the government, who should be watching out for us, is their toy soldier via lobbyism. Therefore, those with the most money influence the system toward their favor so they can make more money. (Another, yet quite tangential, "disturbing trend"?)

...The problem is the commercialism of sex by the big (and small) industry and media pushing it on the public. ...Meanwhile, the government, who should be watching out for us, is their toy soldier via lobbyism. Therefore, those with the most money influence the system toward their favor so they can make more money.
Well, with the conservatives firmly in control of the government, and "the liberal media" being their favorite whipping boy, I'm not sure what you're talking about. The main activities this year for the FCC have been to 1) Spend gobs of time looking for stray boobs or bad language and throwing large fines at those big industry media companies, while 2) producing one of the most anti-competitive decisions of the Bush administration's tenure in giving the telco's complete monopoly power of DSL service, and thus 3) concentrating control over the distribution channels into the home by those telcos and cable companies that are mostly run by conservative-backing management. If you push sex these days as a media company, you're a pariah, and I don't see any evidence of government action other than to punish it serverely, again as I've said, while saying nothing about violence in the media. Grand Theft Auto was a fine game that gave kids target practice to prepare to volunteer for the Army until someone found some sex in it and all of a sudden there's a scandal (and heck even Hillary is jumping on this bandwagon). If there's government coddling of the porn industry, I have to admit I don't really see it...




Male puberty and female menarch occur at 12 years of age and earlier due to superior nutrition. A society would be individually and collectively insane to demand those twitching genitalia remain celibate for the next 7-10 years. There should be a brothel on every high school and college campus. Nothing is hornier than a teenage male. The female staff had best be able to open Nehi bottles with their happy places - they will be ridden like the Pony Express throughout the day.


How many mounts/day will satisfy a lusting teenage male? Given the Coolidge Effect, 3-5. THAT is what idiot Christian Fundies seek to bottle up. Ha! Boys will do it to themselves, do it to each other, do it with girls, do it with anything at least the size of a chicken, do it with in animate objects. The only question is whether you want homosexuals or heterosexuals when it is all over. Right now we are quite successfully training queers.

AND thus we just resign ourselfs to doing about the same as a ***** in heat and her

male mates?

in this class of people i would think the option of self control could at least be contemplated at times by the younger generation and older and that at least

we should attempt some semblance of self preservation by attending to our own needs

without letting all hell break loose with over 10,000 partners the likes of some!

AL !!!

speak for yourself and i guess some others here but not for me,

i am only 99.9999999999999999999999999999% perverted

and the rest, I am actually very happy I have been so UNsuccessful with

the pop openers as its a FACT that sex is only lovely in a heterosexual, commited marriage relationship. any one that thinks otherwise is just WRONG.

yes there are absolutes and FACTS; you are partly insane when you think otherwise. :eek_big:

go try to convince someone else if you think otherwise.

nothing GAY about being physically/metally sick!

perversions are just our many ways we sin not an excuse for sinning.

Note that no, adultery is not illegal anymore, and quite frankly its because both conservatives as well as liberals get caught doing it.

I think it is still illegal in the armed forces. Or it was when I was in, a few years ago. Of course, it was usually the active duty women that got charged with the crime, not the men. Hmmm, wonder why that was?


And what a great thread, btw. I just read it from start to end, and I have so much to say, but no idea where to start. So i'll start fresh in a new post, as I don't want this one to get too lengthy. :eek_big:

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