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i must be missing something. i can see that you do not believe in intelligent creation, but i can see no listed reasons why. why not try to concentrate on your own reasons for your position rather than worrying about my '' contradiction ''. this is about YOUR reasons. i just need a few, it should be easy.


Do you also need reasons why I do not believe in the tooth fairy?


Do you want reasons why I don't believe in Santa Claus?


Do you want reasons why I don't believe in <insert childhood fairy tale>?



Anyway, I just answered your question by asking those three. Just read between the lines.

Well, here's one.


Those who tend to argue in it's favor and who believe it are often blindly following someone else's idea and fail to approach the world with open eyes. I was going to be mean and describe the qualities I detest in so many (not all) religious people, but that's counter productive.


It's not just you can't prove it, but also that I don't care to be associated with the group composed of those who think it's true. There are too many other negative characteristics and traits they exhibit.



No one statement will give you the proof the ID (as a religious creator)is wrong! The reference being (covering the whole issue) is at: http://www.fripro.com/AIDE.html


Ugh, i see you're back for another round. if you are saying you believe in Pyrotex's theory as a reason for disbelieving in ID, that's ok by me. i personally see little sense or truth in what he said. instead of falling back on someone else's words, why not just post your own belief based on your own observations of the real world in simple terms? could you do that for me? if you do, you will be the first person to do so.


what is your opinion of this quote?

''All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.''

- Max Planck, Nobel Prize-winning Father of Quantum Theory

Baseless nonsense, the argument is an non sequitur and the conclusion meaningless.


It's exactly the kind of "baseless nonsense" you'd expect from a dude who hung out with some of the foremost scientific minds of his day, i.e., Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, and Weierstrass, all of them given to baseless nonsense, I'm sure. Just because Kirchhoff had some laws named after him that are still ubiquitous in electrical engineering, or Helmholtz' had a nutty idea that heat, light, electricity and magnetism are all manifestations of a single force, or Weierstrass, a loser mathematician who is occasionally called the "father of modern analysis," doesn't mean the admittedly brilliant father-of-quantum-theory-Planck had a clue when it came to "cosmic mind." After all, what kind of intellectual integrity could a man have who says the universe is the product of "a conscious and intelligent Mind" after his wife dies of tuberculosis, one son gets killed in WWI, another is a POW, both his daughters died giving birth two years apart, and another of his sons was executed by the Gestapo for plotting to kill Hitler.


But frankly I'm nonplussed by your rapier-like perception that determined Planck's quote with an ellipsis constituted an "argument." Perhaps you'll explain how you so easily relegated Planck's insight to the shitheap of nonsense; a topic you're apparently well versed in. ;)


Ugh, you're an angry person. also, you continue to argue against your concept of God without understanding that your God may not have been the intelligent creator. the real creator has nothing to do with man's many concepts of a deity. why can't you understand this fact?


Questor: Your post is 100% fallacious.

1) I'm not angry

2) I'm not arguing against any concept of god

3) I have no fixed concept of god

4) I have no god

5) "the intelligent creator", there is neither evidence nor argument in support of such a thing

6) "the real creator", if there's a real creator, demonstrate it, demonstrability is one of the features that distinguish reality from fantasy

7) "this fact", utter rubbish, demonstrate that this is a fact.


Ugh, how would you demonstrate the wind? you can't see it, it has no smell,there is no noise of the wind itself, it has no taste, you don't feel it unless it blows directly on you. how have you convinced yourself there is such a thing as the wind?


Questor: I can show the "wind" to another person by using confetti, I can explain to them how it works, using thermometers and barometers, I can create wind at will, as long as there is sufficient air, by waving a fan. In other words, I have direct and indirect evidence for wind, and I can demonstrate wind that confirms that evidence. Is your suggestion that the idea of intelligent design is essentially parallel to that of the wind? If so, please proceed, evidence and demonstration. So far, over several threads, you have presented neither.

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