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Just a thought that strained through, but is it possible that a googolplex is almost infinity? now, let me think through this one... a googol is 1*10^100 yet researchers assume that the total amount of atoms in the universe is closer to 1*10^80, so i guess you could use googol to describe the volume of the universe in nanometers, but what about googolplex. from all i've heard about it, there isnt ehough particles in the unverse to write a googolplex, so could it be just a little less or equal to infinity?


just a thought i thought i'd share...



Just a thought that strained through, but is it possible that a googolplex is almost infinity? now, let me think through this one... a googol is 1*10^100 yet researchers assume that the total amount of atoms in the universe is closer to 1*10^80, so i guess you could use googol to describe the volume of the universe in nanometers, but what about googolplex. from all i've heard about it, there isnt ehough particles in the unverse to write a googolplex, so could it be just a little less or equal to infinity?


just a thought i thought i'd share...



Interesting thought alex. but I think that depends on how one defines infinity. If infinity means the total number of possible particles in the universe, that statement might be true. However, from what I understand, infinity cannot be defined as a number, no matter how many zeros follow the first digit. Any number, even with a string of zeros reaching from here to the other side of our universe would not describe infinity. Infinity is similiar to eternity, without end.

is'nt infinity just an idea that there is such a thing ?


the illusion/dellusion of the human 'mind' is its endless ability

to measure....thus creating the illusion of some other reality besides the

one right in front of your senses.


'Maya' i think is the common phrase..'"ma" literally meaning 'to measure'

( a seamingly different world is created in this question/answer/measurement

that the human brain is so very good at)


there are 2 different worlds...one realative to the senses


...one unreal...realative to the ego and immagination




Lets see...

Definition of Googolplex (from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/googolplex)

Noun The number 10 raised to the power googol, written out as the numeral 1 followed by 10100 zeros


Defintion of googol (ditto resource)

Noun The number 10 raised to the power 10100, written out as the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros.


Defintition of infinite (ditto resource)

n. pl. in·fin·i·ties

1. The quality or condition of being infinite.

2. Unbounded space, time, or quantity.

3. An indefinitely large number or amount.

4. Mathematics The limit that a function is said to approach at x = a when (x) is larger than any preassigned number for all x sufficiently near a.


a. A range in relation to an optical system, such as a camera lens, representing distances great enough that light rays reflected from objects within the range may be regarded as parallel.

b. A distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus


Let see... 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

While this is a extremly large number it is not infinite by the basic fact that it does not expand into infinity, like pi or i (Squareroot of -1)

If I am missing something please tell me, seeing that I am only begining Pre Cal in two days! ;) P.S. How do I show powers with this interface? Should I just draw an image of the variable and load it like a picture?

P.S. How do I show powers with this interface? Should I just draw an image of the variable and load it like a picture?


Generally 10 to the x would be 10^x. The carrot is the "raise to the power of" operator.


P.S. How do I show powers with this interface? Should I just draw an image of the variable and load it like a picture?
We're working on a program to show standard math symbols, but it's not et operational.


You can write powers the old fasioned way though like 3.14*10^100

means 'three point one four times ten to the power of one hundred' or 3140


Oh brother, … why is it people can't grasp that infinity is not quantifiable, as it has no limit whatever, … but quantity is limit imposed by the thinker?


So the thinker thinks it can grapple with an describe infinity?


Phft! ;)


C1ay is definitely right.


10^(10^100) is a huge but finite number. Infinity is not a number, it is a limit.


How about defining flump as 10^(10^(10^100)), and a klurrr as 10^flump, and plork as 10^flump?


And pkloogwhiff as klurr raised to the power plork? :hihi:


We're still nowhere "near" infinity!


Why can't people grasp an infinity for at face value? Who knows. Is it ingrained in our culture, through centuries and millinea of people not being devloped enough to scientifically and mathematicaly to understand even such ideas as pi. Or maybe it is hardwired into the brain, like the way children react toward certain large creatures -- the lion when it is outside its cage for example. Who truly knows, but back on the topic here - this topic is about a mathematical theory, not an pschology exhibit, good point tho.


Okay this thread is going in circles...


In response to the title of the thread "Is googolplex almost infinity?" the answer is an irrefutable and undeniable NO. You can all stop bantering and debating now ;).


if infinity is so large that we cant express it by any of our means, how can a googolplex not be close to infinity if you can not possibly ever express it. I mean yes we call it a googolplex and it is 10^(10^100) (oh Ghad i wish the latex hack will get back in development soon, i just dont have the time for securing and improving my alpha engine...) but thats an equation, i can express infiity in a similar fasion with 1/0. yet i could never reach the end of infinity if i started trying to write it and will go untill all material is depleeted, but if googolplex has those very same properties, its got to almost be infinity. its like 2 sticks, one infinitely long an the other one so long that it does not fit in the universe, to us as observers they both look pretty darn infinite...

if infinity is so large that we cant express it by any of our means, how can a googolplex not be close to infinity if you can not possibly ever express it. I mean yes we call it a googolplex and it is 10^(10^100) (oh Ghad i wish the latex hack will get back in development soon, i just dont have the time for securing and improving my alpha engine...) but thats an equation, i can express infiity in a similar fasion with 1/0. yet i could never reach the end of infinity if i started trying to write it and will go untill all material is depleeted, but if googolplex has those very same properties, its got to almost be infinity. its like 2 sticks, one infinitely long an the other one so long that it does not fit in the universe, to us as observers they both look pretty darn infinite...
Spelled "fashion" wrong again ;).


That is a good point, but I think that debate belongs in the Philosophy of Science Forum.


Well, here is my take on it....


Googolplex- So large all matter in the Universe cannot be used to express it... I don't mean written out, either, because you can write out infinity as well... 1/0.


Infinity- So large all space in the Universe cannot be used to contain it...


That better? ;)

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