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What causes adhesion in the key ring atom?


For a model of a molecule to work it must provide at least these 7 functions.


1. It must be the mechanism by which gravity works.

2. It must have a mechanical way to hold the atom and the molecule together.

3. It must be able to provide or change into all the energy particles that come out when the atom/molecule is split.

4. It must have a logical unit that determines it’s mass.

5. It must be able to connect or not connect to other elements.

6. It must provide the mechanism for hot and cold.

7. It must provide the mechanism of adhesion between molecules.


This section will be dealing with just function 7. What is the mechanism that causes adhesion between molecules? Electron Ring Entanglement is the answer. Electron Ring Entanglement will be referred to as ERE from here on out. ERE is what happens when the electron rings from 1 atom comes in contact with the electron rings of another atom. I will demonstrate this principle with models of 2 hot atoms, 2 cold atoms, 2 very cold atoms and 2 atoms close to absolute zero.


For my models of 2 hot atoms I have 2 Slinkys. Illustration 1 is at my web site . The Slinkys are much cheaper to buy than to build a model. In a real atom model each electron ring would be independent and circling on it’s own but this model will demonstrate the principle of ERE very well. The illustration contains a yellow slinky and an orange slinky. Notice the outside edges of the electron rings. There is a gap between the outer edge of each electron ring. I will refer to this Electron Ring Gap as the ERG from here on out. The ERG on hot atoms is fairly big.


In illustration 2, at my web site, are the 2 slinkys pushed together. Notice how the electron rings slide into the ERG. Hot atoms will have a very wide ERG. Also notice the width of the electron rings. Since the width of the electron rings are less than the width of ERG the atoms can slide together. This is Electron Ring Entanglement or ERE. This is the mechanism that causes adhesion between two atoms. Once the slinkys slide together, there is a small amount of adhesion or in other words they stick together. With these hot models there is a lot of flexibility between the two atoms. The atoms can be moved together or pulled apart quite easily. The two hot atoms have a loose fit.


Illustration 3, at my web site, has two cold atoms. In my initial work this is where I had absolute zero. Since then I found that I need to make the electron rings smaller to achieve absolute zero. I will show the colder models later in this section. These two atoms are only half built. The idea is to show what happens on the edge of the atom where the ERE occurs and show the size of the proton ring in relation to the size of the electron rings. The electron rings are red and the proton rings are blue. The electron rings and the proton rings are the same size. I only used about 20 electron rings made from wire in each model. A real atom would have thousands of electron rings. Notice how wide the ERG is.


Illustration 4, at my web site, has the 2 cold atoms pushed together. The electron rings easily slide between the ERGs. There is less ERE in the cold atoms than in the hot atoms. The flexibility between the two cold atoms is much lower than in the hot atoms. The cold atoms have a tighter fit than hot atoms.


Illustration 5, at my web site, has 2 water molecules. Notice the two molecules are touching. When two water molecules touch there will be some ERE. The electron rings from one molecule can easily entangle with the electron rings of the other. This entanglement is what causes surface tension and some of the friction in the atomic world. This is how it works “Mechanically” at the smallest level. The illustration just shows water. Different substances will have different amounts of ERE. For example if you get water on your hands your hands will be wet. The water sticks to your hands because of the ERE between the water and that of your hands. Put water on the hood of your car and the water will spread out flat and even. Why? It’s because the ERE between the hood and the water is higher than the ERE between the water. Next wax your car and then put water on your hood. What happens? The water will form beads. Why? It’s because the ERE between the water is higher than the ERE between the waxed hood and the water. If you get water on you, you will be wet. The ERE between you and the water is high enough that the water sticks to you. The ERE principle will apply to all substances. Take pancake syrup for example, it will have a very high ERE. It is very sticky. If you get it on your hands, it is hard to get off. It will stick to the hood of your car, if it is waxed or not.


Illustration 6, at my web site, has 2 ice molecules. These molecules are much colder than the water. The ERE is less. There is less flexibility between each atom and they will fit tighter. What’s the result of this? It’s a solid. The ice lays flat and is stuck together with another ice molecule. There is very little movement that can occur between each molecule. They can’t roll in and out like the water. The arrangement of the molecule will affect crystallization or how the solid forms. Ice doesn’t stick to your hands or the hood of your car because the ERE is very low. If you take a chunk of ice and break a chunk off you can’t just stick it back together. Why? You would have to have almost perfect alignment to slide all electron rings back together. How would you put the chunk of ice back on? There would be just 2 ways, high pressure or melt the ice to water, raising the ERE then refreezing the water back into ice.


Illustration 7, at my web site, has 2 atoms at almost absolute zero. The electron rings in red are half the size of the proton ring. I only filled in a little over half of the molecule so you can see the proton ring, which is blue. In my initial geometry I was wrong. I set absolute zero when the electron rings and proton rings are the same size. I have since made the electron rings smaller.


Illustration 8, at my web site, has the same 2 atoms at almost absolute zero stuck together. There is no flexibility and they fit very tight fit. Snug would be a good way to describe it. Also look at the depth that the electron rings penetrate one another. The depth is way less on cold molecules than it is on hot molecules. If you were to predict how molecules would act based on temperature, what would you predict? I would predict that colder is harder and more brittle. I would predict that warmer is softer and easier to bend. My wife bought some blue berries. They were soft and flexible at room temperature. She froze them and they became hard as a rock. The prediction of how temperature affects key ring atoms is dead on. The geometry of each different type of molecule will determine the amount of ERE at different temperature. The molenum, the number of protons and electrons, will come into play in this geometry. How do metals act? Look at the work of a blacksmith. He will take a piece of iron and heat it till it is very hot. Then he can easily bend the metal when it is at a high temperature. Metals are more malleable at higher temperatures. Why? It’s because of the flexibility that goes with a higher ERE. Have you ever seen a blacksmith make a sword? What do they do? They heat the metal and then hammer it into shape. The hammering makes the metal harder. Do you know why? It’s because the hammering causes a higher ERE and it will also cause the electron rings to have a deeper depth between each other. Then the metal is quickly cooled. This makes the sword much harder because it tightens up the gaps in between the electron rings as they cool.


Illustration 9, at my web site, has 2 atoms at or near absolute zero. This is extremely cold. The proton ring is blue and the electron rings are red. The electron rings are one forth the diameter of the proton ring. Notice the width of the electron rings is less than the ERG. They won’t stick together. The gaps aren’t wide enough for the electron rings to fit in. This is the point of zero ERE. This is the point of where the surface tension in helium breaks down. Helium becomes a super fluid at this temperature or it has no friction. What else happens at these temperatures? Most things become very brittle. Take a rubber ball that bounces at room temperature and then freeze it to these temperatures. Bounce the ball and what happens? The ball will shatter into little pieces because of the low ERE. The molecules in the ball will just barely hold together and a jolt from hitting the ground will cause breaks between many molecules. This is all predictable with the key ring atom.


Everywhere I go with the key ring atom I get mechanical answers. I can build models and reproduce the phenomenon. Build your own models. Check out the flexibility and the fit between the different temperatures. I used wires from a hardware store. I used a one inch PVC pipe, wrapped the wire around the pipe and then cut it. All my proton rings are used with the one inch pipe. I used larger pipes for the hot electron rings. For the cold electron rings I used the same one inch pipe. I didn’t cut individual electron rings; I just wrapped the red wire around the pipe about twenty times and then cut it at the end. Two of these were made for the cold. Next I slid electron rings onto the proton rings. I made the very cold models the same way using a one half inch rod. For the absolute zero models, I did it the very same way using a one quarter inch rod. I recommend you build these and get two slinkys. Not only can you visualize how hot and cold affects molecules, but you can actually feel it. These models work!


There are some geometrical questions that I haven’t answered yet. How long is the tadtron that forms into the electron ring? How wide is the electron ring? Is the tadtron ribbon shaped or thread shaped? How many electron rings are on one proton ring? These answers would make predicting absolute zero much easier. The electron rings are going to have a coilnum as they go from absolute zero to very hot. How they coil and the width of the tadtron is a problem yet to be solved. When things get cold, the electron rings coiling will cause tightness at the point it circles into the proton ring. The proton ring could expand to compensate. The key ring atom will work. The final geometry is the work yet to be done.


Illustration 10, at my web site, has all 4 sets of atoms side by side.

  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't think that something as complex as nuclear asymmetries can be visually depicted by a couple slinkys. I believe that if you were to read up on Buckminster Fuller's description of nuclear packing, it describes these relationships in a more logical way.

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