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The 13 Prime Directive of Reason observe 13 limits which effectively direct reality through a process of continual movement.  It is an observation of universal priniciples where cause, effect, constants, actual localities (parts), potential localities, relativistic change, spatial limits (line, point and circle), no limit, and consciousness through the axiom as self evidence through subjectivity and objectivity exist through eachother under a quantitative and qualitative nature of 1 in 3 and 3 in 1 through Mirroring, Relativity and Synthesis. 
It is a little dense and will have to be elaborated on as I expect alot of questions.
13 Prime Directives of Reason

1) All Meaning Exists As Both Positive and Negative Values

All meaning is subject to the context in which it exists; hence the relation of both context and the context of that context exists as meaning itself. This statement is universal and hence has no context except as itself, hence is intradimensionally directed; therefore the prior statement is negated while existing as true if and only if it continually expands, hence is extra dimensionally directed. From this statement all meaning maintains simultaneously positive and negative values, as both existing and lacking in existence; contradiction as a deficiency in reasoning is a statement of incompletion, hence relation, and does not exist on its own terms. Structure through reason is meaning with philosophy existing as the means of reasoning with knowledge as order through structure.

2) All Meaning Is Premise as Origin

There can be no universal philosophy which explains everything as it would not only have to progress ad-fininitum, necessitating a permanent incompleteness, but would have to be completely unified and absent of any particular nature where a finite definition relates to another finite definition. However this in itself is a universal philosophy as it explains all philosophies and forthwith definition itself; therefore exists as a premise, equivalent to beginning point of origin, from which all philosophies are grounded while necessitating the premise as a universal philosophy in itself. All philosophy exists as premise, for further philosophies which exist as premise, from which reason is mediated through a point of origin.

3) All Meaning Necessitates a Dual Linear and Circular Form and Function

There can be no universal premises which set the foundation for all philosophies; hence no universal philosophy, considering this observes philosophies exist through philosophies, as they would have to be continually broken down ad-infinitum while simultaneously manifesting further premises, and thereby philosophies, ad-infinitum. All premises, and therefore philosophies, in themselves must in effect be viewed as extensions of a universal and hence universal in themselves through the universal from which they extend. This in effect observes not just an infinite number of premises under increasely progressive finite relations but all finite premises as being universals in themselves as both extensions of universals and through the respect they progress ad-infinitum. This progressive nature of the premise through linear relations in the Western context of reasoning and a self-maintained circular nature in the Eastern context of reasoning observes it as fundamentally a directive means where the premise is directed both away from and towards itself through the structure of reason.

4) All Axioms Are Directives

The premise as the foundation for all reason in effect exists as a means where universality is intradimensional and finiteness is extradimensional; hence premises exist fundamentally as directives with the directive in itself being self-evident, as an axiom, considering direction in itself is the foundation of not just movement but any stability from which movement arises. Axioms act as premises in the respect they are directives with the directive observing a dual nature of movement and stability with synthesize as limits in themselves considering both movement and stability extend from and exist through limit. The premise as directive, through its axiomatic nature as directive itself necessitates the axiom is the limit of reason as a directive; hence gives origin to both premise and the philosophy which stems from the premise as axioms in themselves and therefore directive limits which give both structure and meaning to phenomena.

5) All Axioms Are Limits Through Unity and Multiplicity

All axioms are in themselves limits, through their directive nature with these statements being directive(s). These limits are both composed of and composing further limits through the limit itself; hence the limit maintains a dual extradimensional progressive linear nature and an intradimensional self-maintain circular nature, with the axiom existing through the axiom. The axiom through the axiom, which is an axiom in itself, observes the axiom as both self-maintained unity as 1 and relating localities (parts/units) as 1 providing the limit of Unity and Multiplicity.

6) All Axioms Act as Points of Inversion, Hence are Non-Axiomatic

As both self-maintained unity and progressive unit(s) the axiom observes a dualistic nature where its inversion between the one and many is non-axiomatic as an absence of axiom; which is conducive qualitatively to nothingness and quantitative 0 being a foundation of inversion from which the axiom as nothing is in itself inversive of other axioms through a self negation. The axiom as unity negates itself through the axiom as unit and the axiom as unit negates itself through the axiom as unity, where one inverts to the other as a relativistic positive or negative to the other when viewed as units. Or they exist as simple approximation of the other from a fixed unity. The axioms as a point of inversion, in the respect that the existence of one axiom is the non-existence of the other, observes the axiom as self-negating hence non-axiomatic at the same time in different respects. As inversive all axioms maintain a dual nature of randomness.

7) All Axioms are Infinite

This nature of the axiom as being premised in the “limit” through its directive capacity as both circular and linear necessitates a continuity in this “directive capacity” considering a self maintained circularity and linear progressiveness exists if and only it is infinite; hence limit exists through no-limit where the self-negation of no-limit, through its own absences of form and function, results in the limit. The limit continues a progressive movement through the negation of origin (as a limit in itself) while maintains itself through the absence of limit being the negative boundary which gives form to limit.

icon_cool.gif All Axioms are Meaning Through a Triadic Nature

The axiom, exists through limit and no-limit, observing a triadic nature in itself while simultaneously observing the origins of subjectivity and objectivity (under the premised of self-evidence which defines the axiom as “axiom”) as both existing from and through “limit”. This nature of limit, and its corresponding foundation within the axiom as the axiom through the axiom, observes an inherent directive capacity through the intradimensional and extradimensional nature of definition which necessitates in turn a third nature of limit, and hence the axiom, as interdimensional, where limit exists as a means to both further limit as itself through itself; furthermore the axiom exists as means therefore meaning.

9) All Axioms are Neutral Definition as Movement and No-Movement Through Synthesis

This interdimensional nature of the axiom, through limit, gives a premise of neutrality from which intradimensional circular direction and extradimensional linear direction are synthesized through eachother and as existing in themselves. This intradimensional nature of definition, through circularity, observes an inherent self-maintained structure where extra dimensionality observes a progressive movement, with this movement and no-movement in effect providing the foundation of the axiom being definition through direction with the act of definition itself stemming from limit as limit. Definition, as axiomatic, is meaning and occurs through reasoning as a directive form and function.

10) All Axioms are Causal and Random in Nature Through Mirroring Constants

Intradimensionality in effect, as structural maintenance, observes an inherent reflective capacity as infinite repetition of limits as a unified limit in itself setting the standard for the observation of causality as the observation of structure with any negation to this “causality as structure” giving further premised to randomness as approximation. Hence all axioms exist as one through extensions of the one and maintain this extensional nature through infinite structure under a self-reflective nature of cause through cause as effect with any perceived multiplicity in turn being an observation of randomness as negation in unity. This unified nature of the axiom observes it as positive and existing with the negative being an approximation of this unity, with the positive nature as existing occurring through a self- mirroring process of continual repetition as One.

Reason, through the axiom, in effect exists as 1 self-mirroring infinite moment from which all further reason, through the axioms, extends from as approximates of this 1 reason which exists qualitatively as a 1 dimensional point and the point as the quantitative foundation for one. This approximation between points, as a point, in effect is the axiom as a point in itself that exists approximately through other axioms under a negative dimensional linear limits that observe a connection between the axiom as one. All axioms as points of reason, are reason in and of themselves through the one axiom which is observed approximately through multiplicity.

Mirroring Constants are the foundation of Relativity while existing through its Synthesis with Relativistic Change.

11) All Axioms are Actual and Potential Localizations Through Relative Change

Extradimensionality in effect, as progressive movement, observes an inherent relational capacity as parts existing through parts which both are composed of parts and compose further parts as finite localized phenomena where the actual localized part acts as a means of parts and any potential locality is a negative limit to localization as non-localization. This relational aspect to the localized nature of parts observes an inherent element extradimensional projection, premised through linearism as a spatial limit, where a part must continual project pasts its own origins to further parts under a simultaneously process of multiplication and division as individuation in which the part exist as a ratio of another through its linear progressive nature embodied under time as a temporal entity in itself.

Reason, through the axiom, in effect exists as relative units with these units being composed of further units with the unit itself observing movement as relation through multiplicity of parts as a 1 dimensional line and the line as the quantitative approximation of one as unity being one as unit relation. This continual relation of lines, as a line, in effect is the axiom as a line in itself which exists potentially through other axioms as potential axioms. The dual nature of actual and potential axioms as linear relations observes the axiom as a localization of limit. All axioms as lines of reason, are the continual progression of reason through the continual progression of axioms which is observe continually as a localization of unity being continual direction.

Relativity is an Inversion of Mirroring Constants while existing through its Synthesis with these Mirroring Constants

12) All Axioms are Spatial and All Space is Axiomatic

The axiom in turn is:

a) Both limit and no-limit and extends from limit through limit as limit with limit providing the means of definition, hence order and being, as limit itself. The limit is the foundation of unity and multiplicity and through the axiom. The axiom is directive as means.

b) Causal as a means of self-reflective structure from which all structure extends from and through as structure itself, with structure itself being “causal” and existing through randomness as the limit of this structure. The axiom exists as the extension of 1 intradimensional point through which everything exists as 1 infinite moment which is approximately observed through multiple axioms which are points in themselves. All axioms are points from which structure begins and ends as an axiom (or point) in itself. The axiom is directive as self-maintaining through a self-mirroring process that exists infinitely as 1.

c) Acausal as a means of continual relation of parts which exist through a process of inversion of unity into multiplicity with this multiplicity in turn approximating “unity” through the “unit” as localized relations which exist through non-localized movement (no-movement). The axiom exists as a 1 dimensional line of continually relating axioms which in turn both compose and are composed of further axioms as linear relations, with the localization of the relations through the line as an axiom in effect observe all axioms as points of inversion in one respect an in a seperate respect existing through potential non-localized axioms as the negative limit through which the axiom exists. The axiom is directive as progressive through a process of individuation (muliplicaiton/division) that continues ad-infinitum.

d) The axiom in turn exists as having a triadic nature of 1 in 3 and 3 in 1 and is “directive” in nature through its nature as limit. All axioms as directive in turn observe a premise in space through the line, point and circle through which they exist in both form and function. This quantitative nature of 1 in 3 and 3 in 1 observes a qualitative nature of direction with both quantity and quality acting as limits in themselves that alternate through eachother. The axiom as the foundation of definition, through limit, exists as an infinitely expanding and contracting circle from which all definition, through the process of reason, existing as both founded upon and existing through space. Reason, as directive, is premised in space with the axiom extending from and through space as space. Space is being, as it gives form and function through the limit, with all axioms being composed of space and composing space as space itself through the “limit”. This is a simultaneously linear and circular axiom.

13) These Directives are Laws

These directives observe directives, as limits in themselves through their directive nature and maintain this directive nature as both intradimensional as circulating through themselves through a reflective symmetry which is causal, and extradimensional as projecting past themselves through a relativistic multiplicity that is individuative as an approximation of these causal laws. In these respects these directives as laws continually maintain themselves through their own circular definition while continually projecting towards further definition by observing the axiom, as dual subjective and objective truth, as interdimensional where all definition begins and ends through an infinitely expanding and contracting circle as the foundation of rational form. These 13 directives are axiomatic are both self-maintained and open for further definition.

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