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Which Heals Faster? Air Or No Air?

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If you have a small injury - say an abrasion that is raw but not bleeding or a slight cut that maybe bleeds for just a few minutes (minor stuff) -  which  heals faster:  leaving it open to air so it scabs over faster?  Or immediately covering it with a protective ointment which seems to delay scabbing?  Do we know?


If it is a deep wound it is better to use gauzes, ointments etc and change them regularly and keep the wound clean, to prevent the scab forming allowing the wound to heal from the inside .  


For example if you have an ulcer in your leg and it is allowed to scab over, the scab prevents any juices escaping the wound, they build up and can cause horrible infections :) Likewise deep wounds need cleaning or you wind up with infections like gangrene. :(


A scratch is best cleaned and allowed to scab over. 


Now that makes sense - letting a deep wound heal from inside out.  Thank you.  A scratch or abrasion already on the surface (not deep) is ready to scab over.  Do I have it.  Thank you for the distinction. 

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