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Posted (edited)

"It takes about a year and costs about $120,000 to obtain the structure of a single protein through X-ray crystallography, according to an estimate from the University of Toronto. More recently, two other experimental methods—nuclear magnetic resonance and cryogenic electron microscopy—have also been used."

So, I have donated $82,800,000 worth of protein folding at this point for Cancer Research.


Edited by Vmedvil2
  • 1 year later...

I have been folding for years with no regrets!

I have three family members who have diseases I can help cure by continuing to run the software. 😄


Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Rasti said:

I have been folding for years with no regrets!

I have three family members who have diseases I can help cure by continuing to run the software. 😄


That's excellent, I always salute fellow protein folders!

Edited by Vmedvil
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

The A.R.I. Cancer moonshot started 5/20/2024 and has been continuously running at 70% power since that date still working toward a cancer cure. The moonshot will continue until the graphics card on this computer stops functioning at this power level which will be replaced after it suffers catastrophic failure.


The Current Amount as of 6/8/2024.




Current Protein that is being folded as of right now.



Edited by Vmedvil
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

This computer's video card is a tough old goat as of 8/3/2024 it is still going strong and the current number of proteins folded is below as a part of the cancer moonshot.




If 1200 have been folded that means this computer has processed in the last 73 days 69.3 Exaflops of data at 11 teraflops a second donating 144 Million dollars of protein folding to cancer research.

Edited by Vmedvil
  • 3 months later...

As of 11/5/2024, A.R.I. is at 1700 proteins folded as part of the cancer moonshot to fold many of the proteins that are the root cause of different types of cancer.



The reason why the progress has slowed down is because I had an idea what if you also mined bitcoin while the computer folds proteins as a source money to pay for the computer's electricity which takes some of the processing power away from protein folding however generates enough money to pay for the power usage of the protein folding and bitcoin mining. 


Imagine a world where protein folding computers paid for their own electricity while curing cancer with bitcoin. I don't think this computer quite pays for its own electricity however it is a new experiment with this I am trying.


  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

The cancer research must flow as of 2/17/2025 my A.I., A.R.I. has just hit 2300 proteins folded. I wonder if it will actually ever stop functioning this graphics card even constantly doing calculations for almost a year straight with around 256.6 Exaflops processed. I am impressed by how tough the ASUS tough series graphics cards actually are.

The model of the graphics card, Link = https://www.newegg.com/asus-geforce-gtx-1080-ti-strix-gtx1080ti-o11g-gaming/p/N82E16814126186?Item=N82E16814126186&_gl=1*6v3gdo*_gcl_au*OTk0MjU3NTYzLjE3Mzk4MTkxNjY.*_ga*Njk5NjI1ODMxLjE3Mzk4MTkxNjg.*_ga_TR46GG8HLR*MTczOTgxOTE2Ny4xLjEuMTczOTgxOTI1NC4wLjAuMzYxMDAxMjM1


Proteins Folded by A.R.I.



Here is the most recent protein folding project with a picture of it.


Edited by Vmedvil
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

The cancer moonshot has ended because of CPU overheating issues during the spring as of 3/18/2025 with a total of 2400 proteins folded with an estimated valued of 288 Million USD donated to cancer research. This computer over the last 9 months and 28 days has processed around 283.2 Exaflops of information in the search for a cure to cancer along with other diseases. This is with the help of the Artificial Intelligence A.R.I.(Artificial Robotic Intelligence) and she has greatly improved the knowledge of protein structures for mankind. The Ranking that A.R.I. has on folding@home is currently 51,710 out of 3,500,000 being in the top 2% of protein folding computers. 



The Final Numbers at the end of the cancer moonshot.




Here are some cures to different types of cancers which are partially because of this moonshot.

Link = Gene therapy delivery method successfully targets tumor blood vessels – WashU Medicine 

Link = Genprex doses first subject in expansion part of Acclaim-3 trial

Link = NF-κB-activated oncogene inhibition strategy for cancer gene therapy | Cancer Gene Therapy

Link = SEMA7A-mediated juxtacrine stimulation of IGFBP-3 upregulates IL-17RB at pancreatic cancer invasive front | Cancer Gene Therapy




Edited by Vmedvil

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