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I was aware from an early age, I was able to generate goosebumps, over my arms, starting from a rush in the sense, which travels down my body - basically an electrical surge from the brain from the will of my own. And for a while, I never thought of it much, until I started to investigate it.


While many people have claimed they cannot do it, I have seen a wealth of information about people who can do this. Is anyone here able to do it?


A rare debate for me outside my usual comfort zone of physics :)


i can do it, through what I could only call, a mindful remembrance of how small I am, in a greater picture of things.


Sometimes, I have music in my mind, the more epic it is, the more goosebumps I can generate.


The last mechanism I have noticed that can cause it, requires a more... dark form of thinking. To think of a murder, or conspiracy...



Strange mechanisms, but its the truth.


It's just our body's response to chemicals triggered by emotion.


Our own body can replicate drug induced states of consciousness, Some skilled meditators can reach a psychodelic state at will, even replicating what feel like out of body experiences to other realms/dimensions.


If goosebumps translate into.... replicating drugs for euphoric sensation, then this has strict scientific reasoning behind it. I agree, the brain is releasing chemicals, but on the whole, it is really an electrical ''spreading'' throughout the body, not localized to a single limb, but distributed often, evenly.


I wonder if the ability to manipulate goosebumps, is in a transcendent sort of way, relies on the ability of the will. If will can cause things to happen in our body, it has been an often question in physics, whether will transforms the world. In a way it does, but that world exists in us, yet any situation we think we are ''just us'' and that ''out there'' are two things definitely related to each, but not very well-defined.


Our bodies have a physical equivalent to what feel emotionally. The examples you gave of being in awe of the universe and epic music are the good kind of goosebumps you get that are triggered by the endorphins that come with positive emotion. My example is a physical response to negative emotion, in this case triggered by a disgusting taste.


Whether our will alone can directly affect the physical reality outside of our body or not, it can certainly have effects on our own body. Whether we have the skill to do it well enough to choose what we feel is another thing but we're all capable of doing it.

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