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Posted (edited)

Let's say you are moving through space and length contraction happens, if you are moving at a faster rate does those speed of Dark Energy Expansion slow down on the object in motion with length contraction?


The reason why I ask is if that is true it puts Dark Energy into a Tachyonic Domain faster than Time when moving at full velocity. near C which means that Dark Energy is moving faster than Light as when the object in motion contracts it is slowed like time.



What if you included Dark Energy in the Minoswaki space-time as a time variable.



ds2 = X2 + Y2 + Z2 - (Cdt)2  - ((-3R'/(4πGp)) (3R'/Λ ))2


The Invariant Lorentz transformation of the cosmological constant says that it should slow down like Time does,when added as a Fifth Dimension to time-space.




Edited by VictorMedvil
Posted (edited)

First you have to construct the equation in terms of the square of the metric, but to do this we need to recover those terms to be accurate from the Friedmann equation, I get:

[math]R\ddot{R} = \frac{4 \pi G R^2}{3c^2}(\rho + \frac{P}{3} + \frac{\Lambda c^2}{3})[/math]

if we take [math]\rho[/math] as an energy density then [math]c^2[/math] has to be put in the denominator. From here the metric can be given as

[math]\frac{ds}{dt} \cdot \frac{ds}{dt}[/math]

(Maupertuis' principle) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maupertuis%27s_principle

You of course, do not need all those dynamical terms, we can simplify the coordinates to a number of expressions (the Rachydauri coordinates for local systems), to remain in the Friedmann cosmology language,

[math]\frac{ds}{dt} \cdot \frac{ds}{dt} = R\ddot{R} + R^2\dot{H} + R^2H^2[/math]

Where, first of all, you can take the right hand side expressions as being a short hand for the three dimensions of space in a purely mathematcial and theoretical sense.

Since we have the so-called ''coordinate expression relation for metric to cosmological constant'' we get also by extension

[math]\frac{ds}{dt} \cdot \frac{ds}{dt} = R\ddot{R} + R^2\dot{H} + R^2H^2 - R^2\frac{\Lambda c^2}{3}[/math]

While this formulation is better, I have no idea really what it will accomplish in the end, if anything.


Edited by Dubbelosix
Posted (edited)

Let's say you are moving through space and length contraction happens, if you are moving at a faster rate does those speed of Dark Energy Expansion slow down on the object in motion with length contraction?


The reason why I ask is if that is true it puts Dark Energy into a Tachyonic Domain faster than Time when moving at full velocity. near C which means that Dark Energy is moving faster than Light as when the object in motion contracts it is slowed like time.



What if you included Dark Energy in the Minoswaki space-time as a time variable.  



If you want to believe SR, Vic, then all lorentz adjustments are just "as seen" by someone else.  Furthermore in SR "you" are never moving at all.  Your velocity is always zero, so the "if you are moving at a faster rate" assumption wouldn't apply.  In SR, "you" are not moving at any rate.


Unless you're accelerating, in which case SR doesn't apply, and no length contraction is provided for.


If you start messing with the LT, then the whole purpose of it (to show how and why the speed of light can always supposedly be the same in every inertial frame) would be defeated.  It's not the kind of formula that you can just "adjust," willy-nilly.


We actually observe a lot of FTL travel.  But the SR violations are explained away, ad hoc, by again saying that the objects in question are completely motionless while only "space is expanding."  I consider that to be an absurd claim, but most physicists buy it.

Edited by Moronium
Posted (edited)

If you want to believe SR, Vic, then all lorentz adjustments are just "as seen" by someone else.  Furthermore in SR "you" are never moving at all.  Your velocity is always zero, so the "if you are moving at a faster rate" assumption wouldn't apply.  In SR, "you" are not moving at any rate.


Unless you're accelerating, in which case SR doesn't apply, and no length contraction is provided for.


If you start messing with the LT, then the whole purpose of it (to show how and why the speed of light can always supposedly be the same in every inertial frame) would be defeated.  It's not the kind of formula that you can just "adjust," willy-nilly.


We actually observe a lot of FTL travel.  But the SR violations are explained away, ad hoc, by again saying that the objects in question are completely motionless while only "space is expanding."  I consider that to be an absurd claim, but most physicists buy it.


This is adding GR principals to Invariant lorentz Time-space as I am treating Dark Energy as a Tachyonic Time Variable, it serves its purpose. It displays the Tachyonic nature of Dark Energy being faster than light particles. It is like it is expanding into Time but rather it is expanding into Dark Energy's domain, whatever place Dark Energy is at being faster than light. I would tend to say it is expanding into a hyperspace domain as it is beyond the time frame of normal movement, it is kinda phase-shifted Dark Energy from this equation which is accurate in the Friedman model and also that it is subject to Length contraction in volumes of space, I am trying to work out the nature of Dark Energy. Dubbel's equation shows it too the same result thus it is a accurate perception.

Edited by VictorMedvil

This is adding GR principals to Invariant lorentz Time-space.... 


GR is simply a theory of gravity.  It has nothing to do with speed or length contraction.  That's SR.


Dubbel's equation shows it too the same result thus it is a accurate perception.


Do you actually think that an ad hoc equation proves all the physical claims you just made?  You probably do.

Posted (edited)

GR is simply a theory of gravity.  It has nothing to do with speed or length contraction.  That's SR.



Do you actually think that an ad hoc equation proves all the physical claims you just made?  You probably do.


I realize that GR is the theory of gravity but Dark Energy acts as a sort of force against gravity, I was trying to get to the bottom to if Expansion would be effected by movement or Length Contraction and these equations show that, it would, they also show that Dark Energy is not using time to expand thus it must be tachyonic in nature and I think these equations show that and speak for themselves. Dark Energy seems to give the Universe "More Time", -t2Λ/3 and -(3R'/Λ)show that, it also shows that Energy Density give it "Less Time" X2X'' + Y2H' + Z2H and ((3R'/(4πGp)), Thus Dark Energy can be considered to be Negative Energy-mass which is also Tachyonic in domain.

Edited by VictorMedvil

But Moronium is right, the equation is ad hoc, worse yet, there is no working interpretation from the equation. I enjoy you enthusiasm, but don't think the equation I scribbled down is holding any secrets because I am quite sure it isn't.

Posted (edited)

But Moronium is right, the equation is ad hoc, worse yet, there is no working interpretation from the equation. I enjoy you enthusiasm, but don't think the equation I scribbled down is holding any secrets because I am quite sure it isn't.


 I agree, I just find it interesting that it goes perfectly, both ways as a Negative Mass like Time does.

Edited by VictorMedvil

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