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Posted (edited)

In the course of last 30 years there were few attempts of Israeli-Palestinian solution and one not so realistic proposal that failed.

For example, Shamir government tried Jordan-Palestinian option (1990), then Rabin and Peres signed and tried to perform Oslo accords, then Ehud Barak tried to appease Palestinians with the help of Bill Clinton, then Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni performed one-sided «disengagement» from Gaza and tried to appease Palestinians with the help of George Bush, then John Kerry tried to get both sides to compromise.

The Palestinians eat Israeli concessions but responded with exploding buses, hotels, restaurants and dancing halls. Arafat refused compromise and launched Intifada. The answer to «disengagement» from Gaza was HAMAS’ cup. Since then we get rockets from Gaza, in addition to rockets from Hezbollah. 

Finally, Donald Trump made quite realistic conclusion, that incessant anti-semitic pressure on Israel encourages Palestine to seek genocide of the Jews, and forces us to resist such pressure, at the expense of peace solution. Trump’s pro-Israel gestures (like recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, or cutting money subsidies to Palestine), were designed to restore justice, so giving push to peace efforts.

Israel voters’ steady support for Netanyahu reflects overall Israeli belief that the compromise with Palestinians is impossible, so we must prepare bomb shelters. We have no doubt about Palestinians’ intentions: they try to perform the genocide of the Jews that they failed to perform in 1948.

Jews promoting BDS and Palestine Cause are regular traitors. The Left that supports Palestine continues Hitler’s cause. Such is sincere opinion of all Israelis.

Our internal dispute is about the response to the situation when whole World helps Palestine to murder Israel. Most of us believe in Netanyahu’s way. Three retired generals that contested Netanyahu, were soldiers that fought Palestinians in the past, and even were injured. They lost elections since they have no political alternative to Netanyahu. That's no paradox that israelis wanting peace vote for Netanyahu.

Those Americans and Europeans who attack Netanyahu, actually attack whole Am Israel. Our response is support to Netanyahu. Me personally disagree with some his policies but vote for him. Like most of Israelis, I’m not a right wing supremacist, but I’m not ready to give up My home, My family and My people.

We stand firmly against numerous anti-semitic forces, starting from Palestinians, through Islamist supremacists, and ending in Western anti-Semites, headed by globalist «elites» that replaced for their own reasons mr Hitler with the Left.


Edited by HouseKnight1

In the course of last 30 years there were few attempts of Israeli-Palestinian solution and one not so realistic proposal that failed.

For example, Shamir government tried Jordan-Palestinian option (1990), then Rabin...



The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on 4 November 1995 (12 Marcheshvan 5756 on the Hebrew calendar) at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assassin, an Israeli ultranationalist named Yigal Amir, radically opposed Rabin's peace initiative and particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.


We call ultranationalists terrorists these days.


Are you saying that peace is not feasible in Israel because Israeli terrorists will kill any Israeli politician who tries to introduce peace?

Posted (edited)

You seem to think that Israeli's are the only people effected by such things but occurrences such as those above have happened all over the world and Israel was not the only area of the world that was effected by Hitler which have people that are just as bad as Hitler that continue to attack them for 70 years, the United States and Russia have been fighting in the Cold War which is no different than the problem you face with Palestine, Palestine is just one front between the East and West as time progresses Israel will have the choice to defend their land or lose it just as anyone else. Either Israel will keep a technological and military edge against its enemies or fall but in recent history Israel has done quite well against the Arabic Nations as Israel fought 6 or 7 nations at once and won against the Arab invaders using Modern Military Technology, but I want you to remember that as long as you keep the enemy from gaining technological superiority you can keep them easily out of your lands forever. It is just apart of how the world is, you can't necessarily defeat your enemies but you can push them out if they attempt to attack you, Israel is not alone in having to defend itself, so peace isn't necessarily the answer, welcome to the Cold War as those Arabs you are against are an extension of that in the Middle East being the Russian version of Israel there. I have said this before, this is the policy the United States keeps with Russia, if they attack you just Nuke em, no one would fault Israel as it is exactly what the United States would do, if someone attacked them with Rockets, use some of those Tactical Nuclear weapons and light em up, if they start to cause problems in Israel. Israel needs to establish a M.A.D. doctrine with the other Middle Eastern Nations and show that they will do it, that is what keeps the US and Russia from killing each other. My point being that peace isn't always the answer to conflict show some teeth and they will back off, everyone knows the consequences in the Modern age of conflict with they don't.


Any problem on Earth can be solved with the careful application of high explosives. The trick is not to be around when they go off.

-Colonel Mertz von Quirnheim

Edited by VictorMedvil




We call ultranationalists terrorists these days.


Are you saying that peace is not feasible in Israel because Israeli terrorists will kill any Israeli politician who tries to introduce peace?

Peres replaced Rabin. After 1.5 years he lost elections to Netanyahu. Izhak Rabin's assassination helped his party in retaining popularity, but not enough. The vote was influenced by series of bloody terror attacks called "Oslo terror". Just the Palestinians purposely undermined peace process.



The Israel’s Independence war was forced by British and French colony ministers, seeking to retain their colonial empires. The Palestinian Naqba was staged by Palestinian leader, war criminal Amin al Husseini, with the purpose to force Pan-Arab antisemitic turmoil, and to involve Arab governments in the war against the Jewish state. About 80% of Palestinian refugees gone voluntarily, following Amin’s appeal. Simultaneously, 800.000 Jews were forced to flee Arab countries, under pressure of pogroms and government persecutions. That was Arab Jewry’s Naqba. They fled mostly to Israel, after Holocaust survivers performed their exodus from Europe.

The same Amin al Husseini participated Holocaust under Hitler’s tutelage, and some people accuse him of inspiring the Holocaust of Europe Jewry.

Since then, Israel suffered 10 wars for survival. The last of them is the Gaza war initiated by HAMAS. They try to flood Israel by brainwashed descendants of Palestinian Naqba refugees.



At a glance, Israeli-Palestinian conflict is regular ethnic-religious dispute, like one hundred other similar conflicts. The only difference makes anti-Semitism. All anti-Semites of the Global Village automatically support Palestine, helping Palestinian aspiration to perform Genocide of the Jews. This is the main obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation.

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