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Posted (edited)

.... and what does it do?



So, here I sit nightly trying (and failing) to demystify Todd E. Feinberg's and Jon M. Mallott's "Consciousness Demystified".  Not exactly failing.  I get their point but I get lost on their $10 words.  They didn't tell us it is a Ph.D. book.  I'd give you an example but their preface tells me in no uncertain terms that I may not, absolutely may not, reproduce so much as one word by any method whatsoever.  And here I have already reproduced their names and the title of their book.  I plead not guilty since what I've really done is publicize their book.  ( advertising?)


If anyone has read this book,  I'd appreciate some comments.  Their idea  is intriguing. 


To the purpose of this post,  here comes Donald Hoffman  with echoes of Mr. Feinberg and Mr. Mallott explaining his own theory of what this consciousness can do.  Actually the above article quotes Mr. Hoffman as it reviews his new book, "The Case Against Reality",  which isn't quite as good as a whole book but is more readable because he speaks the language of the "common person".  No Ph.D. science dictionary necessary. 


As for me, I wonder if all these men are one and the same, using various aliases.  Whatever their intent, they are on their way to  figuring out what consciousness is and what it does - an answer scientists have pondered for centuries - even if it really exists.   I may turn to "A Case Against Reality" next.

Edited by hazelm
  • 6 months later...

I have not read the book but that is an interesting article. I can tell you what I think about consciousness in my own words. I think consciousness is what creates everything we have in the universes. Yes I said universes. There is no end or beginning to consciousness it just is, and we are knowing and it. In our consciousness we can imagine. The higher vibration or frequency our consciousness can tap into the more and faster we can create. We are consciousness experiencing being in a human body at this moment. Once this human body is gone our consciousness will still exist. I think consciousness created all that is and all that ever will be. Consciousness is the God you are looking for and it is you and me and all of consciousness. Isn't it nice to be conscious?

Posted (edited)

I dont buy the many worlds universe of your explanation. Space is where all matter was created, theoretically in a big bang! 


It seems you are referring to space time and another none time like dimension perhaps explaining non locality.  I think Feynman said all things are entangled to a certain extent. 




There is a reason for everything even if it hasnt been thought of yet. 


Regarding perception, people do perceive things differently, and remember them differently also. People remember pictures words feelings etc differently to someone else in the same room witnessing the same things.


I think there are if not an infinite amount of other universes many many more besides this one. I remember that ancient saying. "As above so below." I feel it makes more sense looking at nature and how this universe is that their is more universes. What is the reason that you believe this to be the only universe? I am not saying it is wrong or right just curious.

Edited by Thoth101

I am vaguely familiar with that saying, it originates from Egypt and the Pharoahs, was it written by your name sake https://www.ancient.eu/Thoth/ This guy even wrote something like the ten commandments, Laws of Maat and Isfet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maat


Certain masonic type, newage writings also spring to mind such as the Temple of the light :shocked: , and astral projection :shocked:. or perhaps it was just something I dreamed. 


Thoth was depicted as stone monkey at Khum, and as a person in most wall paintings. 


If you ever fancy a trip to Egypt try the week before christmas, you can have a Luxury Nile cruise boat virtually to your self, for peanuts. All the temples are open as normal because the islamic world doesnt celebrate christmas. Word of caution the food is excellent as long as you stay of the fresh salad which they wash in the Nile. Also if the police start shooting hit the deck.


Thoth was an interesting entity. :laugh: I am not sure exactly to make of Thoth. I mean was he real? Was he a Demi-god? Was he even from this planet? He really does intrigue so much so that I use it as my username.lol! Thanks for the links.


Gosh that is something I want to do one day go to Egypt and definitely check out the pyramids.lol! Thanks for the tips. Yes I know all about the Islamic world. I spent overall about 4 years in Iraq. But it is actually nice when you are there because there is barly any electric wires and my brain would feel more clear there. Here we are bombarded with all kinds of frequencies.


Have you ever done any astral projection?


I was interested in Egypt a few years back, its mostly a fading memory now. Thoth appears to be at the beginnings of Egypt, I wondered about connections between the early old testament stories and Egypt, there must have been cross fertilization of ideas. People didnt stay in one place. Egypt and Palestine are virtually next door to each other and they would definately have traded. An idea I toyed with, was Noahs cursed son could have been Thoth ie cursed to be a monkey, and servant to his people. Thoth is represented as a monkey in statues, he worked for his people.  Gods chosen people, the Jews, also worked for the Egyptians, I kind of wonder if the Jews actually were badly treated slaves, or were civil servants, who got kicked out when Santorini exploded at the time of Akhenaton. The tidal wave from the Volcano would have swamped a good part of lower Egypt, where Akhenaton was based. He was the first of the Pharoahs to be monotheist and worshipped Ra, the sun or UFO depending on your take. After the Santorini disaster he and his followers got the boot, and his son Tutenkamun was enthroned by the priests who reinstated the older religions with multiple gods. Why the **** would the Jews be lost in the desert for 40 years, before they went to Palestine, you could walk it in about a week, its not far. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that they hung around trying to get their old jobs back, as servants/slaves to the Egyptian people. 


There is Peace and quite as you go down the nile, except at prayer time when the faithful all called to prayer from the tops of Minarets covered in loud speakers. Very atmospheric though!


Astral Projection? all the time :) didnt see much, good for locating people and finding out how they are apparently, weird huh! As above it is below ! What is that supposed to mean? The only way a connection could be made from point A to B separated in space is perhaps via entanglement, which might allow information transfer, perhaps a feeling rather than a visual picture. Could that in anyway be sensed physically, its hard to detect entangled particles, but it is becoming apparent all things are entangled/connected to a certain extent.  


General ramble over.


Edit forgot to add Alpha and Omega Beginning and End, that implies time doesnt exist in an additional  dimension, just like entanglement and non locality. None locality has now been proven in experiments without loop holes.


It seems the Jews got kicked out of a lot of places over time.lol! Well it is definite some of the New Testament has some Egyptian qualities and I think this article points it out pretty well:

Christians use the title King of Kings to refer to the glory of Jesus since he ascended into the heavens. He is also known as Lord of Lords. These titles and honors occur in such modern works as Handles Messiah. The same titles are used in the Old Testament where Lord of lords and God of gods refers to Yahweh, the God of Israel.

These identical titles are found in the Egyptian Book of Life. There King of kings and Lord of lords are titles applied to Osiris, the man-god who overcame death, ascended into the heavens, and who now casts his rays of light upon men. The numerous parallels between the Egyptian writings and the Bible offer important insights into our religious origins. The titles, epithets, appellatives and attributes show how the religious beliefs of ancient Egypt agree with those of Christianity.



Well apparently its even possible Thoth built the Pyramids according to this article:


Built I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of earth force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. In it, my knowledge of ‘Magic-Science' so that it might be here when again I return from Amenti. Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another.” – Emerald Tablet 1


Another article of Thoth since we are on the subject.lol!


Before he was revered as a god, he was the first great Egyptian philosopher and founder of the Ancient Mystery Schools, receiving his wisdom while in meditative trances, writing over 40 books including (allegedly) the Emerald Tablet, The Book of Thoth and The Divine Pymander, with the Book of Thoth only being given to his enlightened initiates of the Mysteries.



Astral projection can be pretty fun. I will sometimes do a little bit of it before falling asleep.


Interesting links, a bit of a blast from the past. Rosicrutians come in two kinds, those that promote them selves as Rosicrutians and are a bit new age, and those that are seriously spooky. 


Thoth seemed to think transmigration of soul was possible. The father becomes the son on his death. The Druze in Palestine, still have this belief. Theravada Buddhism also have a similar belief. The Dalai Lama they belief is a reincarnated each time he dies. His soul leaves his body upon his death, and has a finite amount of time to find a recipient, ie baby, pregnant or soon to be pregnant woman. If not any animal will do. A lot of born agains christians believe they are possessed by the holy ghost, I wonder if there something to it. Spirits hopping into peoples bodies and making them waffle nonsense or tongues depending on point of view.  


The real Rosicrutians are a secretive bunch I did have some links to them, they have a website, and they are very fussy who they contact. Their Masonic links go back a long long way. The temple of light apparently is where they can meet  :shocked:  That is a mental construction of a lit room which they mentally position them selves in, and wait for a chat with other people/masons also in said temple. I have met some weird/interesting people on my travels, one particular fella I was introduced to claimed both Putin and Trump are Rosicrutians. 


I have not done much study on the Rosicrutians. They seemed to be at one time maybe a mystery school. I don't think I believe that a soul or spirit can just jump from body to body. However I do think the hidden Elite have the knowledge and power to put a certain soul in a certain body. But as for the soul I think it has to go  through the whole process before going to another body. But I do not claim to know everything so who knows. I guess anything is possible.


I was just reading an article on the holy ghost and that it is actually based on Ninkharsag so funny you just mentioned that. It's a great article check it out when you get a chance. This is one of the few sites that aren't blocked while I am at work so that is why mostly all my links are from there.lol!



I would not be surprised if Trump was a Rosicrucian. He is definitely at least a different kind of Reptilian then the other Reptilians.lol! Thanks for giving me some things to think about. Very interesting stuff.


How does that fit with astral projection ? 


Looked at the article, interesting history "maybe" of the origins of the holy ghost. I notice the Spanish flag on the top corner of the link. The Spanish new agers are into this stuff. I spoke to a writer/astrologer in the canary islands who gave me tons of info on various masonic groups. Apparently there was a fall out centuries ago, because John the Baptist was the messiah. Christianity under Constantine created the fictional Jesus to include his sun worship in to the new religion, or something like that. Distant memory, 


The link appears to suggest the holy ghost was an alien. Maybe that is why all those born again christians appear to be speaking Jibberish, an Alien spirit has taken over there speaking tubes :)


I think if you have a look inside many masonic temples they are decorated with Egyptian mythology as is some of Trumps mansion.


There loads of rosicrution groups, I was looking for a specific link, and couldnt find exactly who I was looking for, maybe they have updated there website, this might be them. http://www.rosicrucian-order.com/index.html there other links easy to find on AMORC and other new agers. 


In the absence of anything better to discuss on the forum, you have spiked my interest again.


Albert Pikes book was very boring read, but there was about every hundred pages an interesting point. He wrote the purpose of religion is to subjugate the human mind and soul. Also to become a mason you must have a belief in a god, basically it does not matter which god, just pick one. There was also something about the mystery plays the purpose of which is I think maybe to confuse, ive forgotten :(


Edit another link explaining the claimed origins of maybe the original Rosicrutians http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/secret_teachings_of_all_ages/fraternity_of_the_rose_cross.htm


Sorry I guess I swayed off the astral projection we were talking about. I guess I didn't have much more to say about it.lol! It does make me wonder how much different it will be once our consciousness totally leaves our body after it dies. I do think astral projection is good practice for that moment.


That is true about Constantine as far as I know. I haven't read much on John the Baptist. Way to pay attention to detail I didn't even notice there was a Spanish flag at the top that is very interesting indeed. I am pretty sure an Alien spirit has taken Christians over. :laugh:


I am glad I have spiked your interest. I really appreciate the links. I will check them out when I get a chance when I am home. Most things are blocked at my work unfortunately.


I just asked my cousin a few days ago because he recently joined the Masons the poor sucker.lol! He said as long as it is a higher power it don't even matter what kind of higher power. Satan could even be the person's higher power. And he said you don't even have to tell them what the higher power is. I will find out more things as he goes along hopefully. I think Albert Pike was correct on religion and I know from first hand experience myself because I grew up being a Christian. I remember always being afraid that if I don't love Jesus and believe in him I would go to hell and never live again. I was so glad when I got older and that it was just a mind control program to keep me living in fear. A lot of people never bust out of it their whole life. I feel fortunate that was able to enlighten myself onto what religion really is and Jesus for that matter.lol!

Posted (edited)


This response from your question on victors time travel thread is more appropriate here


MembersPosted Today, 07:56 AM

Thoth101, on 21 Feb 2020 - 06:25 AM, said:snapback.png


The thread is on time travel. Non Locality is now a proven none debatable fact. Future events can affect past events at the quantum level. If you google Double Slit , and non locality and loop hole free experiment. you will see what I am suggesting. 


Your Dad might be a Pantheist. which is according to religious groups is atheist. A Pantheist view is universe is god, we are all part of the universe and therefore part of said god. We always have been and always will be, even after we are dead part of said universe/god. Every part part of us will be recycled eventually. From Zen Buddhism what we do in this life echos through to the next. This view allows you say you believe in god, and get inside mosques for a peak, or wander into religious festivals without appearing to disrespectful or condescending. Mostly people do not ask what god you believe in, so people will talk freely about there beliefs. 


I am desperately trying to work your question into the OP of the thread here and perhaps failing.

Assuming the consciousness/(essence maybe) always exists, could this just slip into another living body after death, if time and space dont exist without your body holding it back, could it even be possible some of the information that made up you slips into another life form, at some other point in time. Your memories are kept in your brain, without them, how would you know who you are. When I say time and space are not existing I am referring to the the loop hole free non locality double slit experiments. In this case your consciousness/essence would have to be information only, perhaps moving into the past or future via this other dimension.

Is this even plausible, would anyone like to demolish the idea.??? First a discussion of what may or may not be possible with non locality might be useful.




Sorry I guess I swayed off the astral projection we were talking about. I guess I didn't have much more to say about it.lol! It does make me wonder how much different it will be once our consciousness totally leaves our body after it dies. I do think astral projection is good practice for that moment.


That is true about Constantine as far as I know. I haven't read much on John the Baptist. Way to pay attention to detail I didn't even notice there was a Spanish flag at the top that is very interesting indeed. I am pretty sure an Alien spirit has taken Christians over. :laugh:


I am glad I have spiked your interest. I really appreciate the links. I will check them out when I get a chance when I am home. Most things are blocked at my work unfortunately.


I just asked my cousin a few days ago because he recently joined the Masons the poor sucker.lol! He said as long as it is a higher power it don't even matter what kind of higher power. Satan could even be the person's higher power. And he said you don't even have to tell them what the higher power is. I will find out more things as he goes along hopefully. I think Albert Pike was correct on religion and I know from first hand experience myself because I grew up being a Christian. I remember always being afraid that if I don't love Jesus and believe in him I would go to hell and never live again. I was so glad when I got older and that it was just a mind control program to keep me living in fear. A lot of people never bust out of it their whole life. I feel fortunate that was able to enlighten myself onto what religion really is and Jesus for that matter.lol!


I believe once your dead your dead too, I don't believe there is any way that religion is correct about that, which is why I work on Digital and Biological Immortality cause I still want to live forever, I suppose it would be easier to believe that God handles that sort of thing however I can't imagine that any of that is actually true from the Bible or Quran or any of those religious texts. I think science holds to key to "real immortality" not fake stuff preached by preachers and religious figures to get you to put money in their offering boxes. There has never been any conclusive proof of any afterlife thus in absence to any proof I tend to think it is false. However, Biological Immortality and Digital Immortality have all the proof in the world behind them for instance if you fix your genetic code you will not age or make a copy of your brain patterns you will be stored inside a computer that sort of thing makes much more sense to me. Unlike what the religious text says achieving immortality is not the easy or "Free". As of a few months ago I calculated that biological immortality would cost as of 2019 in the area of 448 million dollars every 10 years from the cost of DNA synthesis to repair your DNA making you eternally the age of the DNA when you took the sample(http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/36231-methods-of-biological-immortality-2019/). I think immortality is possible however is not a natural occurrence in human beings such that they have a soul that disconnects and goes to a afterlife automatically without any human interventions such as being transferred into a computer. This is the truth that I have discovered in over 20 years of research on the subject of death and immortality.

Edited by VictorMedvil


This response from your question on victors time travel thread is more appropriate here


MembersPosted Today, 07:56 AM

Thoth101, on 21 Feb 2020 - 06:25 AM, said:snapback.png


The thread is on time travel. Non Locality is now a proven none debatable fact. Future events can affect past events at the quantum level. If you google Double Slit , and non locality and loop hole free experiment. you will see what I am suggesting. 


Your Dad might be a Pantheist. which is according to religious groups is atheist. A Pantheist view is universe is god, we are all part of the universe and therefore part of said god. We always have been and always will be, even after we are dead part of said universe/god. Every part part of us will be recycled eventually. From Zen Buddhism what we do in this life echos through to the next. This view allows you say you believe in god, and get inside mosques for a peak, or wander into religious festivals without appearing to disrespectful or condescending. Mostly people do not ask what god you believe in, so people will talk freely about there beliefs. 


I am desperately trying to work your question into the OP of the thread here and perhaps failing.

Assuming the consciousness/(essence maybe) always exists, could this just slip into another living body after death, if time and space dont exist without your body holding it back, could it even be possible some of the information that made up you slips into another life form, at some other point in time. Your memories are kept in your brain, without them, how would you know who you are. When I say time and space are not existing I am referring to the the loop hole free non locality double slit experiments. In this case your consciousness/essence would have to be information only, perhaps moving into the past or future via this other dimension.

Is this even plausible, would anyone like to demolish the idea.??? First a discussion of what may or may not be possible with non locality might be useful.




Ok now I see what you mean. And future events effecting past events does make sense if past, present and future are always going on at the same time and not linear. I also think more then likely you can reincarnate into any period in time especially if their are an infinite amount of timelines. Maybe you would want to be on a timeline where JFK wasn't shot or something to that nature.


My dad says he is an atheist and believes in no god. He does believe in aliens though.lol.  I may be more of a Pantheist because that would make sense to me that since the universe is all living and all is consciousness then if God is consciousness then the universe is God and all that makes it up I could suggest. But who needs to break everything down in terms. The way I would put it is we are multi-dimensional infinite beings having a 3d experience.


I think all information is stored and remembered in your overall soul. Think of it this way. Your body is like your spacesuit to your consciousness. You are in it but after awhile that spacesuit will wear out. Your consciousness will then move on. I think there is a process when you leave the body from this experience and you go into that dimension more then likely the 4th dimension and you ask yourself what have I learned from this experience? Did I learn what I wanted to learn for my soul growth or will it have to be repeated? You will usually be greeted by what you believed in that lifetime. if you were a Christian it is Jesus. If you were Hindu it may be Krishna and on and on. If you don't believe in any gods more then likely you will be greeted by people or family you knew. Some near death experiencers have even said they were In a hell type scenario. I think it is all really based on what your beliefs are and I don't think anybody's leaving the body is ever the same. It will be your own personal experience that will work for you. Maybe even for atheist it will be dark and may even be in nothingness for awhile but nothing is forever. That is the best way I can explain it. We will surly one day find out.lol!

Posted (edited)

I believe once your dead your dead too, I don't believe there is any way that religion is correct about that, which is why I work on Digital and Biological Immortality cause I still want to live forever, I suppose it would be easier to believe that God handles that sort of thing however I can't imagine that any of that is actually true from the Bible or Quran or any of those religious texts. I think science holds to key to "real immortality" not fake stuff preached by preachers and religious figures to get you to put money in their offering boxes. There has never been any conclusive proof of any afterlife thus in absence to any proof I tend to think it is false. However, Biological Immortality and Digital Immortality have all the proof in the world behind them for instance if you fix your genetic code you will not age or make a copy of your brain patterns you will be stored inside a computer that sort of thing makes much more sense to me. Unlike what the religious text says achieving immortality is not the easy or "Free". As of a few months ago I calculated that biological immortality would cost as of 2019 in the area of 448 million dollars every 10 years from the cost of DNA synthesis to repair your DNA making you eternally the age of the DNA when you took the sample(http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/36231-methods-of-biological-immortality-2019/). I think immortality is possible however is not a natural occurrence in human beings such that they have a soul that disconnects and goes to a afterlife automatically without any human interventions such as being transferred into a computer. This is the truth that I have discovered in over 20 years of research on the subject of death and immortality.


So you are into transhumanism I presume? You don't have to be religious to believe in the afterlife in fact I think religion screws our thinking all up. And it is as if in this world that we only have 2 choices. The religious choice or the science choice. But if you look at it science has become a religion also and that religion can be called Transhumanism. It is total disconnection from anything organic or anything intune with our very own consciousness.


I think the problem may be with becoming half android and half human may be the loss of ability to reproduce or sense any kind of love. That could be the downfall to that but to each their own as they say. Some may want to experience being an android and complete total separateness from organic consciousness and develop an archonic consciousness or computerized version of consciousness and soul.

Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)

So you are into transhumanism I presume? You don't have to be religious to believe in the afterlife in fact I think religion screws our thinking all up. And it is as if in this world that we only have 2 choices. The religious choice or the science choice. But if you look at it science has become a religion also and that religion can be called Transhumanism. It is total disconnection from anything organic or anything intune with our very own consciousness.


I think the problem may be with becoming have android and half human may be the loss of ability to reproduce or sense any kind of love. That could be the downfall to that but to each their own as they say. Some may want to experience being an android and complete total separateness from organic consciousness and develop an archonic consciousness or computerized version of consciousness and soul.

Yes I am a Transhumanist and a Supremacist, I believe in the evolution of mankind to a state of supreme perfection being God-like being superior to all previous versions of humanity. There will be no Black or White or Asian or etc. only God-like and not God-like. Those that have transcended and those inferior people that have not. Flesh and Bone and Machine and Nanotechnology and Genetic Engineering, all merged into one to make the Homo-superior. Those that go through and survive the transformation shall be the "Archons" of this world.



Edited by VictorMedvil

Yes I am a Transhumanist and a Supremacist, I believe in the evolution of mankind to a state of supreme perfection being God-like being superior to all previous versions of humanity. There will be no Black or White or Asian or etc. only God-like and not God-like. Those that have transcended and those inferior people that have not. Flesh and Bone and Machine and Nanotechnology and Genetic Engineering, all merged into one to make the Homo-superior.


Well atleast you are brutally honest. The question is if you become like that what will you fight against when their is nothing left? Will these Homo-Superior beings just fight each other? All the normal humans and most animals will be pretty much obliterated. I mean would you plan on going on other planets and taking them over after this one is destroyed?

Posted (edited)

Well atleast you are brutally honest. The question is if you become like that what will you fight against when their is nothing left? Will these Homo-Superior beings just fight each other? All the normal humans and most animals will be pretty much obliterated. I mean would you plan on going on other planets and taking them over after this one is destroyed?

There could be Blood shed, there could be extinction of species, none of that matters in the grand scheme of things. The Ultimate Goal of any civilization should be to achieve kardashev scale tier 5 and rule an entire universe, that is the dream to conquer the entire universe. Either the aliens will join us on our quest for dominance or be crushed before the collective might of those that have vision and join us. To have a billion-trillion worlds at our disposal and under control that should be the ultimate goal, one planet is insignificant compared to what we should hope to achieve in the cosmological epochs ahead in space, but this requires that we work towards a common goal of doing exactly that, we only weaken ourselves and the enemy by fighting, the species of the Milky Way should join together toward this common goal rather than fight but first humans should join together as one group with a common goal, but those that will not join shall be crushed.

Edited by VictorMedvil

There could be Blood shed, there could be extinction of species, none of that matters in the grand scheme of things. The Ultimate Goal of any civilization should be to achieve kardashev scale tier 5 and rule an entire universe, that is the dream to conquer the entire universe. Either the aliens will join us on our quest for dominance or be crushed before the collective might of those that have vision and join us.


I think that is what Yahweh if he was real tried to do. He wanted to be the most powerful God of them all and have everyone follow him. They couldn't have any other Gods but him. Do you really want to be like him? And I ask where is he at now if he did exist? I think the more highly organically evolved entites aren't out to take over worlds but to help worlds live and thrive peacefully. That would be what is known as the Galactic Federation. If you want to be warlke and take over worlds you would want to get with the Dracos the warlike Reptilians that are more negative in nature.

Posted (edited)

I think that is what Yahweh if he was real tried to do. He wanted to be the most powerful God of them all and have everyone follow him. They couldn't have any other Gods but him. Do you really want to be like him? And I ask where is he at now if he did exist? I think the more highly organically evolved entites aren't out to take over worlds but to help worlds live and thrive peacefully. That would be what is known as the Galactic Federation. If you want to be warlke and take over worlds you would want to get with the Dracos the warlike Reptilians that are more negative in nature.

Maybe there is a path somewhere between the two that is the correct one for humanity, not quite a federation and not quite a reptilian but somewhere right in the middle, maybe the Slogan "Join us Or die" was not fully understood by you. Do you understand that the best path is not to be so warlike that you lose allies but to be warlike enough to defeat enemies that seek you harm?

Edited by VictorMedvil

Maybe there is a path somewhere between the two that is the correct one for humanity, not quite a federation and not quite a reptilian but somewhere right in the middle, maybe the Sloan "Join us Or die" was not fully understood by you.


According to some their are already humans that are more evolved and those are called the Pleadians. Some are saying now that the Greys or Zitas are us from a future timeline if we take the Transhumanism route. They are coming back to a time in history they can get our DNA because the lost all functionality to reproduce. So they are developing hybrids to try and get their organic form of human back unto their future timeline. I don't know for sure but that sounds like a possibility. Surly something to think about.

Posted (edited)

According to some their are already humans that are more evolved and those are called the Pleadians. Some are saying now that the Greys or Zitas are us from a future timeline if we take the Transhumanism route. They are coming back to a time in history they can get our DNA because the lost all functionality to reproduce. So they are developing hybrids to try and get their organic form of human back unto their future timeline. I don't know for sure but that sounds like a possibility. Surly something to think about.

I dunno about any of that, however I do know that we will find species that will join us on our quest in the universe, we will need friends to create a universe empire but however will need soldiers too and undoubtedly will gain enemies over time.

Edited by VictorMedvil

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