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Posted (edited)

Karma is wishful thinking. Bad people do bad things, and get away with it, some might caught but most dont.


If you are searching for truth in religion you are going to be very confused. 

I don't exactly search for truth in religions but I study them. Many of them have been around for 1,000s of years and the Hindu religion very very long. Well we will have to disagree on Karma then. As you are very scientific minded I can see why. Karma can not exactly be proven. I guess you wouldn't believe in the law of attraction either. I have my own examples of that which I have used in my own life to create money when I was down and out. I don't think modern science exactly knows how this universe works but we can learn some things from ancient literature and texts which we have forgotten and or covered up. 


However for your scientific line of thinking there is "omniverse karma" or "omni-karma" because it requires the existence of an omniverse, that space that contains all possible universes. The omniverse idea includes concepts such as souls, psychic energy, synchronicity (a concept originally from psychoanalyst Carl Jung, which says that things that happen at the same time are related), and ideas from quantum or theoretical physics.


If people knew many of the Mystery School Teachings and how things really worked the Cabal would lose their power. So we are kept in the dark of much knowledge and awareness of what is and how you can even manipulate this hologram yourself to your own reality.

Edited by Thoth101

There are a lot of things I do not believe in, such as multiverses, dark matter, gravitons, politicians etc.


Studying religion is a waste of time unless you are trying to understand a particular culture, or why some war is taking place.


Would you accept Karma as "cause and effect". Everything in the universe responds to "cause and effect", from a very hot beginning a few billion years ago to the present day.


The term Omniverse is way too general it can include every crack pot theory from now to the beginning of time, including multiverses. Treating them all on the same footing is nonsense. To consider the universe as a whole with perhaps some dimensions not yet fully understood, which might explain some as yet unexplained things in science, I might consider.


You might have noticed this thread is supposed to be on consciousness, anything related to consciousness I might discuss. Conspiracy theories are not related to consciousness :sherlock:


Why dont you start another thread on the cabal or conspiracy theory. If you want to discuss a cabal start a thread on it, stop hijacking every other thread with it. This is supposed to be a science forum  :shocked:  admittedly full of characters, some with theories so wrong they are not worth discussing  :innocent:

Well we can agree on politicians. :lol:


All cultures are based on or have some kind of religion. It seems the new religion for this age is Techtronic and the technocrats are its masters. And AI is it's god.


I can agree with cause and effect. For every action there is a reaction. That is even a scientific principal.


Do you know if Quantum Electrodynamics proves that the brain cannot generate consciousness?


Is it really a conspiracy theory that our consciousness is suppressed? I think that is pretty obvious and not just a theory but it is a conspiracy.


It think the study of consciousness needs more then science because it seems that the ancients figured more out in the past about consciousness then the science of today can. In actuality we have lost knowledge and it has been suppressed. Consciousness is a part of this and this is all a part of this thread. The thread asks what is consciousness? That can lead to any road and even the cabal that hijacks our consciousness through fear and propaganda on a daily basis. Orwellian double speak and the slavery of humans.


A couple of theories on consciousness have been posted on this thread. The Orch-Or theory claims it is the only complete theory, but like many things in science it might not even be wrong. It in part sounds plausible. I have not yet found anything discussing Penroses part in the theory in any depth.


Ultimately everything reduces to quantum mechanics even your brain, without which you wouldnt have a brain. Think about it!

I think when it all comes down to it. Everything is an illusion. Even this Universe can be considered and illusion and a holographic projection. So I guess the best you can do is enjoy the things you can and do the things you love to do.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

David Icke is a well known nutter mixing new age theories and conspiracy theories https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke . The "Lizard people" you mentioned previously are the Jews according to Icke. 

You probably never even read any of his books. That is not true at all that Icke said the Lizard people are Jews. Pretty sad you condemn someone without even taking the time to hear what he says or read what he writes. Shame on you for believing the propaganda of the mainstream and Cabal. You Wikipedia site is misinformation. I suggest you do your own research before believing Wikipedia for everything.

Edited by Thoth101
  • 2 weeks later...

No I havent read any of his books, his predictions have not happened. The man appears to be living in cloud cuckoo land. Which part of the video above is interesting, how many minutes/hours in does it have any useful information, based on facts. 


Icke did appear on the BBC with an interview with Wogan whereby he made some predictions, which turned out to be ludicrous. This is not misinformation.

You have no reason to speak on him if you have not read any of his books. When you read a few of his books come back to me and we will debate it. I actually have a link where you can read a few of his books for free. I will post them on here for you when I get to my home computer at some point.


The video you linked above is 1.5 hours long. I looked at the first 5 minutes and got bored. Where does it get interesting? Some nutters have good ideas, Roger Penrose referenced earlier on this thread, is a known genius, who is also a bit of nutter occasionally. I suspect Roger and Icke are in the same league, you might disagree :)


Icke did predict the end of the world due to what he has streamed, it didnt happen :)  he perhaps got his dates mixed up :) He is certainly a character, and appears to be able to talk the hind leg of a donkey. 


Roger predicts things like the beginning of the world, multiverses and the like, and also has ideas on consciousness which might be a bit fringe, but less so than Ickes :)  

David Icke never predicted the end of the world nor does he make certain predictions. He connects dots not make predictions. Although when you start to connect the dots you can almost predict the gameplan of the Elite.  Which is why I suggest you read what he says yourself instead of what the mainstream says about him to discredit the dot connector. Here you go.



Happy reading.
What he just said recently:

Looters and Rioters For The 1%


If you don't take the time to read any of this or watch the video then I don't know what else to say other then no matter what I say your mind is made up without investigation by yourself.


David Icke never predicted the end of the world nor does he make certain predictions. He connects dots not make predictions. Although when you start to connect the dots you can almost predict the gameplan of the Elite.  Which is why I suggest you read what he says yourself instead of what the mainstream says about him to discredit the dot connector. Here you go.



Happy reading.
What he just said recently:

Looters and Rioters For The 1%


If you don't take the time to read any of this or watch the video then I don't know what else to say other then no matter what I say your mind is made up without investigation by yourself.


Thoth101 stop smoking that crank crack, I have to deal with enough cranks on a daily basis.

  • 9 months later...

Consciousness is everything you experience. It is the tune stuck in your head, the sweetness of chocolate mousse, the throbbing pain of a toothache, the fierce love for your child and the bitter knowledge that eventually all feelings will end.

The origin and nature of these experiences, sometimes referred to as qualia, have been a mystery from the earliest days of antiquity right up to the present. Many modern analytic philosophers of mind, most prominently perhaps Daniel Dennett of Tufts University, find the existence of consciousness such an intolerable affront to what they believe should be a meaningless universe of matter and the void that they declare it to be an illusion. That is, they either deny that qualia exist or argue that they can never be meaningfully studied by science.


Dementia Care Green Valley

14 hours ago, hcagreenvalley said:

Consciousness is everything you experience. It is the tune stuck in your head, the sweetness of chocolate mousse, the throbbing pain of a toothache, the fierce love for your child and the bitter knowledge that eventually all feelings will end.

The origin and nature of these experiences, sometimes referred to as qualia, have been a mystery from the earliest days of antiquity right up to the present. Many modern analytic philosophers of mind, most prominently perhaps Daniel Dennett of Tufts University, find the existence of consciousness such an intolerable affront to what they believe should be a meaningless universe of matter and the void that they declare it to be an illusion. That is, they either deny that qualia exist or argue that they can never be meaningfully studied by science.

Dementia Care Green Valley

Regardless of all the speculation of Universal consciousness, there area few knowledgeable fellows who posit that consciousness is generated by the internal neural network of the individual.

One proof of such logic is that everyone has different and sometime contradictory thoughts. If the Universe is causal to our thoughts, then we should all have the same thoughts, no?

I can entertain contradictory thoughts, but I cannot believe both are true.

Thus thoughts are internally generated by each individual that possesses a brain.

I found this excellent condensed lecture very informative as it presents examples of our brains experiencing "controlled hallucinations" and our ability to create our reality from the inside out instead of just from the outside in.


Max Tegmark explains how consciousness is achieved by certain biochemical patterns whith emergent properties above and beyond the individual abilities of the constituent parts.


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