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Well I taught myself calculus because of my fascination with the idea that the universe is made of smaller universes trying to bridge relativity with quantum mechanics with just that principle.


Originally I had in mind that there was a universe inside every atom, but the Planck length actually, when i started graphing it, made that idea of infinite recursion impossible because elementary particles, like the two up quarks and one down quark in a proton, are made of smaller preons. However theres a limit and that is the particle state, or quantum dots, or qubits.


These dots are zero dimensional. They are where concentric curves, which are one dimensional cross.


The gravitational waves between the state particles are literally the waves in quantum entanglement, or guiding waves. Gravielectromagnetism, but they aren't concentric curves that cross, they are instantaneous they only wave when one set of strings seperated from itself, it's still connected by 1 dimensional lines.


But I was still able to define whats called a recursive fractal, where in the case that the Planck mass is exceeded, there are smaller faster versions of this reality encoded in other dimensions, and we are also one such miniature reality, as infinitum. It's similar to the idea that each subatomic particle is made of a universe made of subatomic particles, at least was aided by that vision when developing an entirely different model with similar concepts.


The most amazing aspects come at even greater or more extreme scales. I have calculated a fractal structure implied by exceeding the Planck mass, in which the Planck constants were used. Basically that cosmic web can be inside the eye of a black hole.


So if we're inside of a black hole, that began with quantum fluctuations with nearly zero mass everywhere in that volume, there's no way to graph it unless you know that volume. But we have the CMBR. It's what causes static between TV channels when you turn on an old television.


My cosmological model has no singularity, no big bang. No dark energy or dark matter. What causes redshift (the observation of galaxies flying away from one another faster than light) is an optical illusion. If we are not at the center of the CMBR than the light from one end of it will hit us before the light at the other end, so it looks smaller than it really is. Expansion has been calculated to be 3.27 times the speed of light, which means from one end of the cmb to the other our local universe is 1/3.27ths of the way across, so I calculated that viewing the cmb from the center 1.6/3.27ths of the CMBs diameter, that the CMBR, or black hole we inhabit, was about 22 billion light years in diameter not 13.8 billion as the big bang model predicted.


Basically let me break it down into 3 stages:


1. Quantum fluctuations, or nearly infinite strings, get seperated and flung into two (particle pairs entangled states) like water at the wall of a vortex by cosmic rotation when a black hole opens up

2. This radiation vapor builds as it flows in an outward vortex the walls becoming thicker as they are carried out as waves this is experienced as length contraction and time dilation. Light becomes matter, and the radiation vapor forms into solid clumps moving away from each other.

3. The Planck mass is exceeded and daughter black open up within the cosmic mother black hole. Eventually these black holes merge into galactic cores that will be the last structures in the universe they themselves evaporate.


But there's something even stranger to it, when the last black evaporate and time ends, their inner microworlds resemble the early radiation vapor, as time runs in reverse on the other side of that black horizon or interior of a black hole. And when our universe first began, those first micro black holes that combined to form the galactic cores, would have been as far away from those dying giants as our universe will be from the CMBR, where it dispersed or expanded from central points of origin. The universe's time runs in reverse from it's microverse and vice versa, and they fill each other or expansion of a microverse corresponds to a black hole in our universe shrinking as it evaporates.


Causality is very broken here, it's the spin of a black hole in a parallel dimension that caused the quantum fluctuations in the first place, but yet in that dimension, we are causally long after the cosmic spin occurred to initiate those initial quantum fluctuations, by that point the smbh is a Planck particle.


In fact you'd have to say that tp=0 for universe corresponds to tp=googolplexplex for microverse of n number, that number being equal to the number of super massive black holes in the universe, and when tp=googleplex for universe, tp=0 for microverses.


The Planck particle of an evaporated smbh corresponds to a microcosmic microwave background of 22 or so billion ly Planck 2 length metric or smbh diameter of a hundred million solar masses for a Planck 1 length metric.


And in reverse time that cmbr is going to evolve into a billion billion stellar mass black holes, which will grow to stellar mass after branching off from a billion smbhs, before becoming matter and then becoming diffuse quantum fluctuation represented by the first primordial black holes of a larger metaverse in its first stages of life.


Go ahead and try to show black hole mergers without switching causalities between recursive cosmic sets. You cant merge them because the quantum fluctuations within their ehs have already evolved into miniature versions of our cosmos

Posted (edited)

But I was still able to define whats called a recursive fractal, where in the case that the Planck mass is exceeded, there are smaller faster versions of this reality encoded in other dimensions, and we are also one such miniature reality, as infinitum. It's similar to the idea that each subatomic particle is made of a universe made of subatomic particles, at least was aided by that vision when developing an entirely different model with similar concepts.

Actually grandmother black hole radiation vapor would correlate to daughter black holes, the cosmic web within the eye of the daughter bh would represent the concentrically curved strings crossing one another, the matter jets of the daughter bh would represent the 1 dimensional entangled lines, smbh would correlate to quarks stellar mass bh would correlate to electrons and primordial bh would correlate to photons.


Dark matter (for Planck metric of the 3rd order) would be the quantum dots of the cosmic scale in between those two.


EDIT: Visualizing these recurring "cosmic web fractals" interwoven between reverse and forward spacetime continuums for every other change in Planck metrics, a particle horizon has two poles where downward moving strings dilate through the top half of the sphere and upward moving strings dilate through the bottom half of the sphere, and vice versa. This is why when the poles of two different universes meet to form a veritable electron compared to a quark, in the metastrings of two cosmic levels up, the webbing of string intersections is extremely stretched (this is equivalent to redshift in those metastring particles).


It is also how an alcubierre drive can escape the particle horizon and emerge two cosmic levels up, the strings that compose the alcubierre drive are going down in front of it and up in back of it so it's getting stretched into both poles.

Edited by OverUnityDeviceUAP

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