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has ayone heard of current experiments in quantum physics that test the ability of human thought and concentration to manifest physically? I'm not sure but i think the plan is to try and prove that the human mind can manifest energy that is put to use in external (away from the body) energy systems. I have also heard that this proposed energy makes the quantum math work?

  • 3 weeks later...

After 24 years of research, the CIA scrapped their ESP program stating it was a complete dead end. However, one of the original researchers, one with a history of faking results, had generated a widely circulated "memo"/ statement to the contrary. It is available all over the web at site that want to ignore the evidence exposing it. Dr. Harold Puthoff had studied two previous claimed remote viewers and reported that their remote viewing compared favorably to the findings of the Mariner 10 and Pioneer 10 research spacecrafts. Isaac Asimov, however, did a similar comparison and found that 46% of the observation claims of the astral travelers were wrong. The claimant had said he saw 30,000 ft. mountain range on Jupiter, which we know is impossible. Also, only one out of 65 claims made by the remote viewers was a fact that either was not obvious or not obtainable from reference books [James Randi]. So we find that Puthoff had a history of using misleading information to supprt remote viewing.


The CIA and the U.S. Army thought enough of remote viewing to spend millions of taxpayers' dollars on research in a program referred to as "Stargate". More recently, CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said: "The CIA is reviewing... the Stargate program (and it) was found to be "unpromising" in the 1970s.




stargate must have been a different program then what i'm thinking, but the results were the same, nothing. they used people (remote viewers) to try and "vision" russian missile silos. when i get sometime i'll get the name of the one i'm thinking about.


AS to the original post. There has been research done on such things as predicting the next number generated "randomly" by a computer. Of course any results greater than "chance" is reported by the believing to be proof. Wht they ignore is many of the problems with putting together a VALID test.


One of the main problems is the concept of a "random" number beinig generated by a computer.


A computer CAN NOT generate "Random" numbers. There is nothing in a computer's software or hardware that would allow it to pick a number randomly out of the air. Computers run a program known as quasi-random number generators. Typically it uses some "seed" or starting number and some algorithym to derive the next number. Some use a database of numbers supplied in advance, which came from some larger computer/ program that generates a "more random" set of numbers.


But the tests are usually done using a simple, "less random", random number generator. And yes, even subconciously, a human could notice a pattern and adapt to it. After all, pattern recognition is the brain's top ability.


Time after time, this is what happens. Some experiment comes along, that is not properly set up, that produces some sensationalism that the press loves to cover. "Psychic helps police... " but when closer investigation proves it to be bogus, the press is no longer interested. So all the general mass hears is the initial sensationaism, not the REALITY.


However if there is some SCIENCE behind this, i would love to see it.


The test was NOT about a person's ability to predict the future. It was about a person's ability to CONTROL the future.

Originally posted by: my-toe-sis

has ayone heard of current experiments in quantum physics that test the ability of human thought and concentration to manifest physically?


The test was whether the person could CONTROL the computer and MAKE it produce the desired number next. NOT to predict what number the computer would show next.



"current experiments in quantum physics that test the ability of human thought and concentration to manifest physically"


how would a computer be used test this any way? wouldn't it be better to use actual physical means instead of just electircal?


The idea is working at the quantum level. And there is little in our controlable world that is so competely operational on a quantum level than a computer. All those atoms shifting energy states under the control of software. It is a natural for such a test. Can a human mind shift an energy at the quantum level and directly influence the results of a compueter program?


The effort needed to move some other physical object would be magnitudes of magnitudes greater. That would not be on a quantum level as much. That would work with-in gravitational areas under relativity.

  • 2 weeks later...

Theta Waves.



The Alpha, Beta, delta, Theta waves are named by the frequency range that they cover.


Starting from your lower vibratory rates up to your higher vibratory rates.



Basically, the faster you can 'vibrate' your own energy, the greater your ability becomes to 'tune-in' to the frequency of the target.


Think of matching the soundwaves and their dB level when hitting glass with a tuning fork.

If you match the frequency the tuning fork generates, and simply play it back at an amplified level, you will most likely shatter the glass.


Hence, you need to match/tune in to the frequency of the target/object first.



If you were to measure the EM field of a pencil, you would not see any variation. but if you looked closely at what would appear to be 'acceptable noise' in the results, you would actually find that at a very weak level, the EM field of the pencil is actually osciallating with a regular pattern.


[if you have the facilities, you really should try this its quite fascinating - needed: oscilloscope & amplifier]



:: GlobalFusion ::

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