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Empty Space Inside Galaxies Must Be Different Than Empty Space Outside Of Them

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Nothingness is what was here before spacetime. Nothingness doesn't have gravity or heat. Spacetime bubbles repel away from it without gaining momentum. The CMB is patchy because it is what you get when plasma shoots threw the cosmic web filaments that make up the universe.


If there was a big bang, was it in the shape of a web? Was the spacetime web already here and the big bang is observation being turned on?

The Universe isn't expanding ..the voids in the cosmic web are.

The original sphere of spacetime is still enlarging, causing more volume of nothingness to disperse among all voids. It also answers why it appears to be going faster ..bigger the sphere, the more volume it takes in.


We have like 54 galaxies in our local group, they are not gaining distance from each other like the rest of the galaxies outside the group


The Hubble constant has a reliable means of being measured now.


Just measure the rate of expansion of the voids. That number will tell us how big the initiating spacetime bubble, in the preexisting quantum realm, has gotten.


The original sphere of spacetime might be better named original sphere of observation, that way spacetime and voids can exist inside it.


If everyone if following along, I'm saying Dark Energy isn't a thing.

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