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There are 9 numbers from the Table of Elements, they all have equal Protons Neutrons and Electrons: 2 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 20.

Combined with n(1-9) and a third set using the Pythagorean a^2+b^2=c^2. Take two of the sets at a time, calculate the sine of the two numbers added together, and each set of 9 in polar graphing creates astonishing geometry, just to start with. There are angular variables where the Planck Constant is relevant. There is also a combinational language in logic. Both math and logic has a connection and each can be crossed over into the other language. Everything in logic equates to 1's and 0's, enabling technology. Visit www.twitter.com/rdenver87 for my research and to see the geometry!

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