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I know math better than any of these pretentious users here, I have demonstrated this, no one has denied this fact. Therefore, and also because of my pointing our certain the existence of certain technological installations that do in fact live parasitocally inside our admin, and I have obviously overcome its ego.

Posted (edited)

Victor for once I agree with you. 

He is literally worse than Polymath, I respected polymath for having a different theory which was sometimes helpful and annoying but this guy is literally like the most annoying and moronic person I have ever met. Just crap keeps spilling out all over the forum which is nonsense from this guy. So, we have ++Support for a ban on OverUnityDeviceUAP.

Edited by VictorMedvil

It really isn't up to the majority, I am the only one who developed a system that produced results in sycamore via the entangled echorelocation of my thought patterns, the rest of the technologies have been suggested with video evidence provided by myself and airforce cameras. The facts are simple. Dispute them, go ahead and try.



I'll believe someone's passable at math when they can make a universal equation to find out what price a product must be set at to arrive at an even dollar outcome after taxes.  It's not hard at all, but I've seen too many people fail to generate one off the cuff without google plugging in as a dryware skill box.

Posted (edited)

Now this is where we vote on Victor Medvil for Forum Dictator, but obviously the ballot is already marked with your vote for me. You know you want me as your humble Dictator, I will put all the cranks into work camps.



Edited by VictorMedvil

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