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To finally find the right path to peace, we must first understand the real situation around Israel. The Jewish-Palestinian conflict, as it turned out, concerns not only us and the Palestinians. For some reason, everyone considers themselves entitled to intervene in our affairs and dictate rules of conduct, and even question our right to defend ourselves against aggression. The cause, apparently, is that anti-Semites forcibly dragged the Jewish state into their eternal conflict with the Jews.

The conflict between Jews and anti-Semites is extremely unbalanced. The correlation of forces is approximately 1: 1000. The Palestinians have realized this fact hundreds of years ago, and they hope to this day that anti-Semites will destroy the Jews and their state. It is impossible to understand what is happening here and why Israel is behaving so strangely if you ignore this essentially global conflict.

All aspirants for world domination, from Hitler to the current participants in the fight for this prize, chose anti-Semitism as their main ideology. Today, this idea has taken the form of anti-Zionism and the Palestinian Cause. Hence the Holocaust, hence the constant threat to the existence of the Jewish state. The “Cause of Palestine” religion has more than two billion adherents, from Islamists of all stripes to followers of Jeremy Corbyn, Farrakhan and half of Europeans.

In order to be able to live and develop, we are forced to endure the endless tricks of the Palestinians, not to respond to their provocations as much as possible.

In Russia, there are also enough scoundrels supporting the Palestine Cause. Some people in Russia are eager to establish control over the Middle East with its strategic oil reserves, and the most appropriate excuse is to «protect Muslims from Israeli aggression.» This dirty bloody idea was formulated back in the USSR.

Thank God that neither Putin nor Trump were tempted by the old trick of anti-Semitism for the purpose of hegemony.



"Divide and conquer" is an age old strategy, yes. Nothing special involving Jews there. Quite frankly the idea that Jews or Palestinians are specially significant in any real way boggles the mind in it's simplistic view on a layered, historied, and nuanced geopolitical landscape. Hyperbole like "all aspirants for world domination choose antisemitism" is quite frankly "mentally deficient." As far as my readings on history; aspirants to domination choose transportation technology. Romans used roads, mongols used horses, Britain/France/Spain used navies. Ideals are mercurial and at best play second-string to real things. And those are just some of the empires that steamrolled though that particular patch of land at one point or another.

"For some reason, everyone considers themselves entitled to intervene in our affairs and dictate rules of conduct," Who's dictating things? Who carved out a chunk of the Ottoman empire to create a set of new states? I'd wager the actual victors of that conflict have quite a bit of right to dictate things. Then again, if a no-holds barred conflict is somehow preferable(as seems to be implied here) there's always the option of external parties not being polite enough to follow rules of conduct and just wiping the problem cultures off the map with a scorched earth policy...

"even question our right to defend ourselves against aggression." ~I wonder how Iranians feel about the rest of the world poking their noses into their "self defense," don't you? ~

"Thank God that neither Putin nor Trump were tempted by the old trick of anti-Semitism(sic) for the purpose of hegemony."
~A lot of problems would be solved if the rest of the world decided to stop playing nice and just glass the entire area. When violence doesn't end problems it's because you didn't apply it liberally enough.~
~Can't play nice and share the sandbox then no one gets a sandbox.~
In less smarmy sarcastic and caustic wording; There's much bigger fish to fry than a petty squabble between artificial states propped up by external forces and not actually made by their own merits...But if the area doesn't settle down some party will probably decide to settle it down with a (cruelly) clean slate once things get annoying enough. Be real nice if all the ethnic and religious bigots grew up, ditched the imaginary friend(s) and weird obsession with bloodlines, then joined the secular and reasoned world.
~Then again, some people seem to unreasonably cherish their imaginary friend(s) and blood magic.~

Posted (edited)


To finally find the right path to peace, we must first understand the real situation around Israel. The Jewish-Palestinian conflict, as it turned out, concerns not only us and the Palestinians. For some reason, everyone considers themselves entitled to intervene in our affairs and dictate rules of conduct, and even question our right to defend ourselves against aggression. The cause, apparently, is that anti-Semites forcibly dragged the Jewish state into their eternal conflict with the Jews.

The conflict between Jews and anti-Semites is extremely unbalanced. The correlation of forces is approximately 1: 1000. The Palestinians have realized this fact hundreds of years ago, and they hope to this day that anti-Semites will destroy the Jews and their state. It is impossible to understand what is happening here and why Israel is behaving so strangely if you ignore this essentially global conflict.

All aspirants for world domination, from Hitler to the current participants in the fight for this prize, chose anti-Semitism as their main ideology. Today, this idea has taken the form of anti-Zionism and the Palestinian Cause. Hence the Holocaust, hence the constant threat to the existence of the Jewish state. The “Cause of Palestine” religion has more than two billion adherents, from Islamists of all stripes to followers of Jeremy Corbyn, Farrakhan and half of Europeans.

In order to be able to live and develop, we are forced to endure the endless tricks of the Palestinians, not to respond to their provocations as much as possible.

In Russia, there are also enough scoundrels supporting the Palestine Cause. Some people in Russia are eager to establish control over the Middle East with its strategic oil reserves, and the most appropriate excuse is to «protect Muslims from Israeli aggression.» This dirty bloody idea was formulated back in the USSR.

Thank God that neither Putin nor Trump were tempted by the old trick of anti-Semitism for the purpose of hegemony.





"Divide and conquer" is an age old strategy, yes. Nothing special involving Jews there. Quite frankly the idea that Jews or Palestinians are specially significant in any real way boggles the mind in it's simplistic view on a layered, historied, and nuanced geopolitical landscape. Hyperbole like "all aspirants for world domination choose antisemitism" is quite frankly "mentally deficient." As far as my readings on history; aspirants to domination choose transportation technology. Romans used roads, mongols used horses, Britain/France/Spain used navies. Ideals are mercurial and at best play second-string to real things. And those are just some of the empires that steamrolled though that particular patch of land at one point or another.


"For some reason, everyone considers themselves entitled to intervene in our affairs and dictate rules of conduct," Who's dictating things? Who carved out a chunk of the Ottoman empire to create a set of new states? I'd wager the actual victors of that conflict have quite a bit of right to dictate things. Then again, if a no-holds barred conflict is somehow preferable(as seems to be implied here) there's always the option of external parties not being polite enough to follow rules of conduct and just wiping the problem cultures off the map with a scorched earth policy...


"even question our right to defend ourselves against aggression." ~I wonder how Iranians feel about the rest of the world poking their noses into their "self defense," don't you? ~



"Thank God that neither Putin nor Trump were tempted by the old trick of anti-Semitism(sic) for the purpose of hegemony."

~A lot of problems would be solved if the rest of the world decided to stop playing nice and just glass the entire area. When violence doesn't end problems it's because you didn't apply it liberally enough.~

~Can't play nice and share the sandbox then no one gets a sandbox.~

In less smarmy sarcastic and caustic wording; There's much bigger fish to fry than a petty squabble between artificial states propped up by external forces and not actually made by their own merits...But if the area doesn't settle down some party will probably decide to settle it down with a (cruelly) clean slate once things get annoying enough. Be real nice if all the ethnic and religious bigots grew up, ditched the imaginary friend(s) and weird obsession with bloodlines, then joined the secular and reasoned world.

~Then again, some people seem to unreasonably cherish their imaginary friend(s) and blood magic.~



Frankly I agree with GAHD this world would be a better place without religious nonsense that the Arabic and Jewish people preach. The United States and Russia just play fight in proxy wars in the middle east if these two powers were not playing nice the middle east would have been devastated by bombing years ago, Look at ISIS and how the Russia and US forces absolutely destroyed them together. There were so many dead ISIS that entire generations were almost wiped out by Russian Carpet bombing and US Artillery and airstrikes, This being the case to where we were still play fighting with them as we couldn't use the "Big Guns" not even a quarter of US forces nor Russian forces were deployed to fight ISIS. It could be very bloody if these powers ever sought to actually fight them in total war like we did the Nazi's during WWII. Iran and Israel think themselves the "Big Boys" of the middle east but what if I were to tell you, you are nothing compared to the modern armies of the world that are in 2020 and not in the 70s in war technology, Saddam Hussein once said that the US was cheating because of how advanced our fighter jets were at bombing them from a distance which the government forces of Iraq were defeated in like 3 days meaning we talk a lot about Iran being a threat but really they aren't without Nuclear Weapons, The US military could absolutely destroy the Revolutionary guard of Iran in days, but then we would have to clean up the mess that was anarchy Iran which would cost a great deal of money. Don't ever think that Israel could defeat Russia, you don't even have a chance like Iran against the US, the Russian forces would defeat you in days with modernized technology, the only thing that protects Israel is those nuclear bombs you have never forget that. 

Edited by VictorMedvil
Posted (edited)

The Israeli army is well capable of looking after itself in the middle east without nuclear bombs. Dont forget the seven day war, also everyone in Israel undergoes military service and are ready to be called up. Mutually self assured destruction is guaranteed by the various super powers if nuclear is used in the middleeast. Also geographically it is small and nuclear fallout would be blown in all directions, perhaps initiating a new exodus. 


A bit of history https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/10/arab-israeli-war-of-1973-what-happened-171005105247349.html


The war in Europe was nothing like what America waged in Japan even before Nuclear bombs were dropped https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Osaka Nuclear bombs are not required to wipe out the populations of cities. 


After though perhaps a virus might work without all the destruction. 


The Seven Days wars was waged against vastly inferior forces without access to modern technology, we are talking about the Russians now they are on a entirely different level than the forces that attacked Israel in that war. They maybe able to defend themselves against Arabic nations without the use of nuclear weapons however that would not be the case against a superpower like Russia or China. If Russia or China wanted to invade the nation of Israel then it would be a entirely different outcome due to sheer technological difference. Knowing what the Superpowers are currently researching they may actually use biological weapons to attack depending on the political fallout of their usage breaching the BWC. Though, I would be more afraid of a legion of drones being deployed to attack you.

Edited by VictorMedvil
Posted (edited)

Is Trump taking his orders from Putin :shocked: Trump gave Iran the justification to pull out of the Nuclear deal. He withdrew from Syria, allowing the Russians to move in. Now he has engineered it so that the Iraqis are demanding the US withdraws from Iraq, perhaps allowing the Russians in there too. If Trump isnt working for the Russians, he has to be one of the dumbest world leaders around today. Nobody knows more than Trump apparently :innocent: .  

Trump is not as dumb as you think, he also pulled out of the Russian Nuclear Treaty because of Russian violations of the treaty and the US started making mid ranged Nuclear Weapons. He funded the Military with 750 Billion dollar spending bill, He created the Space Force to counter other countries space forces. The US military has never been stronger with the upgrade of our Tanks and Jets along with Hypersonic Weapons and Directed Energy weapons. The Military is researching Genetic Modification and Brain Computer Interfacing for Super Soldiers then robotic soldiers for combat, these are all new military developments under that increased spending bill. The US Military in the next couple of years will be even stronger, so despite his possible failings with foreign policy is he taking the military in the right direction. Soon you will see the US military with a army of human augments and robotic soldiers greatly increasing our strength when we are simply immune to death. Soon our military might will look like something out of terminator or star trek with all these advanced technologies being researched under Trump.



Edited by VictorMedvil

Trump is not as dumb as you think,...


Of note: Boston dynamics was actively developing robotic force multipliers as far back as Clinton, showed a few off under bush, got social media popular about a few of them under Obama, and are still continuing under Trump. Even as far back as the time Trump was being encouraged to run for president by Oprah(look that one up for some laughs) there were plans for a starwars program and active work on human-machine interface improvements("eyeballing a a shot" in particular took on new meaning around that time).


It's actually both scary and admirable how much Mr T has stuck to his philosophical guns over the years.


But, that's a digression from the thread's rather tenuous OP...


Of note: Boston dynamics was actively developing robotic force multipliers as far back as Clinton, showed a few off under bush, got social media popular about a few of them under Obama, and are still continuing under Trump. Even as far back as the time Trump was being encouraged to run for president by Oprah(look that one up for some laughs) there were plans for a starwars program and active work on human-machine interface improvements("eyeballing a a shot" in particular took on new meaning around that time).


It's actually both scary and admirable how much Mr T has stuck to his philosophical guns over the years.


But, that's a digression from the thread's rather tenuous OP...

That maybe the case but however it has been accelerated under Trump.


Of note: Boston dynamics was actively developing robotic force multipliers as far back as Clinton, showed a few off under bush, got social media popular about a few of them under Obama, and are still continuing under Trump. Even as far back as the time Trump was being encouraged to run for president by Oprah(look that one up for some laughs) there were plans for a starwars program and active work on human-machine interface improvements("eyeballing a a shot" in particular took on new meaning around that time).


It's actually both scary and admirable how much Mr T has stuck to his philosophical guns over the years.


But, that's a digression from the thread's rather tenuous OP...

Maybe not GAHD,


A couple of years ago I read about one Israeli company who supplied high level firmware for both US and Russian automatic control systems. I hope they got real professionals to pore over the code and remove any backdoors from it as even MS missed one of the multiple backdoors in Skype when they bought it and it was originally developed by a Ukranian programmer who obviously liked backdoors, and probably poison pills as insurance too, because he didn't get the billion dollars that the founders received on it's sale but did most of the 'work'.


If they both didn't get them all out then the truth of the OP's title would actually be the opposite as even the US is using their latest generation of GPS satellites to geo-isolate their own weapons if they don't want them to fall into terrorists hands, when they aren't acting as US mercenaries that is.


After all, it doesn't really matter who has the most powerful weapons, if you can use your enemies weapons and systems against them then you hold the real power, no how small and powerless you may appear.

  • 4 weeks later...


To finally find the right path to peace, we must first understand the real situation around Israel. The Jewish-Palestinian conflict, as it turned out, concerns not only us and the Palestinians. For some reason, everyone considers themselves entitled to intervene in our affairs and dictate rules of conduct, and even question our right to defend ourselves against aggression. The cause, apparently, is that anti-Semites forcibly dragged the Jewish state into their eternal conflict with the Jews.

The conflict between Jews and anti-Semites is extremely unbalanced. The correlation of forces is approximately 1: 1000. The Palestinians have realized this fact hundreds of years ago, and they hope to this day that anti-Semites will destroy the Jews and their state. It is impossible to understand what is happening here and why Israel is behaving so strangely if you ignore this essentially global conflict.

All aspirants for world domination, from Hitler to the current participants in the fight for this prize, chose anti-Semitism as their main ideology. Today, this idea has taken the form of anti-Zionism and the Palestinian Cause. Hence the Holocaust, hence the constant threat to the existence of the Jewish state. The “Cause of Palestine” religion has more than two billion adherents, from Islamists of all stripes to followers of Jeremy Corbyn, Farrakhan and half of Europeans.

In order to be able to live and develop, we are forced to endure the endless tricks of the Palestinians, not to respond to their provocations as much as possible.

In Russia, there are also enough scoundrels supporting the Palestine Cause. Some people in Russia are eager to establish control over the Middle East with its strategic oil reserves, and the most appropriate excuse is to «protect Muslims from Israeli aggression.» This dirty bloody idea was formulated back in the USSR.

Thank God that neither Putin nor Trump were tempted by the old trick of anti-Semitism for the purpose of hegemony.




Does not anti-Semitism actually mean anti-Arab? Here is a question how many Arabs follow Judaism? How many Arabs are in IS-RA-EL? Have you ever even actually looked at the word Israel? IS-Isis-Goddess of Motherhood and magic,RA-Sun god of Egypt, El-Elohim,The gods of the Hebrew OT.


Was it not the Palestinians who were the original Hebrews who once owned that land called Israel until the Rothschild's took it over? Is a Palestinian Arab?


Trump is not as dumb as you think, he also pulled out of the Russian Nuclear Treaty because of Russian violations of the treaty and the US started making mid ranged Nuclear Weapons. He funded the Military with 750 Billion dollar spending bill, He created the Space Force to counter other countries space forces. The US military has never been stronger with the upgrade of our Tanks and Jets along with Hypersonic Weapons and Directed Energy weapons. The Military is researching Genetic Modification and Brain Computer Interfacing for Super Soldiers then robotic soldiers for combat, these are all new military developments under that increased spending bill. The US Military in the next couple of years will be even stronger, so despite his possible failings with foreign policy is he taking the military in the right direction. Soon you will see the US military with a army of human augments and robotic soldiers greatly increasing our strength when we are simply immune to death. Soon our military might will look like something out of terminator or star trek with all these advanced technologies being researched under Trump.




As if we aren't in ever country already. Just what we need more of a war machine and taking over nations and spreading "democracy". Apparently our war machine didn't make us more "free" because we are ranked 18th for freedom in the world. We have even less freedom than Germany and the UK. Even Canada has more freedom than us. A lot good a war machine does for us when we aren't even free. Hey lets keep that opium production going in Afghanistan so we can have more of an opioid crisis in the US. :xx:

Posted (edited)

"Divide and conquer" is an age old strategy, yes. Nothing special involving Jews there. Quite frankly the idea that Jews or Palestinians are specially significant in any real way boggles the mind in it's simplistic view on a layered, historied, and nuanced geopolitical landscape. Hyperbole like "all aspirants for world domination choose antisemitism" is quite frankly "mentally deficient." As far as my readings on history; aspirants to domination choose transportation technology. Romans used roads, mongols used horses, Britain/France/Spain used navies. Ideals are mercurial and at best play second-string to real things. And those are just some of the empires that steamrolled though that particular patch of land at one point or another.


"For some reason, everyone considers themselves entitled to intervene in our affairs and dictate rules of conduct," Who's dictating things? Who carved out a chunk of the Ottoman empire to create a set of new states? I'd wager the actual victors of that conflict have quite a bit of right to dictate things. Then again, if a no-holds barred conflict is somehow preferable(as seems to be implied here) there's always the option of external parties not being polite enough to follow rules of conduct and just wiping the problem cultures off the map with a scorched earth policy...


"even question our right to defend ourselves against aggression." ~I wonder how Iranians feel about the rest of the world poking their noses into their "self defense," don't you? ~



"Thank God that neither Putin nor Trump were tempted by the old trick of anti-Semitism(sic) for the purpose of hegemony."

~A lot of problems would be solved if the rest of the world decided to stop playing nice and just glass the entire area. When violence doesn't end problems it's because you didn't apply it liberally enough.~

~Can't play nice and share the sandbox then no one gets a sandbox.~

In less smarmy sarcastic and caustic wording; There's much bigger fish to fry than a petty squabble between artificial states propped up by external forces and not actually made by their own merits...But if the area doesn't settle down some party will probably decide to settle it down with a (cruelly) clean slate once things get annoying enough. Be real nice if all the ethnic and religious bigots grew up, ditched the imaginary friend(s) and weird obsession with bloodlines, then joined the secular and reasoned world.

~Then again, some people seem to unreasonably cherish their imaginary friend(s) and blood magic.~


1. Technical means to capture World are insufficient. To move people (soldiers, and women that give birth to soldiers) ideology and money are necessary. Muhammad has created the ideology of conquest, under the pretext of fighting for Allah. World Caliphate ideology is based on Qurán. The first subject of Muhammad» conquest were Jews. So, Islamists following Muhammad, aspire to annihilate the Jewish State. Then, Hitler based his ideology of World domination on anti-Semitic racism. Currently, European «ëlites» follow Hitler by making Israel their main target in the Middle East. American global domination seekers turned anti-Israel brainwashing their means to win minds and souls all over the World Village. And, finally, the UN clerks are working tirelessly to de-legitimize the Jewish State. The Palestinians get protection from all World Domination seekers, otherwise, the Jewish-Palestinian conflict will be resolved.

2.»A lot of problems would be solved if the rest of the world decided to stop playing nice and just glass the entire area». Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed opinion, that Middle Eastern oil is the key to World domination. World powers and superpowers contend to control this key. Quite consistently, ayatollahs use embedded Islamic anti-Semitism as a pretext to lead all Shiites to the war for World domination.

3.My «mentally deficient» postulate that (almost) all aspirants for World domination use anti-Semitism is actually the summary of available facts.

Edited by HouseKnight1

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