Vmedvil2 Posted February 3, 2020 Report Posted February 3, 2020 (edited) It was speculation that the new coronavirus may be a bio-weapon that was accidentally released which experts claim it isn't(https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/29/coronavirus-china-lab-mortality-virology-wuhan-virus-not-bioweapon/), however Wuhan has two Chinese Bio-weapons labs in it which begs the question is this actually a bio-weapon that was released, read more at https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/24/virus-hit-wuhan-has-two-laboratories-linked-chines/ Edited February 3, 2020 by VictorMedvil Thoth101 1 Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted February 3, 2020 Author Report Posted February 3, 2020 (edited) The Chinese disagree, https://www.insideover.com/society/china-slams-israeli-claim-that-coronavirus-came-from-bioweapon-lab.html Conspiracy theories, might give Trump another reason to restrict world wide trade. Joke for some :) Trump is a gift sent by god to America, because s/he has run out of Locusts :) The same could be said about Boris johnson. :(Like the Chinese government would tell anyone or own up to it, if it accidentally released a bio-weapon. It's either a bio-weapon or the Chinese are so filthy that their filth has infected the entire world. Edited February 3, 2020 by VictorMedvil Thoth101 1 Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted February 3, 2020 Author Report Posted February 3, 2020 (edited) A bio weapon would be a lot more deadly or specific to a particular racial group, not just the weak. With trumps track record could the Israeli speculation be at trumps request. Maybe sensationalist journalism to sell papers. Would they release it accidentally in a fish market where the outbreak started, unlikely. Living with lots of animals around encourages viruses to jump species especially in markets full of still twitching live food. What makes you think the Chinese are filthy? is this some right wing opinion held in the US, I have not yet come across. ? I know historically the Chinese rail workers in the wild west used to be shot dead instead of being paid, when they finished their work. Does this attitude to Chinese still exist in America. Are Chinese Americans now experiencing racism because the Corona virus or of Trump or Israels speculative claims, regarding germ war fare.No, I am talking about Chinese people not Chinese Americans, What I was saying is this either it is from their habits of live foods and dirty markets with animals or a bio-weapon. There is no racism against Chinese Americans because of this outbreak, but you have to understand here in America everyone makes jokes about other ethnic groups, you don't want to know how many times I have been called "Cracker" by African Americans or other ethnic groups. Edited February 3, 2020 by VictorMedvil Thoth101 1 Quote
GAHD Posted February 3, 2020 Report Posted February 3, 2020 There is a Chinese cultural thing that weighs in here, particularly to these: The Chinese disagree, https://www.insideover.com/society/china-slams-israeli-claim-that-coronavirus-came-from-bioweapon-lab.html Like the Chinese government would tell anyone or own up to it, if it accidentally released a bio-weapon. It's either a bio-weapon or the Chinese are so filthy that their filth has infected the entire world. Culturally speaking, there is a common practice of NEVER admitting fault. It translates roughly to "if you can't prove it it never happened" and it's endemic to large sections of their society. The same thing can be witnessed in a lot of other cultures too, and western culture is by no means immune to it, but it's pervasive in the eastern culture. EG: Ifone vs Iphone and all the other knock-offs, security measures halfway enforced, labour situations, etc... Many times even if you CAN prove it shouting "no you" enough times or just ignoring it till it goes away is often seen as good enough. The idea of "giving face" and "saving face" applies directly here as well. A bio weapon would be a lot more deadly or specific to a particular racial group, not just the weak. With trumps track record could the Israeli speculation be at trumps request. Maybe sensationalist journalism to sell papers. Would they release it accidentally in a fish market where the outbreak started, unlikely. Living with lots of animals around encourages viruses to jump species especially in markets full of still twitching live food. What makes you think the Chinese are filthy? is this some right wing opinion held in the US, I have not yet come across. ? I know historically the Chinese rail workers in the wild west used to be shot dead instead of being paid, when they finished their work. Does this attitude to Chinese still exist in America. Are Chinese Americans now experiencing racism because the Corona virus or of Trump or Israels speculative claims, regarding germ war fare. Dangerous unfounded speculation, designed to promote race hate, is perhaps a conclusion that could be reached by the irresponsible claims being made. But tell a lie a 1000 times it becomes truth for the gullible.Trump doesn't really have that big of a tack record with israel, that's more bush and obama and clinton IIRC.True about the combination of live and dead animals in close proximity, this ironically ties directly into an answer to your question "What makes you think the Chinese are filthy?" Dense populations of questionable herd autoimmunity interacting in those kinds of ways is objectively "filthy." Again it's not ONLY that area, but it does describe that area.Going back to intentional vs unintentional release: All it takes is one staff member to not want to "lose face" for damaging a clean suit and thus ignore the damage. They then leave work, go buy dinner at or near a market, and sneeze/cough. Bam primary disbursement site created. Secondary sites easily go un-found as the big one is focused on. Plausible? I think so, and plausibility is something that should be looked at with multiple scenarios.Actions from a few hundred years ago seem a little misplaced here: is anyone with culpability for that even alive? Why bother to bring it up? It's a REALLY bad way to prove a cultural point in the modern era as only marxist ideals of class guilt or religious ideals of inherited sin can lead to generational culpability in a free and just society. Your edited-in last line "a conclusion that could be reached by the irresponsible claims being made. But tell a lie a 1000 times it becomes truth for the gullible" again detracts from the argument you made directly above... Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted February 3, 2020 Author Report Posted February 3, 2020 (edited) In any case making a Bio-weapon and even accidental release is a huge breach of the B.W.C China signed, if they violated the B.W.C., they could be forced to take on U.N. genetic inspectors/"VEREX" and could be subject to a infraction of the treaty which would mean sanctions by the entire world that signed the treaty(https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/bwc). "The seventh BWC review conference was held in December 2011. The Final Declaration document concluded that “under all circumstances the use of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons is effectively prohibited by the Convention and affirms the determination of States parties to condemn any use of biological agents or toxins other than for peaceful purposes, by anyone at any time.""(https://www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/bio/) Even worse the entire world could start making biological weapons and breaching the treaty too, like when the U.S. pulled out of the Intermediate Nuclear Weapons treaty with Russia for Russian breaches of the treaty. That all is if this actually is a leaked bio-weapon this Wuhan Corona virus. Personally, I think U.N. Genetic Inspectors/"VEREX" should be dispatched to check if China is complying with the B.W.C. after the release of this Wuhan plague and the knowledge that two possible biological warfare labs are located in Wuhan. "The 1991 review conference also tasked a group of "governmental experts" to evaluate potential verification measures for use in a future compliance protocol to the BWC. The group subsequently considered 21 such measures and submitted a report to a special conference of states-parties in 1994. Building off this report, the conference tasked a second body, known as the Ad Hoc Group, with negotiating a legally binding protocol to the BWC to strengthen the convention."(https://www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/bio/) Also under the B.W.C. the Chinese must release all biological activities to the world, they cannot covertly work on biological weapons or any sort of biological research. "Second Review ConferenceIn an effort to enhance confidence and promote cooperation among states-parties, at the second BWC review conference in 1986 member states agreed to implement a set of confidence-building measures. Under these politically binding measures, states should:Exchange data on high-containment research centers and laboratories or on centers and laboratories that specialize in permitted biological activities related to the convention.Exchange information on abnormal outbreaks of infectious diseases.Encourage the publication of biological research results related to the BWC and promote the use of knowledge gained from this research.Promote scientific contact on biological research related to the convention."(https://www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/bio/) China could be in serious trouble if they actually violated this treaty. Edited February 4, 2020 by VictorMedvil Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted February 4, 2020 Author Report Posted February 4, 2020 (edited) There is no evidence China has violated this treaty. Exactly the same as you have written above could be written about any country with a new influenza outbreak, its completely unfounded speculation. If Ibola breaks out in Africa, it wouldnt be suspicious, but if it broke out near Portland Down in England it would be. However if some one contracted the flu near there, it would not be suspicious. Many countries have bio defense groups! America included https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_biological_defense_program Any ways, there are have been more than 20000 infected in China alone, and the death rate appears to be remaining at about 2%, killing only those who already have health issues. The significance of the disease is likely being hyped by your media, as they have nothing else to report. I guess unscrupulous politicians or the media, might like to try and cause mischief at Chinas expense, based on this new strain of Corona virus. Viruses regularly jump species. Thats why we have bird flu and swine fever etc. If weak people live near sick animals, there is a good chance they are going to get sick, without any assistance from a laboratory having an accident. Chemical plant accidents have killed a lot more people, caused by unscrupulous companies. Bupal India disaster for instance. Or Chromium poisoning of the ground water in the US for instance. That's why you send the Genetic Inspectors/"VEREX" to collect evidence of possible Chinese wrong doing, if they find nothing then the Chinese are Innocent of breaking the B.W.C., if they find that the they are working on samples of Corona Virus then they are guilty and the full extent of the law should be used on the Chinese. Edited February 4, 2020 by VictorMedvil Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted February 4, 2020 Author Report Posted February 4, 2020 (edited) The Chinese are pretty open about the Corona virus. There is still no evidence or basis for the claim that the Chinese are responsible for the outbreak in China. If the media or politicians want to dream up fairy stories to provoke a bit of global speculation, and maybe trick the rest of the world into joining a trade war against the Chinese, I guess they might just try it. After the Iraq war and the alleged WMD that did not exist, I doubt if anyone sentient would believe it if some alleged witness, claimed the virus was deliberately or even accidentally released into the general public by the Chinese authorities. At-least someone listens, it seems a republican senator thinks the same thing I do, read more at https://www.businessinsider.com/tom-cotton-coronavirus-come-from-chinese-super-laboratory-2020-2 Now we know that china has been weaponizing biotechnology recently(https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2019/08/chinas-military-pursuing-biotech/159167/) from the U.S. military. I think this merits a visit from the U.N. Genetic Inspectors/"VEREX" to Wuhan's Labs, these labs are even known to have samples of different corona viruses. Edited February 4, 2020 by VictorMedvil Quote
Thoth101 Posted February 7, 2020 Report Posted February 7, 2020 (edited) There is this: 12 November 2015An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787 09 November 2015A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergencehttps://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985 Edited February 7, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
Thoth101 Posted February 7, 2020 Report Posted February 7, 2020 (edited) A bio weapon would be a lot more deadly or specific to a particular racial group, not just the weak. With trumps track record could the Israeli speculation be at trumps request. Maybe sensationalist journalism to sell papers. Would they release it accidentally in a fish market where the outbreak started, unlikely. Living with lots of animals around encourages viruses to jump species especially in markets full of still twitching live food. What makes you think the Chinese are filthy? is this some right wing opinion held in the US, I have not yet come across. ? I know historically the Chinese rail workers in the wild west used to be shot dead instead of being paid, when they finished their work. Does this attitude to Chinese still exist in America. Are Chinese Americans now experiencing racism because the Corona virus or of Trump or Israels speculative claims, regarding germ war fare. Dangerous unfounded speculation, designed to promote race hate, is perhaps a conclusion that could be reached by the irresponsible claims being made. But tell a lie a 1000 times it becomes truth for the gullible.Good points but I think if anybody was able to spread and put out a Bio Weapon it would be the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Just look at some of the things Bill Gates says and does. If I was an investigator they would be my first suspects. Edited February 7, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
Thoth101 Posted February 13, 2020 Report Posted February 13, 2020 It seems snakes might be the source of the virus https://www.sciencealert.com/snakes-are-the-likely-source-of-china-s-deadly-coronavirus-here-s-why If your talking "snakes" then you may be right if it was Bill Gates and his foundation. A snake in sheeps's clothing. Bill Gates just really creeps me out in some of the things he says. He sounds much like a eugenicist. Take a listen sometime to some of the things he has said in the past. Quote
OceanBreeze Posted February 13, 2020 Report Posted February 13, 2020 If your talking "snakes" then you may be right if it was Bill Gates and his foundation. A snake in sheeps's clothing. Bill Gates just really creeps me out in some of the things he says. He sounds much like a eugenicist. Take a listen sometime to some of the things he has said in the past. Can you give any examples of these things you claim Bill Gates has supposedly said? Linking Bill Gates to the coronavirus is one of the more absurd claims I have seen. Quote
exchemist Posted February 13, 2020 Report Posted February 13, 2020 This is a rather hilarious conspiracy theory. What kind of crap bio-weapon would it be that kills only 3% of those who catch it, and has an infectious incubation period so long that it becomes impossible to control once released, thus infecting the nation that deploys it ? Not even one of our DIY Isis nutcases would try to invent something so useless. Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted February 13, 2020 Author Report Posted February 13, 2020 (edited) This is a rather hilarious conspiracy theory. What kind of crap bio-weapon would it be that kills only 3% of those who catch it, and has an infectious incubation period so long that it becomes impossible to control once released, thus infecting the nation that deploys it ? Not even one of our DIY Isis nutcases would try to invent something so useless. Ya, you would think a higher morality rate with an actual bio-weapon, however it could have been a work in progress for a Chinese weapon. I want to point out that this virus is not really that virulent with a R0 of 3.8, I would classify it as a low-medium. I still say the U.N. should send Genetic Inspectors to China on even the chance this is a Bio-weapon created in a Chinese Lab even speculation that they have a covert biological weapons program is enough to send inspectors, with a deadly virus in one hand and two Chinese biological research labs in another hand what would you do? Israel seems to think that it is a Bio-weapon(https://www.ccn.com/israeli-analyst-one-coronavirus-conspiracy-theory-less-crazy-than-you-think/) Either way I think this is a good teaching tool against the usage of biological weapons and the disastrous results of usage of these weapons of mass destruction as consider if this is not a biological weapon then actual Genetically Engineered biological weapons or "Genetic Weapons" are worse than this current outbreak of Wuhan Corona-virus. Edited February 13, 2020 by VictorMedvil Quote
Thoth101 Posted February 14, 2020 Report Posted February 14, 2020  I guess Bill is like Royalty he has enough money to sit back and look at humanity from a benign Aliens perspective and pontificate about his creatures/people/customers/livestock and try to improve/modify their genetics in a specific way that would make them more like him or better worker bees perhaps :) Speculating for amusement without checking your claims :( If he is responsible in some way, which I strongly doubt, for causing the Corona virus outbreak or funding its development, maybe he feels the elderly require euthanasia because the corona virus is mainly killing the elderly or those with existing respiratory problems. What are his views on euthanasia? The death toll is going up by over 200 a day now. The virus has already killed more than the SARS outbreak. I was trying to be amusing.lol! But his Bill and Melinda Gates foundation have funded a few nefarious things. I think his name came up because he was talking a little while back about an outbreak like this and they even did a drill on it not long ago. I really don't think he is psychic and must have some kind of inside knowledge and can even be funding certain projects. If I recall correctly Bill Gates dad was a part of Planned Parenthood. So I think Eugenics is in his background. It's hard to say what exactly happened in Wuhan but if you haven't seen this take a look:(This came out in 2015) https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787 I do think the most likely scenario is the virus accidently got out one the Wuhan labs or somebody left it out on purpose. You pay enough money to somebody they would do anything. I think what needs to be done is follow the money. Quote
Thoth101 Posted February 14, 2020 Report Posted February 14, 2020 (edited) Can you give any examples of these things you claim Bill Gates has supposedly said? Linking Bill Gates to the coronavirus is one of the more absurd claims I have seen. Sure next time I can get home and use YouTube. There is nothing absurd about it because he has been talking about things like this. Type in Youtube Bill Gates and viruses and you can see him talking yourself. Edited February 14, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
Thoth101 Posted February 14, 2020 Report Posted February 14, 2020 (edited) This is a rather hilarious conspiracy theory. What kind of crap bio-weapon would it be that kills only 3% of those who catch it, and has an infectious incubation period so long that it becomes impossible to control once released, thus infecting the nation that deploys it ? Not even one of our DIY Isis nutcases would try to invent something so useless. Maybe It is more of a test run. Maybe even a scare tactic. Not to mention it has has shut down a lot of China and it's business. Think of all the goods we get from China also in the US. And maybe it wasn't even China who released it. You would be surprised at the technology governments have now. The question is who would want to shut down China for a bit? All just questions to ask. Questions should always be asked or the truth can never be found. Isn't that what a good scientist or good investigator does. Even police put their conspiracy theories together to try and figure out a crime. Edited February 14, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
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