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No one else wants to share?


Let me recount an experience my wife had at age 7. She discovered masturbation and was doing it in the middle of class when she was caught. She was sent home and her mother, being unable to deal with a sexual human being her daughter was ascribed it to a medical condition. She was repeatedly asked what was wrong and if she had an itch. She found the whole ordeal traumatic. She had sexual contact with a boy here age about that time and was caught naked with him. This to became a traumatic experience due to the interventions of outside parties. She was never sexually abused a child but the felt guilt and shame about here own sexual desire.


I cannot be the only one to have sexual encounters befor the age of consent. Child sexuality is a fact and there is nothing to be ashamed of people so come on share.

The second older girl that I had the most extensive interaction with turned into a psychotic anti child sexual experience maniac like you.
We have rules against insulting someone by calling them names Rebiu; Please try and make your point of view known without resorting to this form of insulting behavior........................Infy

when I was 4 I drew pictures of girls with bras and underwear on and I would lay on them and kiss the paper.


My mom found them one day.


I know because I looked under my bed for them one day and they were gone.


Turns out I've been a sexual artist my whole life.



Turns out I've been a sexual artist my whole life.

Good one Orby; I spent my youth gazing over the trusty old Sears catalogs...............Just love those Victory Secrets.........................Infy

Yeah back then I had never thought about female anatomy,

I was too young to realize there were THINGS behind the underwear!


I like what uncle al said in this thread about Puberty.

After puberty, We should be free to be,

with the HELP of our parents



but helpful advice, warmth, shelter.


I don't know

Life is way too weird for me.


Just so you know I define a pedophile as an ADULT who desires pre-pubescent/early pubescent people in a sexual context. Your experience was not with an adult and this issue may be confusing because of that.




It is a very personal topic and I did not want to put you on the defensive because of my questions. I think your attacks on me were because of that and I apologize for my questions leaving you with that impression. There are legitimate reasons to discuss this, and you have touched upon them. The humiliation your wife experienced, the concern you had for the girls who introduced you to these sexual aspects of being a human.


And as you have seen, many claim they would react very violently towards anyone who goes after their child in such a manner. I sometimes wonder how much of this other children pick up on *I dont want to make mom/dad mad*. The "if I tell mom/dad, they will [insert parent reaction here] and that will make me feel bad" ideas that go thru a childs mind when deciding to tell a parent about a new experience that had never become so real before this new and confusing incident.


And there are very sick predators out there who are criminals with the violence they inflict on children. I would never want to post a topic/reply that supported these sick minds or aided them in anyway to justify their crimes against a child.


So we have to tread lightly when discussing such topics.

Just so you know I define a pedophile as an ADULT who desires pre-pubescent/early pubescent people in a sexual context. Your experience was not with an adult and this issue may be confusing because of that.
You are drawing this pretend line between adulthood and childhood that does not exist. If I sexually desired a 7 year old when I was 6 and I remember and reexperience that same sexual desire at age 30 than I am a monster. We do not desire things sexually because how they look but what our mind associates their appearance to. If you think of helpless needy when you think of a child then you may feel no desire for intimacy. If your mind associates a person who wants to give and share intimacy when they think of a child then they may feel a desire for intimacy. Many fathers stop hugging and showing physical affection to their daughters at puberty because of the sexual arousal they feel in doing so. In your estimation they are pedophiles. They truth is they are normal.




It is a very personal topic and I did not want to put you on the defensive because of my questions. I think your attacks on me were because of that and I apologize for my questions leaving you with that impression.

My mistake, but you views still seem extreme and oversimplified to the point of doing at least as much harm as good if applied to real people in real situations.
There are legitimate reasons to discuss this, and you have touched upon them. The humiliation your wife experienced, the concern you had for the girls who introduced you to these sexual aspects of being a human.


And as you have seen, many claim they would react very violently towards anyone who goes after their child in such a manner. I sometimes wonder how much of this other children pick up on *I dont want to make mom/dad mad*. The "if I tell mom/dad, they will [insert parent reaction here] and that will make me feel bad" ideas that go thru a childs mind when deciding to tell a parent about a new experience that had never become so real before this new and confusing incident.

For many children it is also and exciting event they would like to repeat, but they are compelled to feel shame and regret by the response of their parents. This shame and regret follows them into adulthood. I felt regret after orgasms for several years after I began having sexual intercourse.


And there are very sick predators out there who are criminals with the violence they inflict on children. I would never want to post a topic/reply that supported these sick minds or aided them in anyway to justify their crimes against a child.

Obviously. The problem is when children are given no acceptable outlet to experiment and grow into adults. In you efforts to protect them form the serial rapist/kidnapper/murderer you would banish all human behavior of a sexual nature from their access. Perhaps you could tell me when sexual experimentations is appropriate and with who.
So we have to tread lightly when discussing such topics.
I appreciate your efforts. My problem is the lack of discussion. Everyone either says what a monsters anyone who thinks about child sexuality is or they say how strongly others feel about the topic. Where is the discussion of what is appropriate?
As I've posted in the thread, suicide yay or nay, my daughter was repeatedly molested at age 5 by a repeat pedophile. The mental and emotional damage/trauma lead her to multiple self mutilations and suicide attempts starting at age 13. At this moment, feeling as I do, I have to wonder if I too, have PTSD, thanks to the innocence of pedophilia. pun intended
I am beginning to wonder if your rather extreme and vocal position is not a function of you own perceived guilt in having let this abuse occur and not had a relationship with you daughter in which she would tell you.
Frankly, I could handle a friend fantasizing and desiring sex with farm animals a hell of alot better then one fantasizing or desiring sex with my granddaughter, or nephews and nieces.
Good lord where did the farm animal come from. Where on earth did you hear about something like that. Did you know that roughly 20% of male farm kids experiment sexualy with animals many do so regularly and have a positive feelings about the relationship until they are caught.
For the life of me, I know I will ever understand the desires of an adult to touch or fantasize about a little child. That's just plain demented and dirty to me.

Lord help the next one that prays on a child in my family, the police won't get the pleasure of handcuffing me to a chair again.

Obviously you daughter was raped and that is a crime regardless of her age. If she is date raped at age 18 will it be less of a crime? I hope you parental powers have improved to the point that you can now protect her from this crime. I doubt that is the case if all you have done is rage and flame about pedophiles in general.

For an idea of the artificiality of the concept of childhood take a look at the following page: http://www.avert.org/aofconsent.htm Notice the degree of variation even within single countries. The extreme case is of the Ik, whose children leave their parents at the age of two. Childhood itself is defined by local custom, it is a behavioural rather than a biological issue.

I cannot be the only one to have sexual encounters befor the age of consent. Child sexuality is a fact and there is nothing to be ashamed of people so come on share.


You are either wilfully misinterpreting the problem of sexual abuse of children by adults, or ignoring the voicing of concerns some people here have about your posts. Nobody here has said child sexuality is a no-no. We are saying children need to be protected against things they cannot possibly fathom. Sexual contact (playing doctor, say) is a basic part of growing up. Intercourse between adults and children is *not*, and it is indeed considered an extremely vile and criminal act in most countries. In Norway you'd be guaranteed years in prison and psychological treatment for child abuse.


Why on earth should we be interested in sharing sexual stories with you? This is a science forum, not a forum for sexual fantasies and children's stories. Unless you have a scientific reason for discussing this, I recommend taking a deep breath and reconsider this entire thread.


Don't try the "you all have skeletons in your closet" strawman argument" - it doesn't work. First of all it's fallacious, second it's irrelevant.


If you want to keep sharing your familiy members' sexual history, please do it at a different forum.


Originally Posted by Rebiu

I cannot be the only one to have sexual encounters befor the age of consent. Child sexuality is a fact and there is nothing to be ashamed of people so come on share.



You are either wilfully misinterpreting the problem of sexual abuse of children by adults, or ignoring the voicing of concerns some people here have about your posts. Nobody here has said child sexuality is a no-no. We are saying children need to be protected against things they cannot possibly fathom. Sexual contact (playing doctor, say) is a basic part of growing up. Intercourse between adults and children is *not*, and it is indeed considered an extremely vile and criminal act in most countries. In Norway you'd be guaranteed years in prison and psychological treatment for child abuse.


Why on earth should we be interested in sharing sexual stories with you? This is a science forum, not a forum for sexual fantasies and children's stories. Unless you have a scientific reason for discussing this, I recommend taking a deep breath and reconsider this entire thread.


Don't try the "you all have skeletons in your closet" strawman argument" - it doesn't work. First of all it's fallacious, second it's irrelevant.


If you want to keep sharing your familiy members' sexual history, please do it at a different forum.





Tormod Guldvog


I've been trying to avoid this thread...but this is a subject that has FdUp pretty much every aspect of my entire life no thanks to my stepfather and as such I can't resist the opportunity to speak my mind on it.


Yes it is the most vile thing an adult can possibly do to a child. I know some one will say that killing a child is worse... but look at it this way murder a child that is the extent of their suffering, molest a child it haunts and tortures them untill the day they die (don't ask me how I know this but trust me it's true, and I litterally know dozens of people that will back me up on this).


There is nothing to compare to the constant shame, feelings of worthlessness, of inferiority to everyone else, the nightmares, the fear that someone might find out, confusion and pain.


All child molesters should be hung by their genetalia until it rips off and then tortured then shot.


Then to boot in alot of cases where a parent is involved it's foster care then adoption and the children pay the price again this time by loosing their families and everyone they've ever known (this is real good for the self esteem) usually for good while the molester does a couple months or a year or two goes right back to doing it again with someone elses kids.


Well I tried to walk away and cool down even made a pot of cofee but several things from posts in this thread stuck and bleeped me off!


First off childhood ends at PUBERTY! bleep you!! it does My daughter hit that milestone at 10 there is no bleeping way I would ever let an adult mess with her

not even now that she's 15....That's a funeral waiting to happen for any one that even thinks of her in that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Any adult that thinks it's ok to think or act on sexual desires towards any minor (here in the states 18 years old is legal no younger) is bleeped in the head!!!!!!!!


If you have these desires do yourself and the world a favor buy yourself a gun and blow your bleeping brains out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To the decent persons reading this thread I apologise for the profanity. To a select group of others drop dead!!!!!


This post was reedited and censored by me I just couldn't bring myself to leave it lest it offend decent folk that may view this thread. To those decent folk that saw the raw version and were offended I apologise again. I'm sorry .

The extreme case is of the Ik, whose children leave their parents at the age of two.


Ik? I don't understand what you mean, where is that? You also don't appear to have read that page, including the notes and the FAQ of that site, or you wouldn't be using it as an excuse to claim the "artificiality of the concept of childhood" when that page clearly puts it as being a matter of maturity. If, ideally, all children were able to refuse, as well as understand fully, there would be no need to have statutory rape in law. But that isn't how things are, at lower ages you can't expect them to be equally able to defend themselves.


For instance, here in Italy adolescents can be consenting but only if the age difference doesn't exceed 4 years. This is because there is a far greater risk of them being pressured or hoodwinked by adults than by peers. I don't think it's a perfect criterion and it could even have boomerang effects in the odd case but it is at least in line with the problem.


Qfwfq: The Ik are a people of the Uganda/Sudan/Kenya border region. I think it's clear how differing ages of consent by locality illustrates the artificiality of the concept. In the UK at the time of HenryVIII, twelve was considered the ideal marrying age for a woman, such marriage is now illegal, despite the often claimed circumstance of people maturing at a younger age. My brother in law's mother was married at thirteen.


Yes and in some times and places a wealthy man had every right to buy a virgin of 12 or perhaps even a bit younger. But I don't call that protection of children and adolescents. I find your point about artificiality to be somewhat a non sequitur.


The point is that we are talking about maturity, which can and certainly does vary according to upbringing, and about what is expected of people. In times such as those you mentioned, a woman was considered somewhat a belonging of her husband, maturity wasn't the issue at all, and even in recent times marriage has had the connotations of being a delivery from father to husband. Before femminism, laws would say things like "men under 21 yrs and unmarried women". Considering these and related facts, I find your point quite irrelevant.


I can understand the emotional reactions of people, especially parents, but if a pedophile controls the urge and does no harm to any child, I see nothing wrong with viewing it as an affliction rather than a crime. In fact such people should have a chance to seek therapy, before they wind up giving in to the urge.

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