OceanBreeze Posted April 9, 2020 Report Posted April 9, 2020 Ok was waiting for this graph to be updated, now it is with data till 29.3. It is just the number of weekly deaths independent of cause in Switzerland (from the governamental statistcs office).https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home/statistics/health/state-health/mortality-causes-death.htmlThis shows the dark numbbers:according to this link:https://interactif.tdg.ch/2020/covid-19-carte-suisse/ there were 216 deaths attributed to corona that week (23.-29. March) Taking csv from first link one has:Ending Week Age upperB extrapol lowerB 29.03.2020 13; 65+ 1262 1435.1 1086 That yields 173 more deaths recorded than the upper bound. Or 261 more than the average (mean of bounds). So it looks like the higher number of deaths actually corresponds to the cases attributed to corona. And hence the dark numbers are not so dark in Switzerland. But I am skeptic how it will look next week, seeing num bers in second link By coincidence, I have just come across this site, which has some interesting facts on Switzerland. The second paragraph relates directly to what you are reporting on. A severe influenza, as was seen in 2017, resulted in 1500 additional deaths in the first six weeks of the year. That works out to 250/week; not far off from what you are seeing in your numbers. So is this pandemic so much worse that we need to resort to lock downs and other draconian measures to contain it? Here are the quotes from the mentioned site, updated as of April 7: "The first Swiss hospitals have to announce short-time work due to the very low capacity utilization: „The staff in all departments has too little to do and has reduced overtime in a first step. Now short-time work is also being registered. The financial consequences are severe.“ As a reminder, a study by ETH Zurich based on largely unrealistic assumptions predicted the first bottlenecks in Swiss clinics by April 2. So far this has not happened anywhere" "In Switzerland, there was a pronounced wave of influenza at the beginning of 2017. At that time, there were almost 1500 additional deaths in the over 65-year-old population in the first six weeks of the year. Normally, around 1300 people die in Switzerland every year as a result of pneumonia, 95% of whom are over 65 years old. By comparison, a total of 762 deaths with (not caused by) Covid19 are currently reported in Switzerland"(913 as of today April 9, from this site) "An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die only with or indeed from corona viruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were a more important factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this" As a matter of fact, Italy admits to not distinguishing between deaths FROM and deaths WITH the virus. Same thing in New York City; what they are doing is recording every hospital death, regardless of cause, as a covid death, as long as the deceased tested positive for coronavirus. I am still asking WTF is going on, and not getting any good answers from anywhere. Quote
Maine farmer Posted April 13, 2020 Report Posted April 13, 2020 Putting this into perspective about 500 000 people die each year on average. There will be a blip of < 20% in the stats. Are you allowing for any overlap in those numbers?I mean, of the 500,000 who die every year, how many of them who will would die anyway, due to old age and other conditions, be swept up in the 90,000 whose deaths are attributed to corona? I suspect it could be a quite high percaentage of the 90,000, meaning the total deaths will not be much higher than normal.Or am I wrong?One thing I have noticed is there is a reduction of deaths due to traffic accidents. We had become used to seeing an ambulance go by the farm two or three times per day, but since the social distancing started, I have only seen an ambulance go by once in the last three weeks! It was my understanding that the goal of shutting things down was simply to keep the healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed. We will still see the same total number of infected, but they would be spread out over time, easing the strain on the system. I have been hearing doctors complain about the system for years, but it seems more doctors are being pushed to the brink by this outbreak. I listened to one doctor recently complaining about how hospitals are run by CEOs who have no medical experience. I hear about nurses who feel like they are being treated as expendable. Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 14, 2020 Report Posted April 14, 2020 There was a big protest in Ohio today. Lots of people out there without masks protesting the lockdown. Even a nurse that said she was laid off from the hospital because of hardly any patients. Anybody else see that today? People are starting to get fed up and what else are they to do when they can't work and pay any of their bills? Especially when it's not hard to see this is all a fabrication. Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 14, 2020 Report Posted April 14, 2020 (edited) A couple of interesting articles in my inbox, that might be of interest to people. Hydroxychloroquine is not effective for treating coronavirus, according to small trialhttps://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-04-hydroxychloroquine-effective-coronavirus-small-trial.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly-nwletter COVID-19: On average, only 6% of actual infections detected worldwidehttps://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-04-covid-average-actual-infections-worldwide.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly-nwletterWell if only 6 percent of infections are only detected world wide then it isn't as bad as they are making it out to be. Most people barely even get any symptoms. I know they have 10's of pages saying in a Google search there is no connection to 5G and they are deleting people on YouTube for saying it. Which leads me to think their is some connection to 5G with this. It seems they don't even want anybody to have a debate about it and seem to be hiding something. When they are trying to debunk something so bad it means they are hiding something. That is what I find usually in my research anyway. If you don't use Google but you use DuckDuckGoGo you can find some very intriguing articles on the connection that can be made with the 5G and Corona. Google blocks the articles making the connections. It may be that the 5G intensifies it well and knocks down the immune systems on entities. I would advise if you live in a big city to move out and get as far in the country as you can. That is the best advice I think to give to people. Edited April 14, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 14, 2020 Report Posted April 14, 2020 There was a big protest in Ohio today. Lots of people out there without masks protesting the lockdown. Even a nurse that said she was laid off from the hospital because of hardly any patients. Anybody else see that today? People are starting to get fed up and what else are they to do when they can't work and pay any of their bills? Especially when it's not hard to see this is all a fabrication. It was only a matter of time Thoth101 1 Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 14, 2020 Report Posted April 14, 2020 It was only a matter of timeThere is going to be a drive by protest in Michigan either today or tomorrow. I am glad people are finally standing up for their freedoms but I am sure that people that live in fear of the virus see it differently. :lol: Quote
Maine farmer Posted April 14, 2020 Report Posted April 14, 2020 I would advise if you live in a big city to move out and get as far in the country as you can. That is the best advice I think to give to people.But please, don't . City people always bring their troubles with them and the countryside vanishes. First they complain about the dusty and muddy roads and demand pavement, then they complain about the noises and odors from the farms and the farm machinery on the roads. Then they want sidewalks and bigger, fancier schools, and it goes on and on. City people are not cut out for country living! OceanBreeze, GAHD, Thoth101 and 1 other 4 Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 14, 2020 Report Posted April 14, 2020 City people always bring their troubles diseases with them Maine farmer and Thoth101 2 Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 But please, don't . City people always bring their troubles with them and the countryside vanishes. First they complain about the dusty and muddy roads and demand pavement, then they complain about the noises and odors from the farms and the farm machinery on the roads. Then they want sidewalks and bigger, fancier schools, and it goes on and on. City people are not cut out for country living! :lol: :lol: Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 City people always bring their troubles diseases with them But the country people are just Pagans. :lol: Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 We are going to protest in Wisconsin on the 24th. I will see if I can get some videos. Not sure what kind of sign I want to make yet. And I have no idea why it is all the way at the 24th. I just got a FB thing on it recently. Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 Here was the Ohio one the other day. If you watch the full 30 min you will notice a nurse saying she was laid off from the hospital because they didn't have enough patients to keep her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrzisFfuEE Quote
Maine farmer Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 But the country people are just Pagans. :lol:Isn't everyone? The worship of material wealth is a form of idolatry, and many Christian traditions are rooted in pagan rituals. :xmas_tree: Thoth101 1 Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 So, I went to the hospital today. This is a Huge hospital, capable of taking care of thousands of patients. I just went to get a two-month supply of the meds I need to take for my service-connected disabilities, mainly related to disability from severe burns. This isn’t a VA hospital; thanks to President Trump, Vets now have the choice to visit other hospitals and at no charge if it is for service-connected conditions. Anyway, it is Huge and normally crowded, but today it was almost empty. There were checks at the door, hand washing, masks and temperature checks, but not a problem. I saw my Dr and did not have to wait at all, as the large waiting room was empty.I asked him “How many covid patients do you have here”He didn’t want to answer, but we are like old friends so he told me, in hushed tones ‘We have ten covid patients. One was on a ventilator for three days but he is OK now and going home soon.” I just nodded and didn’t say anything. At the cashier, there are many chairs and usually many people waiting. Today, there was no one else but me. I signed my papers and received my meds and was on my way. On the way out I may have spotted at the most 5 or 6 other patients walking around, not covid. This hospital must be losing many thousands of dollars every day.There are NO patients! I am not going to name the hospital or the city, but it is in a State not far from upstate New York. So, NYC is overflowing with dead bodies and this hospital has no patients? I know a Lot of people, both professionally and socially and I don’t know a single person who has or has had covid.Not a single person with a confirmed case. Draw your own conclusions, I have drawn mine. Thoth101 1 Quote
Maine farmer Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 (edited) I know a Lot of people, both professionally and socially and I don’t know a single person who has or has had covid.Not a single person with a confirmed case. Draw your own conclusions, I have drawn mine.My wife is a medical assistant, working in a medical office connected to a hospital. A couple of weeks ago they had 4 patients admitted to the small hospital in isolation who were from a nursing home. They were sick, but not sick enough to need to be admitted except they had to be quarantined and the nursing home wouldn't take them back. I do know someone who had all of the symptoms of covid 19, but they would not test him because of a shortage of testing materials. They were saving the tests for those who were sick enough that they needed hospital care. They sent him home with the instructions to self quarantine. Where my wife works, they are not seeing many patients in person, but are doing video conferencing with patients instead. Perhaps some good will come out of this situation, as the doctors find other ways to care for and consult with their patients. Now I just remembered that someone I only know through facebook who is a dairy farmer was very sick, but again, they would not test him for the coronavirus due to a shortage of tests. The way he described it, it sounded horrible. He self quarantined from his family and the farm. He was unable to work, and because I am a fellow dairy farmer, I know how much it takes to keep one of my kind from working. This is why I find it hard to believe that they are overstating the numbers. Given that they are not even testing everyone who is really sick, I can only conclude that the actual number of cases must be higher. Edited April 15, 2020 by Farming guy Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 16, 2020 Report Posted April 16, 2020 (edited) I can only conclude the actual number of covid deaths must be much lower than what is being reported. It seems people have totally forgotten about the good old flu: "While the public deals with the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) to New York State and major regions of the United States, flu season remains underway with the latest data being reported by the CDC. So far this season, the CDC estimates between 39 million and 55 million flu illnesses, at least 400,000 hospitalizations, and as many as 63,000 deaths from flu, of which 162 are pediatric" I think NYC is not even reporting on flu-related deaths any more, just assuming all such deaths as covid-related.They just "found" another 2,000 "probable" covid deaths! Where did they steal these bodies from? It would be comical if it wasn't so serious.NYC is almost single-handedly driving the numbers for covid deaths in the entire US. Why is that? NYC is the democrat power house, all of the main stream democrat controlled media are HQed there. The democrats are using the covid pandemic as a political weapon to try and drive out Trump. Yeah, I know, "conspiracy theory" and all that guff, but there is no other way to explain what is happening there. The other day CNN was showing footage of people being buried in a mass grave on Hart Island, in the Long Island Sound. I know the place, we used to have Nike missile batteries there. NYC and surrounding area has been using that island to bury unclaimed dead for about a century. It is estimated there are over one million bodies buried there. There is a weekly scheduled detail for inmates from Rikers Island prison to go over and bury these unclaimed dead, who die from all sorts of reasons.But suddenly, it is Big News from CNN and other left wing lame stream news outlets that Coronavirus Deaths overflowing! Mass Graves being dug in NYC Parks! It is all bullshit and it is time NYC was called out on these tactics. Edited April 16, 2020 by OceanBreeze Quote
Maine farmer Posted April 16, 2020 Report Posted April 16, 2020 I can only conclude the actual number of covid deaths must be much lower than what is being reported. As far as death rate as a percentage of cases, I suspect that the death rate is lower. What I never understood was Trump's unwillingness to test aggressively early on. I have little doubt, when you consider how many people show little or no symptoms, that covid - 19 is likely much more widespread, and the death rate lower. I can't speak about New York City, but where my wife works, they test everyone with symptoms for the flu first, and then only test for covid - 19 if the patient does not have the flu, and they need to be admitted to the hospital. Quote
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