OceanBreeze Posted April 1, 2020 Report Posted April 1, 2020 Trump is forced to start getting real, at last: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52115584 The time for denial, and sophomoric garbage about "the trolley problem", is past. Stopped reading at "Trump" That is President Trump, to you and don't you forget it! Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 1, 2020 Report Posted April 1, 2020 I am sure he thinks he knows more about Corona virus than everyone else, and it is not his fault that the US is unprepared for the enormity of the problem. China seems to be in a good position after the virus is over to become the worlds economic leader. Its economy is still intact, whereas the rest of the world seems to be headed for a massive recession. "China seems to be in a good position after the virus is over to become the worlds economic leader" Literally laughing at that. Thoth101 1 Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 1, 2020 Report Posted April 1, 2020 (edited) My prediction still stands at between 20,000 to 40,000 covid fatalities in the US when all is said and done. That will include a couple of bad weeks near the peak. Anyone actually Hoping for more is a disgrace to humanity. Edited April 1, 2020 by OceanBreeze Thoth101 1 Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 1, 2020 Report Posted April 1, 2020 I am sure he thinks he knows more about Corona virus than everyone else, and it is not his fault that the US is unprepared for the enormity of the problem. China seems to be in a good position after the virus is over to become the worlds economic leader. Its economy is still intact, whereas the rest of the world seems to be headed for a massive recession. Just a question. Were you a fan of Obama? I myself was not a supporter of Trump or Obama just because I know the president position is a puppet position. So I ask were you a fan of Obama? And if so why? Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 1, 2020 Report Posted April 1, 2020 Just a question. Were you a fan of Obama? I myself was not a supporter of Trump or Obama just because I know the president position is a puppet position. So I ask were you a fan of Obama? And if so why? I know the question was not aimed my way, but I will say one thing about Obama. I think he handled the H1N1 swine flu pandemic better than Trump, because Obama basically did nothing! The medics did their part by coming up with treatments and a vaccine. Anywhere between 12,000 and 20,000 people died in the US and hundreds of thousands died around the world, but there was no shutdown, no dire predictions, no 24 hour news coverage and daily body count and no panic. Thoth101 1 Quote
sanctus Posted April 1, 2020 Report Posted April 1, 2020 I think if the lockdown lasts more than another month. People who ran out of money from not working and ran out of food and all that are going to go crazy and start tearing it all up. I could see the cities burning from the mobs. :lol:Already happening:https://voiceofeurope.com/2020/03/italy-looting-prompts-armed-police-to-guard-supermarkets/ Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 2, 2020 Report Posted April 2, 2020 I am not a fan of any politician, however Obama did have respect globally, from other politicians, who didnt make jokes about him as they do Trump. He did try and implement health care in america, but I think he got screwed by the insurance companies and lobby groups. What health care do you have in America, for your self and your family if you get corona virus ? Does it cost?That is fair enough. Obama was quite good at speaking which most politicians are. I just know when a politicians lips are moving they are usually lying to the public. He was very good at sugar coating things. First of all what Obama Care did was raise the price of insurance for the average person. For instance I work for the state and even working for the state it costs me $650 a month for my kids and I. And it barely even covers anything. My work has given us 80 hours extra of sick time if I were to come down with the Corona Virus which is 10 days. For my girlfriend who is a CNA will not be receiving anything if she were to get it. And that is pretty sad since she works in the medical field herself. Her insurance is also 600 dollars a month and she only gets 15 dollars and hours so do the math. America is pretty harsh with medical and all Obamacare did was make it worse for the average working person. Like you said it did benefit the insurance companies themselves though. And at one point before Trump had it lifted you were "fined" if you didn't have some kind of medical insurance. And the state you are in is the only medical insurance you can use and there is a limited amount of insurance companies per state. Its not like car insurance where you can just buy from anywhere. It is definitely a monopoly however you want to look at it. OceanBreeze 1 Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 2, 2020 Report Posted April 2, 2020 I know the question was not aimed my way, but I will say one thing about Obama. I think he handled the H1N1 swine flu pandemic better than Trump, because Obama basically did nothing! The medics did their part by coming up with treatments and a vaccine. Anywhere between 12,000 and 20,000 people died in the US and hundreds of thousands died around the world, but there was no shutdown, no dire predictions, no 24 hour news coverage and daily body count and no panic. That is reasonable. However correct me if I am wrong but Obama was more into pushing the swine flu vaccines and he had stock in the vaccine companies. Ever since Obama was when the big push was to get your yearly flu shot. And I don't know if you talk to some people that call themselves liberals they will tell you that Trump isn't doing anything or not enough. The way I look at it the controllers have a different agenda this time then with the swine flu. As far as I can tell this has been created for a purpose of more control and less freedoms. I really don't think this was all an accident. Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 2, 2020 Report Posted April 2, 2020 That is reasonable. However correct me if I am wrong but Obama was more into pushing the swine flu vaccines and he had stock in the vaccine companies. Ever since Obama was when the big push was to get your yearly flu shot. And I don't know if you talk to some people that call themselves liberals they will tell you that Trump isn't doing anything or not enough. The way I look at it the controllers have a different agenda this time then with the swine flu. As far as I can tell this has been created for a purpose of more control and less freedoms. I really don't think this was all an accident. There is no doubt that China is ultimately at fault for starting this mess. You probably heard the old joke, that if Adam and Eve were Chinese, we would still be living in the Garden of Eden because they would have eaten the snake and left the apple. Well, that is no longer humorous these days; if the Chinese would stop eating snakes, bats, lizards, pangolins and the like, we wouldn’t be dealing with so many new viruses that jump from these animal hosts to humans. Also, if they didn’t try to cover up the full extent of the problem, we might have been able to mount a faster response. But I don’t see any grand conspiracy here between the Chinese culinary choices and the liberals, especially the liberal media. Instead, it is what you wrote earlier in another post “no good crisis should go to waste” or something along those lines. We know the liberals would do anything to get Trump out of office; we just witnessed the most partisan impeachment in history, based on no facts at all. With only a demented “Uncle Joe” standing in the way of Trump’s reelection, the democrats (and even some Brit liberals) will seize on any opportunity, even politicizing a pandemic, as a tool to use against the “Terrible Trump” Bottom line; I don’t think this was created to take away our freedoms, but it is definitely working out that way. I also don’t think they can keep the lid on the pressure cooker much longer. As more and more people realize this isn’t quite the big bad killer disease that it has been portrayed as, more and more people will prefer to take their chances with the virus than lose their way of life. Thoth101 1 Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 2, 2020 Report Posted April 2, 2020 (edited) There is no doubt that China is ultimately at fault for starting this mess. You probably heard the old joke, that if Adam and Eve were Chinese, we would still be living in the Garden of Eden because they would have eaten the snake and left the apple. Well, that is no longer humorous these days; if the Chinese would stop eating snakes, bats, lizards, pangolins and the like, we wouldn’t be dealing with so many new viruses that jump from these animal hosts to humans. Also, if they didn’t try to cover up the full extent of the problem, we might have been able to mount a faster response. But I don’t see any grand conspiracy here between the Chinese culinary choices and the liberals, especially the liberal media. Instead, it is what you wrote earlier in another post “no good crisis should go to waste” or something along those lines. We know the liberals would do anything to get Trump out of office; we just witnessed the most partisan impeachment in history, based on no facts at all. With only a demented “Uncle Joe” standing in the way of Trump’s reelection, the democrats (and even some Brit liberals) will seize on any opportunity, even politicizing a pandemic, as a tool to use against the “Terrible Trump” Bottom line; I don’t think this was created to take away our freedoms, but it is definitely working out that way. I also don’t think they can keep the lid on the pressure cooker much longer. As more and more people realize this isn’t quite the big bad killer disease that it has been portrayed as, more and more people will prefer to take their chances with the virus than lose their way of life.I am not so quick to blame it all on China. I would say there is more at work at this mess than China itself. What a perfect place for a virus to be delibertly planted. And who is the say they arn't spraying the virus in the air over places they want more infections? We really don't know what really happened and may not ever know. But the Powers That Be are definetly not letting a good crisis go to waste. I wish I could remember off the top of my head who said that original quote. I think this may go higer than liberals and conservatives. I don't really think Nancy Pelosi and them would even be smart enough to pull this off.lol! Maybe the Clintons but these guys couldn't even pull off an impeachment the right way.lol! I would say this was planned out long before by the hidden cabal when they saw they were losing power and throw out this card to be played. They always have something up their sleeve. Especially when they were telling us before hand what they were going to do. They always have to tell us what they are going to do before they do it. I am sorry but I am pretty sure Bill Gates isn't pychic and he had a little inside knowledge of what was going to take place. A lot of people still don't think 911 was created to take their freedoms. I beg to differ on that. Just look at the Patriot Act, Surevelience of every American citizen and around the world. Going to an airport is worse than going into a prison.Just to name a few things. But I know 911 is a whole other thread but this Covid-19 is along the same lines. And why was it originally called Corona and then all of a sudded they change the name to Covid-19? Or was is Covid 19 all along? Edited April 2, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 3, 2020 Report Posted April 3, 2020 The insurance companies got greedy and destroyed Obama care. I was told that you must also pay 10% the cost of any medication you receive. When I was in the states my missis needed some medication she had to pay 10 times what it cost us every where else in the world. If you are paying 10% of your medication costs. You are buying your medication and the insurance company is pocketing the difference. It could be cheaper for you to fly to venezuela buy your medication over a counter without a prescription have a holiday on a beach then fly back home. Its called health tourism. A root filling in Venezuela cost me $100. How much is the cost of a flight and a fortnight in a luxury hotel.Yes medications are very expensive which is why I use natural products if need be which work better in many cases. Although when I came back from Iraq and I thought it was a spider bite at first I got a case of MRSA on my finger. Since it about started eating my finger I head to break down and go to the hospital and get some antibiotics. Now that I know what it is when it comes back. I apply vinegar to it daily and along with garlic ingested it goes away after a few days. The funny thing is the hospital didn't even know what it was at first and thought it was a spider bite also until they did some testing on it in the lab. As far as I remember but this was doing research a while back that the insurance companies were in part of writing the Obama care bill itself. We have to remember the presidents don't write any of these bills themselves and in most cases even their speeches are written by other entities. Obama was the teleprompter president. And no way do I think Obama read through every page of the Obama care documents himself. Most of these politicians have no idea what they are signing and especially when it is 5,000 are so pages long. Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 3, 2020 Report Posted April 3, 2020 I dont think anyone in their right mind wants people to die. Allowing huge numbers to die through inactivity would be a disgrace. 225000 confirmed cases now in the US with a 2% mortality rate amongst confirmed cases its not looking too good. 2 % over the over all popullation, its a little more alarming if you are from the higher age bracket or have pre existing health conditions https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE:*Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). This probability differs depending on the age group. The percentages shown below do not have to add up to 100%, as they do NOT represent share of deaths by age group. Rather, it represents, for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-19.AGEDEATH RATEconfirmed cases DEATH RATEall cases80+ years old21.9%14.8%70-79 years old 8.0%60-69 years old 3.6%50-59 years old 1.3%40-49 years old 0.4%30-39 years old 0.2%20-29 years old 0.2%10-19 years old 0.2%0-9 years old no fatalities I am going to be the devil's advocate here and say if this virus is just nature. Maybe nature should be let to take it's coarse. Maybe nature needs to do population control on humans. Maybe nature feels there is to many humans on this planet. So if we are locking everyone up and not letting nature take it's coarse what will happen when nature gets really pissed off? I mean I don't believe this was put out by nature but that is another way of looking at it. If we learn anything from this we should learn how to have a good immune system. Stop polluting the food, air and water with toxicity. The world needs to learn how to live a more natural lifestyle. Isn't it true that their was no influenza till 100 years ago? Maybe we should stop and think what caused it in the first place. Quote
Thoth101 Posted April 3, 2020 Report Posted April 3, 2020 If you look at it that way, people never lived as long in the past as they do now, and many health conditions can be controlled with medication. Those with health conditions and living beyond the biblical 3 score and 10, 70 years old, are the ones at greatest risk! I do wonder if the global restriction on travel is reducing the CO2 in the atmosphere, or alleviating the acidification of the worlds Oceans. When the virus is controlled, and the human race on average develops an immunity or a vaccine, perhaps people will continue to work from home, and those workers whose jobs are important to maintain society might be better rewarded. Who needs a billionaire tax avoiding stock broker in times of emergency, they contribute nothing. I think the human race has a potential to learn a lot from this. I look forward to seeing the results. It really could go either way though. We either have a brighter and a free future or a dark and gloomy enslaved future of transhumanism without much freedom. I guess it depends on what timeline the individual wants to experience. We sure are at a crossroads but it is interesting and exciting to watch this all unfold. We are actually living in something that will be told about for ages. Quote
sanctus Posted April 3, 2020 Report Posted April 3, 2020 There is no doubt that China is ultimately at fault for starting this mess. You probably heard the old joke, that if Adam and Eve were Chinese, we would still be living in the Garden of Eden because they would have eaten the snake and left the apple. Well, that is no longer humorous these days; if the Chinese would stop eating snakes, bats, lizards, pangolins and the like, we wouldn’t be dealing with so many new viruses that jump from these animal hosts to humans. Also, if they didn’t try to cover up the full extent of the problem, we might have been able to mount a faster response. Ocean, this is kinda wrong to blame on chinese, it could have happened anywhere and anytime. Let me explain by copy-pasting a reply of a friend of mine to a fb-petition asking to ban live animal markets in China: Zoonotic (from Greek: ζῷον zoon "animal" and νόσος nosos "sickness") transmission can occur in any context in which there is companionistic (pets), economic (farming, etc.), predatory (hunting, butchering or consuming wild game) or research contact with or consumption of non-human animals, animal products, or animal derivatives. ... So this petition is missing a few FYI. I mean 7 billion plus ppl on the planet, chances are this will happen again somewhere else... To me this petition is just fear as opposed to way of avoiding a future pandemic Thoth101, OceanBreeze and GAHD 3 Quote
OceanBreeze Posted April 3, 2020 Report Posted April 3, 2020 Ocean, this is kinda wrong to blame on chinese, it could have happened anywhere and anytime. Let me explain by copy-pasting a reply of a friend of mine to a fb-petition asking to ban live animal markets in China: Zoonotic (from Greek: ζῷον zoon "animal" and νόσος nosos "sickness") transmission can occur in any context in which there is companionistic (pets), economic (farming, etc.), predatory (hunting, butchering or consuming wild game) or research contact with or consumption of non-human animals, animal products, or animal derivatives. ... So this petition is missing a few FYI. I mean 7 billion plus ppl on the planet, chances are this will happen again somewhere else... To me this petition is just fear as opposed to way of avoiding a future pandemic OK, I agree that it could conceivably happen elsewhere, but it is generally agreed, even by Chinese officials, that it DID start at the wild animal food market in Wuhan. I don’t see how it is “kinda wrong” to blame the Chinese for this. Is it more wrong to blame the Chinese than to blame Trump, as the liberal media is trying so hard to do? The fact is, at these markets, basic sanitation is almost non-existent. I have spent some time on mainland China, mostly in the big cities of Beijing and Shanghai, but I also ventured off the beaten path a bit and got a first-hand look at some open-air markets; not the wild animal markets, but I saw some stomach wrenching scenes. There is also another theory, that this did not originate in that “ground zero” market at all, but that the virus “escaped” from inside the Chinese BSL-4 lab which works with some of world's most dangerous pathogens. That facility is located in Wuhan. If that turns out to be true (no evidence yet) then the Chinese are even more to blame. Finally, the Chinese communist party tried to cover it up, instead of immediately notifying WHO, and then did not allow the CDC to have access. It seems they also "erased" some of their early whistle blowers. So yes, I do blame the Chinese, not that they will give a damn Quote
sanctus Posted April 3, 2020 Report Posted April 3, 2020 Ok, I misread you. I read your post as "epidemics (note the s) are to blame on the Chinese", while you make it clear that you mean this specific one now. And as far as I know, it is originating from there. So yeah, corona can be blamed on the chinese as far as we know.They tried to cover it up etc., but when it got too big (still inside Wuhan) they went public. That is a bit like Trump :-): at first there was no pandemic, then all under control, then "Ialways said there is a pandemic". OceanBreeze 1 Quote
exchemist Posted April 3, 2020 Report Posted April 3, 2020 Sobering animated graphic here, comparing US Covid-19 deaths with other causes of death: https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/1712761/?fbclid=IwAR3hp7NVELGI98OWUsCtfzlcEFoi5eHJ3SJQHh1P5P7Oax-GHSBuRgF4yAI Quote
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