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Who is excited about the 5G after reading this?





Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. Each of these effects are also caused by exposures to other microwave frequency EMFs, with each such effect being documented in from 10 to 16 reviews. Therefore, each of these seven EMF effects are established effects of Wi-Fi and of other microwave frequency EMFs. Each of these seven is also produced by downstream effects of the main action of such EMFs, voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation. While VGCC activation via EMF interaction with the VGCC voltage sensor seems to be the predominant mechanism of action of EMFs, other mechanisms appear to have minor roles. Minor roles include activation of other voltage-gated ion channels, calcium cyclotron resonance and the geomagnetic magnetoreception mechanism.


Five properties of non-thermal EMF effects are discussed. These are that pulsed EMFs are, in most cases, more active than are non-pulsed EMFs; artificial EMFs are polarized and such polarized EMFs are much more active than non-polarized EMFs; dose-response curves are non-linear and non-monotone; EMF effects are often cumulative; and EMFs may impact young people more than adults. These general findings and data presented earlier on Wi-Fi effects were used to assess the Foster and Moulder (F&M) review of Wi-Fi. The F&M study claimed that there were seven important studies of Wi-Fi that each showed no effect. However, none of these were Wi-Fi studies, with each differing from genuine Wi-Fi in three distinct ways. F&M could, at most conclude that there was no statistically significant evidence of an effect. The tiny numbers studied in each of these seven F&M-linked studies show that each of them lack power to make any substantive conclusions. In conclusion, there are seven repeatedly found Wi-Fi effects which have also been shown to be caused by other similar EMF exposures. Each of the seven should be considered, therefore, as established effects of Wi-Fi.




7 effects have each been repeatedly reported following Wi-Fi & other EMF exposures.

Established Wi-Fi effects, include apoptosis, oxidat. stress &:

testis/sperm dysfunct; Neuropsych; DNA impact; hormone change; Ca2+ rise.

Wi-Fi is thought to act via voltage-gated calcium channel activation.

One claim of no Wi-Fi effects was found to be deeply flawed.



  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)



It is already clear from over 10,000 studies on 2G, 3G, and 4G that these wireless network radio frequency (RF) radiation network systems are causing significant acute and chronic health problems, including life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and mental disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, and increased suicidal tendencies.


Beyond the statements of informed individuals decrying the 5G “rollover”, there are also major organizations warning of its dangers. The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space currently boasts approximately 31,300 signatories as of January 11th, 2019. They write,


We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.


Even before 5G was proposed, dozens of petitions and appeals by international scientists, including the Freiburger Appeal signed by over 3,000 physicians, called for a halt to the expansion of wireless technology and a moratorium on new base stations. In 2015, 215 scientists from 41 countries communicated their alarm to the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO).They stated that “numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF [electromagnetic fields] affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. These concerns have a strong scientific foundation. More than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrate harm to human health from RF radiation.


These wise statements, while accurate on one level, are missing the larger point. There is a plan, within the next two years, to launch 20,000 satellites to beam 5G onto the planet. This new attack on life on Earth would cause a disruption of the earth’s primary harmonic frequency called the Schumann Resonance. When this harmonic resonance is disrupted, it is likely to cause and activate more physical and biological mechanisms for creating even more human health problems.


Since there’s not a lot of understanding about the Schumann Resonance, a little bit of background will help the discussion. The Schumann Resonance is a frequency generated from the wave resonance of the lower part of the ionosphere and the earth. The ionosphere has several different layers and is a shell of electrons and electrically charged atoms and molecules that surrounds the earth. It stretches from a height of about 50 km (31 miles) to 1,000 km (620 miles). The most relevant layer is the D-layer, which is the innermost layer at about 37-56 miles above Earth’s surface. It’s between the earth and the D-layer where there’s a resonance that is set up that creates the Schumann Resonance. There is a significant amount of research on the topic. In a paper by Neil Cherry published in July of 2002, he writes, “A large number of studies have identified significant physical, biological, and health effects associated with changes in solar and geomagnetic activity (S-GMA).”


The Schumann Resonance is a geomagnetic electric resonance between the surface of the earth and the lower levels of the ionosphere, which has a natural ultra-low frequency and extreme low-frequency signal. They are discovering that the Schumann Resonance signal is correlative with sunspot numbers and has a real physical mechanism located in the D-layer of the ionosphere with an ion and electron density that varies with the S-GMA. The Schumann Resonance would be potentially disrupted by 20,000 5G satellites put into orbit in the D-region of the ionosphere, as this D-region forms the upper boundary of the resonant cavity in which the Schumann Resonance is formed in relation to the earth. Research suggests that the Schumann Resonance signals are the mechanism through which melatonin production is activated. When the Schumann Resonance goes above 7.87 Hz, there is a decrease in melatonin secretion.


Many feel that the Schumann Resonance is already being altered by all the radiofrequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation humans are presently creating, and 5G will alter it significantly more. In the process, the 5G may also be creating enough electropollution noise, whether or not it is raising the Schumann Resonance frequency, and therefore disconnecting humanity from accessing the Schumann Resonance itself, and, thus, creating and/or amplifying a variety of acute and chronic disease problems documented in over 10,000 scientific papers that come from these 2G, 3G, and 4G frequencies.


The Schumann Resonance is essentially the pulse of the heart of the earth, to which our hearts and brains are specifically attuned with. It is highly likely it will be disrupted by 5G satellites, and thus would disrupt the basic harmonic of all life on the planet. The Schumann Resonance particularly resonates with our brains and hearts. This fact takes us to the heart of the matter. Basically, the electromagnetic field generated by the heart is evolutionarily tuned to 7.83 Hz. As this frequency potentially changes due to the increase in RF/MW radiation, it would most likely create problems in human health. This research needs to be done before 5G, and, particularly, 5G beamed from satellites is installed. This is basic health safety research. The Schumann Resonance is a planetary tuning fork to which all lifeforms on the surface of our planet are tuned. In essence, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and minds would be highly likely to be affected as the Schumann Resonance is disrupted. If it continues to rise in frequency due to the 5G (100 times more intense than current microwave), these human-made electromagnetic fields will create electromagnetic chaos. The increase of the Schumann Resonance above 7.83 Hz would increase the chaos within all biological organisms on the planet.


Researchers have shown that there is a key connection between the Schumann Resonance and the brain’s alpha states (frequencies between 8 Hz – 12 Hz). Many researchers, such as Dr. Konig, from Munich University, have shown a correlation between Schumann Resonance and brain rhythms. Alpha states are the brainwave frequency at which thinking and creativity are associated. Alpha brainwaves are associated with overall mental and body/mind coordination, alertness, and learning. These are core human functions, which may eventually express problematically as discordant psychological states.


The good news is that as long as the properties of the earth’s electromagnetic cavity, which holds the Schumann Resonance remain the same, we will remain in harmony with the Schumann Resonance and with the earth. The Schumann Resonance also helps the human biological system to become synchronized with the daily rhythmic cycles of the earth and melatonin production. According to Dr. Cherry’s research, as we disrupt the Schumann Resonance, including raising the potential frequency above 7.83 Hz through a variety of ways, we decrease melatonin secretion, which decreases our ability to be in harmony with the earth’s daily rhythmic cycles. Specifically, when there is an alteration, such as changes in S-GMA activity, ill effects follow such as altered blood pressure; reproductive, immune system, cardiac and neurological problems; mental disorders, depression, and suicide; increase hospital admissions, accidents, and sudden death; as well as other stress-related conditions. These electromagnetic disruptions and their negative health effects are not new, but 5G is one hundred times more potent in moving in that direction and will likely result in an increase in cancer, heart disease, depression, and other diseases. We already see epidemics in all these areas, as well as in type-2 diabetes. In There Is a Cure for Diabetes, this form of electromagnetic RF/MW radiation caused type-2 diabetes is well documented.


The awareness of the Schumann Resonance helps us to see the real cosmic interconnectedness of all of us humans, animals, plants, the planet earth, and the sun and moon. EMF and EMFR reduce melatonin secretion in animals and people. Once we understand that, it helps us examine at least one mechanism for why, indeed, we are seeing so many health problems. Melatonin is a vital natural neuro-hormone that regulates the daily circadian rhythm in mammals. Melatonin is the most potent known antioxidant; it has also been shown to protect against various forms of cancer. The pineal gland’s production of melatonin rises at night, and the melatonin is carried by the circulation system throughout the body, passing through the cell membrane and scavenging free radicals in the cell in order to protect the DNA. Melatonin also has many other vital functions involving the assistance of the immune system to maintain its immunocompetence, and it regulates sleep activity including aspects of REM sleep and sleep efficiency. Reduced melatonin production causes many serious biological effects in humans and other mammals, including chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, DNA damage leading to cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological diseases, and mortality. Melatonin reduction is also associated with arthritis, depression, and suicide, seasonally affective disorder (SAD), miscarriage, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Multiple independent studies have found that electromagnetic fields reduced melatonin in animals and human beings. The scientific evidence includes correlations with altered geomagnetic activity reducing human melatonin, through the Schumann Resonance signal effect. The level of evidence exceeds requirements for a causal link, strongly suggesting that melatonin production caused by electromagnetic fields and radiation exposure contributes significantly to the allocation of many adverse health effect rates.


All life has adapted over time to live in the electromagnetic frequencies of the Schumann Resonance, somewhere between 7.83 and 8 Hz. When we move away from this biologically attuned resonance field, it is highly likely to result in disorganization of our electrophysiology. This means that if you are susceptible to some of these frequencies, you may begin feeling “unusual stress, mental confusion, forgetfulness, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, periods of diminished hearing and eyesight, sudden onset of unexplained neurological problems and sharp pains shooting into head, as well as symptoms that mimic mental illness; depression, split personality disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia. The 5G frequencies have already been shown potentially to literally have a mass effect on mental functions in the populace. This has obvious serious negative spiritual implications because if you don’t have a functioning brain it is very hard to access our soul connection and evolve spiritually on the planet from a spiritual point of view. An additional worry held by many anti-globalists is that the globalist elites will use 5G, in a high percentage of cases, to keep everyone’s brainwaves in a range that prevents critical thought processing, and thus keeping people in the brainwave range that favors their agenda, for example, an emotional, slow, or hysteric state of thought — all depending on what they want the population to think. We need to understand that 5G will greatly amplify these mind control mechanisms that have already been proven to exist and be effective scientifically.


Research in the last 20 years shows that ELF electromagnetic fields affected the way calcium ions move in brain tissue and the way this affects the cells’ inner workings. The more permeable blood/brain barrier, which will happen with the 5G, a greater amount of toxins can enter the brain. The opening of the blood/brain barrier and calcium leakage is also associated with oxidative damage to the neurons; and it also breaks up the DNA structure. All of this is already associated with electro-smog, dirty electricity, electrical pollution, and electrical hypersensitivity, which is seen in many patients.


In addition to this, the 5G frequency is connected to the 60 GHz millimeter-wave band — 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond (5G is to start initially with sub-6GHz moving as quickly into 6GHz and above as the network advancement allows). This will allow the utilization of sub-millimeter and millimeter waves to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of RF/MW radiation. 5G represents a massive step up from 3G at 1.8-2.5 GHz, and 4G at 2-8 GHz, placing it well within the microwave category. This frequency is miles away from the natural resonance of 8Hz that our bodies are accustomed to, and far, far above current EMF levels (which are already damaging enough). High-frequency 60GHz 5G has already been shown to interfere with the oxygen molecules we breathe. Joe Imbriano has studied the molecular level of impact 5G will have and made an alarming discovery – 5G’s 60GHz bandwidth was selected for a specific reason. Imbriano thinks this reason may be to negatively affect the oxygen we breathe as part of a population control mechanism: “60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. In addition to disrupting oxygen absorption, 5G will alter the iron and magnetite function respectively of the hemoglobin and pineal gland. Hemoglobin and the pineal gland have a magnetic compound within them. The magnetic field disruption is already happening, but, with 5G, this disruption will be more seriously amplified. Hemoglobin is a very complex ferromagnetic compound. If we interfere with the orbital spin properties of diatomic oxygen’s (O2) electrons via 5G, our ability to absorb oxygen will be significantly hampered, creating slow suffocation. Because of this additional factor, with or without 5G, people should avoid 60 GHz WiFi systems in any case. At 60GHz the frequencies also impair the body’s ability to produce vitamin D and melanin. In this context, 5G and the 60 GHz delivery system is an overt attack on the human body.

Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)

Sounds like a unfounded conspiracy theory again? 

Did you check any of the claims in your post?

Here I checked this one for you 60GHz effects on human cells.



I have not checked your Vitamin D or melanin claims, can you be bothered to?

Everything is not a conspiracy theory. You have conspiracy theory on the brain. :lol: I don't blame you though since propaganda is constantly being put out that it is not ok to ask questions and you must believe everything told to you by the "officials" and "experts".


I will have to check who funds researchgate and your link when I am on a home pc.


Food for thought and something for you to ponder on is once the public has accepted the scientific establishment's truths, narratives, and designated "experts" then researchers who yield findings deviating from the accepted norm can be immediately branded as crackpots, lunatics, fringe nuts, pseudo-scientists and so on, regardless of how meticulous their methods, and irrefutable  their results. The media is crucial in this control dynamic because it sells the establishment's reality. This is the politically correct status quo maintained.


Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)



It is already clear from over 10,000 studies on 2G, 3G, and 4G that these wireless network radio frequency (RF) radiation network systems are causing significant acute and chronic health problems, including life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and mental disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, and increased suicidal tendencies.


Beyond the statements of informed individuals decrying the 5G “rollover”, there are also major organizations warning of its dangers. The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space currently boasts approximately 31,300 signatories as of January 11th, 2019. They write,


We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.


Even before 5G was proposed, dozens of petitions and appeals by international scientists, including the Freiburger Appeal signed by over 3,000 physicians, called for a halt to the expansion of wireless technology and a moratorium on new base stations. In 2015, 215 scientists from 41 countries communicated their alarm to the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO).They stated that “numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF [electromagnetic fields] affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. These concerns have a strong scientific foundation. More than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrate harm to human health from RF radiation.


These wise statements, while accurate on one level, are missing the larger point. There is a plan, within the next two years, to launch 20,000 satellites to beam 5G onto the planet. This new attack on life on Earth would cause a disruption of the earth’s primary harmonic frequency called the Schumann Resonance. When this harmonic resonance is disrupted, it is likely to cause and activate more physical and biological mechanisms for creating even more human health problems.


Since there’s not a lot of understanding about the Schumann Resonance, a little bit of background will help the discussion. The Schumann Resonance is a frequency generated from the wave resonance of the lower part of the ionosphere and the earth. The ionosphere has several different layers and is a shell of electrons and electrically charged atoms and molecules that surrounds the earth. It stretches from a height of about 50 km (31 miles) to 1,000 km (620 miles). The most relevant layer is the D-layer, which is the innermost layer at about 37-56 miles above Earth’s surface. It’s between the earth and the D-layer where there’s a resonance that is set up that creates the Schumann Resonance. There is a significant amount of research on the topic. In a paper by Neil Cherry published in July of 2002, he writes, “A large number of studies have identified significant physical, biological, and health effects associated with changes in solar and geomagnetic activity (S-GMA).”


The Schumann Resonance is a geomagnetic electric resonance between the surface of the earth and the lower levels of the ionosphere, which has a natural ultra-low frequency and extreme low-frequency signal. They are discovering that the Schumann Resonance signal is correlative with sunspot numbers and has a real physical mechanism located in the D-layer of the ionosphere with an ion and electron density that varies with the S-GMA. The Schumann Resonance would be potentially disrupted by 20,000 5G satellites put into orbit in the D-region of the ionosphere, as this D-region forms the upper boundary of the resonant cavity in which the Schumann Resonance is formed in relation to the earth. Research suggests that the Schumann Resonance signals are the mechanism through which melatonin production is activated. When the Schumann Resonance goes above 7.87 Hz, there is a decrease in melatonin secretion.


Many feel that the Schumann Resonance is already being altered by all the radiofrequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation humans are presently creating, and 5G will alter it significantly more. In the process, the 5G may also be creating enough electropollution noise, whether or not it is raising the Schumann Resonance frequency, and therefore disconnecting humanity from accessing the Schumann Resonance itself, and, thus, creating and/or amplifying a variety of acute and chronic disease problems documented in over 10,000 scientific papers that come from these 2G, 3G, and 4G frequencies.


The Schumann Resonance is essentially the pulse of the heart of the earth, to which our hearts and brains are specifically attuned with. It is highly likely it will be disrupted by 5G satellites, and thus would disrupt the basic harmonic of all life on the planet. The Schumann Resonance particularly resonates with our brains and hearts. This fact takes us to the heart of the matter. Basically, the electromagnetic field generated by the heart is evolutionarily tuned to 7.83 Hz. As this frequency potentially changes due to the increase in RF/MW radiation, it would most likely create problems in human health. This research needs to be done before 5G, and, particularly, 5G beamed from satellites is installed. This is basic health safety research. The Schumann Resonance is a planetary tuning fork to which all lifeforms on the surface of our planet are tuned. In essence, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and minds would be highly likely to be affected as the Schumann Resonance is disrupted. If it continues to rise in frequency due to the 5G (100 times more intense than current microwave), these human-made electromagnetic fields will create electromagnetic chaos. The increase of the Schumann Resonance above 7.83 Hz would increase the chaos within all biological organisms on the planet.


Researchers have shown that there is a key connection between the Schumann Resonance and the brain’s alpha states (frequencies between 8 Hz – 12 Hz). Many researchers, such as Dr. Konig, from Munich University, have shown a correlation between Schumann Resonance and brain rhythms. Alpha states are the brainwave frequency at which thinking and creativity are associated. Alpha brainwaves are associated with overall mental and body/mind coordination, alertness, and learning. These are core human functions, which may eventually express problematically as discordant psychological states.


The good news is that as long as the properties of the earth’s electromagnetic cavity, which holds the Schumann Resonance remain the same, we will remain in harmony with the Schumann Resonance and with the earth. The Schumann Resonance also helps the human biological system to become synchronized with the daily rhythmic cycles of the earth and melatonin production. According to Dr. Cherry’s research, as we disrupt the Schumann Resonance, including raising the potential frequency above 7.83 Hz through a variety of ways, we decrease melatonin secretion, which decreases our ability to be in harmony with the earth’s daily rhythmic cycles. Specifically, when there is an alteration, such as changes in S-GMA activity, ill effects follow such as altered blood pressure; reproductive, immune system, cardiac and neurological problems; mental disorders, depression, and suicide; increase hospital admissions, accidents, and sudden death; as well as other stress-related conditions. These electromagnetic disruptions and their negative health effects are not new, but 5G is one hundred times more potent in moving in that direction and will likely result in an increase in cancer, heart disease, depression, and other diseases. We already see epidemics in all these areas, as well as in type-2 diabetes. In There Is a Cure for Diabetes, this form of electromagnetic RF/MW radiation caused type-2 diabetes is well documented.


The awareness of the Schumann Resonance helps us to see the real cosmic interconnectedness of all of us humans, animals, plants, the planet earth, and the sun and moon. EMF and EMFR reduce melatonin secretion in animals and people. Once we understand that, it helps us examine at least one mechanism for why, indeed, we are seeing so many health problems. Melatonin is a vital natural neuro-hormone that regulates the daily circadian rhythm in mammals. Melatonin is the most potent known antioxidant; it has also been shown to protect against various forms of cancer. The pineal gland’s production of melatonin rises at night, and the melatonin is carried by the circulation system throughout the body, passing through the cell membrane and scavenging free radicals in the cell in order to protect the DNA. Melatonin also has many other vital functions involving the assistance of the immune system to maintain its immunocompetence, and it regulates sleep activity including aspects of REM sleep and sleep efficiency. Reduced melatonin production causes many serious biological effects in humans and other mammals, including chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, DNA damage leading to cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological diseases, and mortality. Melatonin reduction is also associated with arthritis, depression, and suicide, seasonally affective disorder (SAD), miscarriage, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Multiple independent studies have found that electromagnetic fields reduced melatonin in animals and human beings. The scientific evidence includes correlations with altered geomagnetic activity reducing human melatonin, through the Schumann Resonance signal effect. The level of evidence exceeds requirements for a causal link, strongly suggesting that melatonin production caused by electromagnetic fields and radiation exposure contributes significantly to the allocation of many adverse health effect rates.


All life has adapted over time to live in the electromagnetic frequencies of the Schumann Resonance, somewhere between 7.83 and 8 Hz. When we move away from this biologically attuned resonance field, it is highly likely to result in disorganization of our electrophysiology. This means that if you are susceptible to some of these frequencies, you may begin feeling “unusual stress, mental confusion, forgetfulness, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, periods of diminished hearing and eyesight, sudden onset of unexplained neurological problems and sharp pains shooting into head, as well as symptoms that mimic mental illness; depression, split personality disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia. The 5G frequencies have already been shown potentially to literally have a mass effect on mental functions in the populace. This has obvious serious negative spiritual implications because if you don’t have a functioning brain it is very hard to access our soul connection and evolve spiritually on the planet from a spiritual point of view. An additional worry held by many anti-globalists is that the globalist elites will use 5G, in a high percentage of cases, to keep everyone’s brainwaves in a range that prevents critical thought processing, and thus keeping people in the brainwave range that favors their agenda, for example, an emotional, slow, or hysteric state of thought — all depending on what they want the population to think. We need to understand that 5G will greatly amplify these mind control mechanisms that have already been proven to exist and be effective scientifically.


Research in the last 20 years shows that ELF electromagnetic fields affected the way calcium ions move in brain tissue and the way this affects the cells’ inner workings. The more permeable blood/brain barrier, which will happen with the 5G, a greater amount of toxins can enter the brain. The opening of the blood/brain barrier and calcium leakage is also associated with oxidative damage to the neurons; and it also breaks up the DNA structure. All of this is already associated with electro-smog, dirty electricity, electrical pollution, and electrical hypersensitivity, which is seen in many patients.


In addition to this, the 5G frequency is connected to the 60 GHz millimeter-wave band — 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond (5G is to start initially with sub-6GHz moving as quickly into 6GHz and above as the network advancement allows). This will allow the utilization of sub-millimeter and millimeter waves to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of RF/MW radiation. 5G represents a massive step up from 3G at 1.8-2.5 GHz, and 4G at 2-8 GHz, placing it well within the microwave category. This frequency is miles away from the natural resonance of 8Hz that our bodies are accustomed to, and far, far above current EMF levels (which are already damaging enough). High-frequency 60GHz 5G has already been shown to interfere with the oxygen molecules we breathe. Joe Imbriano has studied the molecular level of impact 5G will have and made an alarming discovery – 5G’s 60GHz bandwidth was selected for a specific reason. Imbriano thinks this reason may be to negatively affect the oxygen we breathe as part of a population control mechanism: “60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. In addition to disrupting oxygen absorption, 5G will alter the iron and magnetite function respectively of the hemoglobin and pineal gland. Hemoglobin and the pineal gland have a magnetic compound within them. The magnetic field disruption is already happening, but, with 5G, this disruption will be more seriously amplified. Hemoglobin is a very complex ferromagnetic compound. If we interfere with the orbital spin properties of diatomic oxygen’s (O2) electrons via 5G, our ability to absorb oxygen will be significantly hampered, creating slow suffocation. Because of this additional factor, with or without 5G, people should avoid 60 GHz WiFi systems in any case. At 60GHz the frequencies also impair the body’s ability to produce vitamin D and melanin. In this context, 5G and the 60 GHz delivery system is an overt attack on the human body.

You are smoking that crank crack Thoth101, I already explained the difference between ionizing radiation and microwaves, microwaves are harmless to cellular DNA (http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/36679-the-coronavirus-5g-connection-and-coverup/page-2).

Edited by VictorMedvil

I missed that post, I must have been distracted. That was a very good answer. 


A bit more easy reading for Thoth101 to read on radiation https://www.aocopm.org/assets/documents/10-31-11_Basic_Course_III_Orlando/ionizing%20an%20non.pdf

Actually we only have subjective science based entirely on human observation which can be incredibly flawed and to tell people to accept something as truth is unscientific because chances are there is already another scientific theory or discovery that challenges what you have been told or have discovered. This then becomes academic political correctness and once you start to challenge anything you're treated like your crazy or have no credibility.

  • 3 months later...

Independent Science on the Effect of Wireless Radiation on Human Health

There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. Here we present some of the most recent. 





XI. 5G Effects

  1. Model of Steady-state Temperature Rise in Multilayer Tissues Due to Narrow-beam Millimeter-wave Radiofrequency Field Exposure. Gajda, G., et al. Health Physics 117(3):254-266 (2019).

  2. Untargeted Metabolomics Unveil Alterations of Biomembranes Permeability in HumanHaCaT Keratinocytes Upon 60 HGz Milimeter-Wave Exposure. Pogam, Pierre., et al. Scientific Reports 9(9343) (2019).

  3. Ocular Response to Millimeter Wave Exposure Under Different Levels of Humidity. Kojima, M., et al. Journal of Infrared Milli Terahz Waves 40: 574–584 (2019).

  4. Millimeter Wave Radiation Activates Leech Nociceptors via TRPV1-Like Receptor Sensitization. Romanenko, S., et al. Biophysical Journal 116(12): 2331-2345 (2019).

  5. Systematic Derivation of Safety Limits for Time-Varying 5G Radiofrequency Exposure Based on Analytical Models and Thermal Dose. Neufeld, E., and Kuster, N. Health Physics Society (2018).

  6. Towards 5G Communication Systems: Are There Health Implications? Ciaula, AD. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 367-375 (2018). 

  7. 5G Wireless Telecommunications Expansion: Public Health and Environmental Implications. Russell, C.L. Environmental Research 165:484-495 (2018).

  8. The Human Skin As A Sub-THz Receiver – Does 5G Pose a Danger To It or Not? Betzalel, N., Ishai, P.B., and Feldman, Y. Environmental Research163:208-216 (2018).

  9. The Modeling of the Absorbance of Sun-THz Radiation by Human Skin. Betzalel, N., Feldman, Y., and Ishai, P.B. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 7(5):521-528 (2017).

  10. Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink. Nasim, I. and Kim, S. Georgia Southern University (2017).

  11. The Human body and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications. Wu, T., Rappaport, T., and Collins, C. IEEE International Conference on Communications (2015).

  12. State of Knowledge on Biological Effects at 40-60 GHz. Drean, Y., et al. Comptes Rendus Physique (2013).

  13. Effects of millimeter waves radiation on cell membrane-A brief review. Ramundo-Orlando, Alfonsina. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 31(12): 1400-1411 (2010)

  14. Human Skin as Arrays of Helical Antennas in Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Range. Feldman, Y., et al. The American Physical Society (2008).

  • 1 month later...

What does the 5G Network and a Non-Lethal Weapon developed by the military have in common? The Department of Defense has developed a non-lethal crowd control device called the Active Denial System (ADS). The ADS works by firing a high-powered beam of 95 GHz waves at a target—that is, millimeter wavelengths.

Directed Energy engages the Subject Penetration - this US Weapon can Defeat an entire Army - Advanced Denial System Directed Energy engages the Subject Penetration – this US Weapon can Defeat an entire Army – Advanced Denial System

5G is the latest wireless system that telecommunications companies are trying to implement to service wireless communication. It’s designed to allow faster downloads of more data. It uses the from 1GHz up to 95 GHz bands, also known as millimetre wave (mmW) spectrum. 5G, which comes from the term 5th generation, is designed to work in conjunction with what former CIA head David Petraeus called the Internet of Things or IoT.

  • DoD’s Non Lethal Weapons – 360 Degree Coverage with Elevation and Targeting

5G is also Target Acquiring System – Battlefield Interrogation – Phased Array – Small Cells – LED’s – Masquerading – Radar system – It’s important to understand what the 5G is doing and what they say it’s doing. 5G technology can cook your eyes like eggs in the World War 2 – Directed Energy Weapons – Control management system – Target Acquired – Isolation frequencies. You all need to understand this are the military weapons, these are Antonius’s frequencies. Smart technology – Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology – RFID CHIPS – Radio Frequency Identity Tags – Economic & Biological Terrorism. If you garters nothing more than that that’s what you need to know it’s microwave radiation for sure.

5G has Frequency Range up to 95 GHz

5G has Frequency Range up to 95 GHz


8 hours ago, montgomery said:

Looks like Thoth has gone shopping the the Czech Republic for his batshit crazy conspiracy theories now!

I go where the truth takes me. Do you have something against the Czech Republic? I have worked with people in the Balkans before and they are great people and have been through tough struggles.


Radio frequency radiation-related cancer: assessing causation in the occupational/military setting:




Results: The PF of HL cancers in the case series was very high, at 40% with only 23% expected for the series age and gender profile, confidence interval CI95%: 26-56%, p<0.01, 19 out of 47 patients had HL cancers. We also found high PF for multiple primaries. As for the three other cohort studies: In the Polish military sector, the PF of HL cancers was 36% in the exposed population as compared to 12% in the unexposed population, p<0.001. In a small group of employees exposed to RFR in Israeli defense industry, the PF of HL cancers was 60% versus 17% expected for the group age and gender profile, p<0.05. In Belgian radar battalions the HL PF was 8.3% versus 1.4% in the control battalions as shown in a causes of deaths study and HL cancer mortality rate ratio was 7.2 and statistically significant. Similar findings were reported on radio amateurs and Korean war technicians. Elevated risk ratios were previously reported in most of the above studies.

Conclusions: The consistent association of RFR and highly elevated HL cancer risk in the four groups spread over three countries, operating different RFR equipment types and analyzed by different research protocols, suggests a cause-effect relationship between RFR and HL cancers in military/occupational settings. While complete measurements of RFR exposures were not available and rough exposure assessments from patients interviews and from partial exposure data were used instead, we have demonstrated increased HL cancers in occupational groups with relatively high RFR exposures. Our findings, combined with other studies, indicate that exposures incurred in the military settings evaluated here significantly increased the risk of HL cancers. Accordingly, the RFR military exposures in these occupations should be substantially reduced and further efforts should be undertaken to monitor and measure those exposures and to follow cohorts exposed to RFR for cancers and other health effects. Overall, the epidemiological studies on excess risk for HL and other cancers together with brain tumors in cellphone users and experimental studies on RFR and carcinogenicity make a coherent case for a cause-effect relationship and classifying RFR exposure as a human carcinogen (IARC group 1).


Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices




Radiation exposure has long been a concern for the public, policy makers, and health researchers. Beginning with radar during World War II, human exposure to radio-frequency radiation (RFR) technologies has grown substantially over time. In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed the published literature and categorized RFR as a "possible" (Group 2B) human carcinogen. A broad range of adverse human health effects associated with RFR have been reported since the IARC review. In addition, three large-scale carcinogenicity studies in rodents exposed to levels of RFR that mimic lifetime human exposures have shown significantly increased rates of Schwannomas and malignant gliomas, as well as chromosomal DNA damage. Of particular concern are the effects of RFR exposure on the developing brain in children. Compared with an adult male, a cell phone held against the head of a child exposes deeper brain structures to greater radiation doses per unit volume, and the young, thin skull's bone marrow absorbs a roughly 10-fold higher local dose. Experimental and observational studies also suggest that men who keep cell phones in their trouser pockets have significantly lower sperm counts and significantly impaired sperm motility and morphology, including mitochondrial DNA damage. Based on the accumulated evidence, we recommend that IARC re-evaluate its 2011 classification of the human carcinogenicity of RFR, and that WHO complete a systematic review of multiple other health effects such as sperm damage. In the interim, current knowledge provides justification for governments, public health authorities, and physicians/allied health professionals to warn the population that having a cell phone next to the body is harmful, and to support measures to reduce all exposures to RFR.

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